Last night on The O'Reilly Factor there was a lively discussion about how those on the political and religious "right" can be bigots towards those who are homosexual. To a certain extent, I would agree and have heard seemingly religious people use the worse kinds of slurs against the dignity of people who have same sex attractions. This is mortally sinful when done with full consent of the will and knowing that it is a mortal sin against charity itself. I know many Catholics struggling with their sexual identity and temptation who nonetheless are wonderful Catholics seeking God's grace in the Church, the sacraments and in their lives to be good, practicing Catholics. They are my friends and parishioners.
There is a wonderful ministry in the Church for those who find themselves as having same sex attractions and are even struggling with their sexual gender-identity. It is called COURAGE and press these next few sentences to go directly to their official website which describes their ministry in the following way:
Are you or a loved one experiencing homosexual attraction and looking for answers?
Courage, an apostolate of the Catholic Church, ministers to persons with same-sex attraction and their loved ones. We have been endorsed by the Pontifical Council for the Family and our beloved John Paul II said of this ministry, "COURAGE is doing the work of God!" We also have an outreach called EnCourage which ministers to relatives, spouses, and friends of persons with same-sex attraction.
In Courage you will get to know men and women who share in your concerns, meeting them online through our Listservs, or in person at Chapter Meetings, Conferences, Days of Recollection, and Retreats.
Come see what we are about. Browse our pages. Get to know our community. You'll be glad you did!
From our website you will learn about same sex attraction and chastity. By developing an interior life of chastity, which is the universal call to all Christians, one can move beyond the confines of the homosexual identity to a more complete one in Christ.
Come see what we are about. Browse our pages. Get to know our community. You'll be glad you did!
Now compare what Courage does as a legitimate Catholic ministry and what is trying to be accomplished during a Catholic Mass in Great Britain during the Prayers of the Faithful for those who are "Gay, Lesbian and transgendered." It is shocking and another sign of the total collapse of the understanding of natural law that reveals divine law and politicizing people during the Mass to be against the Church and her teachings revealed to us by God in natural law, Scripture and Tradition.
I wonder if the priest who allowed this will be suspended?
A transvestite is reading some of the intercessions, but listen to the wording of the intercessions! Capitulation by some Catholics and priests to those who hate the Catholic Church and want to remake her according to an "unnatural secular, sexualized model!" THE QUESTION WE MUST ASK OURSELVES AS ORTHODOX CATHOLICS IS WHEN WILL GOVERNMENTS IMPOSE UPON THE CATHOLIC CHURCH THIS SECULAR DOGMA?
So, I guess you won't post any gay jokes, right?
Correct, just as I won't post Polish Jokes or African Jokes.
I noticed you left out Italian jokes. You prejudiced?
And of course Italian jokes!
Welllllll, at least we can still make fun of the Canucks, eh?
Maybe it would be best just to laugh at the way Obama inadvertantly united us Catholics!
I noticed today that, not only has Obama united the Catholics*, but even the Orthodox Bishops in America have come out in union with the Catholic Bishops on this. I don't recall ever hearing the Orthodox Bishops issue any statements before! Good for them!
* We could debate whether Catholics are united against this: check out Fr. Z's Blog today for Pelosi's take on the whole thing. Although, she is excommunicated latae sententiae (more likely than not), so she is no longer Catholic.
One minor quibble -- what you should have said was "The Flouting Of Natural Law In The Church And During Mass." "Flaunt" means to show off. "Flout" means to treat a rule or law with contempt. ;)
correction made!!! Thanks for flaunting that I didn't have Flout! :)
On a colesly-related subject, I just finished reading the Perry v. Brown opinion, released today by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which overturned California's gay marriage ban. Unfortunately, it is a better-reasoned opinion than the train wreck that was the district court opinion. Specifically, it is an attempt to finesse the issue of whether gay marriage is a fundamental right. Essentially, the court says that since California continues to give same-sex couples a whole bunch of other rights incident to marriage, it can't arbitrarily take away their right to have the label "marriage" applied to their relationships. (The well-reasoned dissent, citing rational-basis review, argued that it can.) It's a sad commentary that the majority cited such illustrious authorities as Groucho Marx and Marilyn Monroe in support of its decision. I am not making this up.
We would have been better off, I'm afraid, with the reasoning of the district court, which was so full of holes that it couldn't possibly have stood if the Supreme Court used basic reason. The current opinion will be a lot easier for the Supremes to uphold. If they do, employing the Ninth Circuit reasoning, this case won't be the last word on the subject, but it will be a major victory for gay marriage. (Of course, the Supremes could go ahead and decide that gay marriage _is_ a fundamental right, and that _would_ be the coup de grace.)
I guess they all honeymoon on Broke Butt Mountain.
I'm going out on a limb and bet that priest has some 'urges' he is having issues with, too. This stuff makes no sense at all and is certainly not helping any homosexuals.
We are making this too hard. Do any of the clown Masses have a Ronald McDonald read intercessions for the morbidly obese? Maybe get a person with Tourette's syndrome can do the readings when they are from Revelations.
These people need our help. What sort of doctor asks the patient what the cure is? This is actually a mockery of their problems.
RCG, Revelation...not revelations. Revelation is a book in the NT about the Divine Revelation given to St. John.
Revelations is what your Priest hears when you confess your sordid little transgressions. LOL!
Oh, man. Dang iPhone does the autofinish and it's so hard to fix while I'm driving the motorcycle. I thought 'Revelation' was a Beatle's album. OK, as in 'Book of..'. I wondered why that poor young priest in the FSSP parish shaved his head.
Possession of any Beatle's album, save perhaps the first two purchased in your naive and callow youth, is grounds for your time in Purgatory to be increased exponentially. You and Rob should have plenty to discuss...
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