
Sunday, September 29, 2024


High altitude press conference shows how angry he is at heterodox Catholics  after all he has done to coddle them. Will there be a Vatican visitation of this university????

Annachiara Valle (Famiglia Cristiana)

Thank you, Holy Father. Yesterday, after the meeting at the Catholic University of Louvain, a statement was released where, I read, “The University deplores the conservative positions expressed by Pope Francis on the role of women in society.” They say that it's a bit restrictive to talk about women only in terms of motherhood, fertility, and care, and that indeed this is somewhat discriminatory, because it is a role that also belongs to men. And related to this, both universities have raised the issue of ordained ministries in the Church.

First of all, this statement was released at the moment when I was speaking. It was pre-written, and this is not moral.

Regarding women, I always speak of the dignity of women, and in this context I said something that I cannot say about men: the Church is woman; she is the bride of Jesus. Masculinizing the Church, masculinizing women is not humane; it is not Christian. The feminine has its own strength. In fact, women—I always say—are more important than men because the Church is female; the Church is the bride of Jesus. If this seems conservative to those ladies, then I am Carlo Gardell (a well-known Argentinian tango singer, ed.). It's not understandable… I see that there is an obtuse mind that does not want to hear about this.

Woman is equal to man. In fact, in the life of the Church, woman is superior because the Church is feminine. Regarding ministry, the mysticism of woman is greater than ministry. There is a great theologian who studied this, asking which is greater: the Petrine ministry or the Marian ministry. The Marian ministry is greater, because it is a ministry of unity that involves others; the other is a ministry of management.

The maternal nature of the Church is the maternal nature of a woman. Ministry is a much lesser ministry, meant to accompany the faithful, always within a maternal nature. Various theologians have studied this, and say this is a real thing; I don't say modern, but real; it is not outdated.

An exaggerated feminism, which means that women are chauvinists, does not work. One thing is a masculinism that is not okay; another is a feminism that is not okay. What works is the feminine Church being greater than the priestly ministry. And this is not often considered.

But thank you for the question. And thank you all for this journey and for the work you have done. I'm sorry that time is tight here. But thank you, thank you very much. I pray for you; you pray for me. Pray on my behalf!

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