
Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 87 year old Pope Francis with a number of debilitating illnesses and side effects of aging, has set out for a grueling two week trip to a variety of countries, some with high temperature. I suspect, too, that Pope Francis is dying to get out of the Vatican!

Often, when we age, especially in the late 80’s, the person who is aging does not realize his limitations. i had a parishioner who was 87 years old buy a bike and promptly fall off of it breaking his hip. It was downhill from there.

Perhaps Pope Francis wants to end his papacy with his therapeutic shoes on, walking to the peripheries and ending it with missionary fervor. 

You have to hand it to him and the Sacrament of Confirmation’s gift of fortitude.


Mark Thomas said...

Rorate Caeli, January 19, 2022 A.D.

"Francis is very sick with cancer, including the Pancreas."

"Source: our most trustworthy sources."


March 14, 2024 A.D. Judge Andrew Napolitano:

"The Pope is in poor health, can barely speak or walk; and he radiates sadness. I was thrilled to reside in his home for four days, but I don't think he'll be there much longer."


Deo gratias that His Holiness remains with us. May Pope Francis' lengthy Apostolic Journey prove a holy success. May Pope Francis, as well as those in the Pope's traveling party, return safely to Rome.


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Pope Francis, like all of us, is terminally ill and time will prove it, even if His Holiness lives to be 115.

Nick said...

Can globetrot, can't celebrate Mass in public (no, "presiding," sometimes in a cope, sometimes with a stole haphazaradly thrown on, isn't the same thing) for... how many years now?


Mark Thomas said...

Pope Benedict XVI insisted that the age of jet travel had changed dramatically the manner in which the Papacy functioned. A Pope must resign his office should he lack the stamina to globetrot, according to Pope Benedict XVI.

That last opinion has been challenged by various folks. But Pope Francis has continued to travel worldwide in line with his globetrotting predecessors. I am thankful for that as I have been blessed via Pope Francis' Apostolic Journeys.

I have been uplifted spiritually by the tremendous outpourings of love that have flowed from countless Catholics, as well as non-Catholics, who have flocked to His Holiness.

Therefore, I am excited that Pope Francis' Apostolic Journey to Asia has commenced.


Mark Thomas

— Pope Leo X: "You will firmly abide by the true decision of the Holy Roman Church and to this Holy See, which does not permit errors."

Nick said...

Mark Thomas,

Pope John Paul II, who started this trend, managed to celebrate Mass publicly until he was on death's doorstep.

To plagiarize Phil Lawler, "The Pope, as foremost representative of the faithful, is called to serve as priest, prophet, and king. The priest comes first. . . . [W]hen he celebrates the Eucharistic liturgy in public, he reminds the world that this is the most important thing we do, the source and summit of our spiritual life."

Imagine how inspiring it would be if there was one less speech and one actual papal Mass, not just a Mass coram obediendissimo. As it is, one is led to conclude that the multiplication of speeches and statements takes priority, no matter the occasion, over celebrating the source and summit of our Faith (there I go again, referencing Vatican II in a way that doesn't comport with the Council's "Spirit").


Mark Thomas said...

Nick, Pope Saint John Paul II, rather than resign, managed to continue as Pope until he vacated this world. Pope Saint John Paul II refused to leave his flock. I respected that decision. I have viewed that decision as inspirational.

Conversely, Pope Benedict XVI had chosen to resign his Papal office. I respected that decision. My point is that the above-mentioned Popes conducted themselves as they had deemed proper.

Pope Francis has conducted himself as he has deemed proper. I accept that.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Cardinal Tagle in regard to Pope Francis' current Apostolic Journey:

Pope Francis' subjection to the rigors of such a long trip "is an act of humility before the Lord who calls us – an act of humility and obedience to the mission."

I agree with that. Pope Francis' current grueling Apostolic Journey testifies to his great humility, as well as obedience to the role in which God has prepared His Holiness. That is, God has raised Jorge Bergoglio to teach, govern, and sanctify us as our august Pope.

I believe that Pope Benedict XVI's resignation as Pope constituted an act of great humility.

I believe that Pope Saint John Paul II's determination to have remained with his flock constituted an act of great humility. He served as Pope despite his tremendous physical suffering.


Mark Thomas

— Pope Leo XII: Encyclical Ubi Primum:

"The Church, as St. Leo the Great teaches, in well-ordered love accepts Peter in the See of Peter, and sees and honors Peter in the person of his successor the Roman pontiff."