
Friday, September 13, 2024


Pope Francis calls abortion murder of the innocent unborn human being and throwing migrants out a mortal sin. Pope Francis said Catholics have a decision of conscience in the two candidates for US presidency in choosing between the lesser of two evils.

Anna Matranga (CBS News)

Your Holiness, you have always spoken in defence of the dignity of life. In Timor-Leste, which has a high birth rate, you said you felt life pulsing and exploding with so many children. In Singapore, you defended migrant workers. With the US elections coming up, what advice would you give a Catholic voter faced with a candidate who supports ending a pregnancy and another who wants to deport 11 million migrants?

Pope Francis:

Both are against life: the one that throws out migrants and the one that kills children. Both are against life. I can’t decide; I’m not American and won’t go to vote there. But let it be clear: denying migrants the ability to work and receive hospitality is a sin, a grave sin. The Old Testament speaks repeatedly of the orphan, the widow, and the stranger—migrants. These are the three that Israel must care for. Failing to care for migrants is a sin, a sin against life and humanity.

I celebrated Mass at the border, near the diocese of El Paso. There were many shoes from migrants, who ended poorly there. Today, there is a flow of migration within Central America, and many times they are treated like slaves because people take advantage of the situation. Migration is a right, and it was already present in Sacred Scripture and in the Old Testament. The stranger, the orphan, and the widow—do not forget this.

Then, abortion. Science says that at one month after conception, all the organs of a human being are present. Everything. Having an abortion is killing a human being. Whether you like the word or not, it’s murder. The Church is not closed-minded because it forbids abortion; the Church forbids abortion because it kills. It is murder; it is murder!

And we need to be clear about this: sending migrants away, not allowing them to grow, not letting them have life is something wrong, it is cruelty. Sending a child away from the womb of the mother is murder because there is life. And we must speak clearly about these things. “No, but however...” No “but however.” Both things are clear. The orphan, the stranger, and the widow—do not forget this.

CBS Reporter:

In your opinion, Your Holiness, are there circumstances in which it is morally permissible to vote for a candidate who is in favor of abortion?

Pope Francis:

In political morality, it is generally said that not voting is ugly, it's not good. One must vote. And one must choose the lesser evil. Which is the lesser evil? That lady or that gentleman? I don’t know; each person must think and decide according to their own conscience.


Mark said...

Oh dearie, dearie me. This will certainly put the cat among the pigeons—unless they’ve been eaten by Haitian immigrants that is.

Mark J.

Mark Thomas said...

Kamala Harris' link to the Culture of Death is not limited to her support for abortion. Here are just two among many such examples:

-- Kamala Harris is tied to the War Party.

-- Kamala Harris favors destructive policies as advanced by the homosexual lobby. As Pope Francis noted in 2013 A.D., said lobby is not good.


Donald Trump's link to the Culture of Death is not limited to his support of anti-Catholic policies that pertain to migrants. Here are just two among many such examples:

-- Donald Trump is pro-abortion.

-- Donald Trump favors anti-family policies.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...

Abortion is an intrinsic evil, keeping illegal aliens out of the Country is not an intrinsic evil. I wonder how many he has taken in at the Vatican. The Pope's moral compass is broken.