The totalitarians on the far left say it's all about birth control, a smoke screen to hide their true intentions, the disrupt the United States Constitution and usurp religious liberty and freedom of conscience in a dictatorial way. It is about "choice" it is about same sex marriage and the right to it, it is about ordaining women as priests and it is about the right to manipulate nature for political means. It is about denying God and Divine Law; it is about the dictatorship of liberalism;it is about Adolph Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin,Castro and Hugo Chávez and the common thread against religious liberty and state interference and suppression of religious freedom:
"The Church's struggle with the dictatorship of relativism may, however, prove one of its most difficult challenges. That's partly because it's a subtle form of oppression that trades off words like "choice" that strongly resonate in Western societies -- the same societies in which many secularists all-too-quickly equate any religion's claim to teach the truth with murderers who fly planes into buildings.
In the span of human history, the Obama Administration is just a blip, however much it considers itself, like all progressivists, to be on history's cutting edge. But be warned: the Catholic Church's fight -- in fact, the fight of anyone, believer or non-believer, who recognizes secularist fundamentalism as a danger to freedom -- against the despotism of "there-is-no-moral-truth-and-Rawls-is-his-prophet" is only just beginning."--Samuel Gregg--Research Director at the Acton Institute.
What do the lefties mean when they say "these Catholic institutions pay for them anyway"?
So the real issue with the liberals comes out in the end. "Sexuality problem?" So predictable. Again, 98 percent of women use birth control? Where do they find these statistics?
Circular arguments over provision versus insurance turns into "we want to force our immorality onto you and we will not be satisfied until we wreck the Constitution to do so."
The Catholic Church is the salt they cannot savor.
I saw Lawrence O'Donnell last night on MSNBC talking about the non-religious exemptions in state laws for contraception coverage. The story being said by all these liberals that 28 states pay for them anyway with no exemption and 8 more more so than the others. He specifically mentions Georgia. Then says exemptions are very clear and he can't find a case any where in which there are none.
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