
Wednesday, September 18, 2024



As it concerns the cognitive issues of Joe Biden, his are more from an inability to speak or clearly express his thoughts. With Pope Francis, it is diarrhea of the mouth, everything and anything comes out. But now, cognitive issues due to age may be causing it to become explosive. 

Normally, the heterodox National Catholic Reporter would never condemn something Pope Francis has said or done. But Sean Michael Winters is appalled at what Pope Francis said about the American Elections during his high altitude news conference. Appalled at Pope Francis, I say, is Sean Michel Winters. You can read his rant HERE!

In the orthodox corner, Archbishop Chaput clearly critiques what Pope Francis has said about all religions as a path to God. Should we expect our popes to be precise, sober and orthodox in their verbal teachings, even when off-the-cuff? You bet! Silence is golden when a world leader, who is the pope, chooses only to teach with a text in front of him and to stay quiet when tempted to spew forth random thoughts he heard during the 1970’s. 

You can read what the orthodox Archbishop Chaput wrote HERE.

At the end of every one of Pope Francis apostolic journeys, he steps on all the good will of his trip and the good things he taught or preached by saying things that are explosively controversial. All the hard work of the pilgrimage is sidelined and people only talk about the controversy he creates at the end of his trips.

Have you read any commentary on anything worthwhile he said during his two weeks away?

Most of these apostolic journeys are tourist events. Throngs of people, acting like excited tourists, come out to see in person a tourist attraction. There is the joy of tourism and seeing things in person that a tourist sees. Shouldn’t Catholicism be about something more and the papacy too?

1 comment:

qwikness said...

It is perplexing when he says, “every religion is a way to arrive at God.” It makes no sense. I guess he means one should follow his/her own culture's norms that lead to a nebulous type 'god'. So there have been some pretty heinous religions in history. I could make up my own religion. Are these ways to arrive at God? I don't think so.