
Friday, July 5, 2024



Archbishop Viganò excommunicated
Former nuncio to the U.S. is found guilty of the canonical crime of schism.


TJM said...

LOL! The Pope is fomenting schism but his clerical lapdogs lack the guts to say it. This is nothing more than the revenge of the perverts in the Vatican who are not worthy to tie Vigano’s sandle straps!

Bob said...

I liked the Babylon Bee coverage, "Pope Excommunicates Archbishop For Being Christian".

TJM said...


Spot on!

Michael A said...

I’ve noticed a particular tragic disorder in priests who have a desire to celebrate the punishment of their fellow priests and to even participate in scandalizing good and holy priests, like Archbishop Vigano. Rather than snickering about how a priest should have been loyal to his superior, the fellow priests should remember Pope Gregory the Great’s teaching, “It is better that scandals arise than that truth should be suppressed”.

When a devout priest justifiably resists orders from modernist and sinful prelates, it’s not only the liberal and sinful priests who rejoice in the actions of the modern day Sanhedrin, but it’s also priests who you would otherwise believe would be supportive of holy servants of God for calling out unjust authority. I had an example of this exact thing happen in my diocese and witnessed the injustice perpetrated by a priest I believed was honest and good as he shocked me by putting his “loyalty” to a scoundrel bishop above all else and destroyed the vocation of a priest who days before told me that he was a “little Padre Pio”.

Father McDonald has written so many times about how justifiable the sentence given to AB Vigano is, but when it comes down to it, what Vigano is guilty of is speaking the truth. The pope we have is a tyrant just like the communist tyrants he so admires. To say that this pope is illegitimate and that his teachings are in contradiction to the Magisterium of the Church, isn’t crazy as Father McDonald thinks, but simply the truth.

Schadenfreude is not a good thing, it’s a devious personality trait and behavior that priests should not practice especially when they are envious about other priests who are holier than they are. It’s little wonder that many saints experienced spiritual envy from their colleagues and suffered persecutions from their superiors. Very simply put, in the case of Vigano and Bergoglio, the first is on his way to heaven and the latter is at best a ?

ByzRus said...

While one might admire the Abp. for standing up for his principles, was all that worth his soul? Could he not have just been part of the devoted and loyal opposition? Papacies, a boss, presidents, justices, the local sheriff, kings and queens - whomever in a position of authority - are moments in time. The Church and her sacraments are eternal. Perhaps the Abp. could have chosen more wisely and devoted himself to prayer for its betterment.

Mark Thomas said...

Archbishop Viganò declared:

"No Catholic worthy of the name can be in communion with this 'Bergoglian church,' because it acts in clear discontinuity and rupture with all the Popes of history and with the Church of Christ."


To take seriously the above unhinged declaration is to believe that Catholics in communion with Holy Mother Church are not worthy of the name "Catholic."

Said folks do not belong to the Catholic Church, according to Archbishop Viganò. Instead, each Catholic on earth belongs to the false "Bergoglian church," according to Archbishop Viganò.

Each diocese and Eparchy on earth is in communion with Pope Francis. However, to believe Archbishop Viganò, each diocese and Eparchy throughout the world has abandoned the Catholic Church.

Father McDonald, his bishop, my bishop, Cardinal Burke, FSSP, ICK, Cardinal Müller, Archbishop Gänswein...again, the entire Catholic Church...are in communion with a false Church — the false "Bergoglian church," according to Archbishop Viganò.

I find it difficult to believe that any stable, sentient adult Catholic would take seriously the bizarre, unhinged, Satanic garbage in which Archbishop Viganò has long trafficked.

It is one thing for Archbishop Viganò to espouse his bizarre, unhinged trash in question. But for an adult Catholic to attach himself/herself to the disgraced "V is for Viganò" club...unbelievable. Wow!


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Archbishop Viganò declared:

"No Catholic worthy of the name can be in communion with this 'Bergoglian church,' because it acts in clear discontinuity and rupture with all the Popes of history and with the Church of Christ."


To take seriously the above unhinged declaration is to believe that Catholics in communion with Holy Mother Church are not worthy of the name "Catholic."

Said folks do not belong to the Catholic Church, according to Archbishop Viganò. Instead, each Catholic on earth belongs to the false "Bergoglian church," according to Archbishop Viganò.

Each diocese and Eparchy on earth is in communion with Pope Francis. However, to believe Archbishop Viganò, each diocese and Eparchy throughout the world has abandoned the Catholic Church.

Father McDonald, his bishop, my bishop, Cardinal Burke, FSSP, ICK, Cardinal Müller, Archbishop Gänswein...again, the entire Catholic Church...are in communion with a false Church — the false "Bergoglian church," according to Archbishop Viganò.

I find it difficult to believe that any stable, sentient adult Catholic would take seriously the bizarre, unhinged, Satanic garbage in which Archbishop Viganò has long trafficked.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

The following will demonstrate the horrific extent to which Archbishop Viganò has become an unhinged agent of Satan:

Archbishop Viganò has insisted that the Second Sacred Vatican Ecumenical Council is an heretical, Satanic Council — a "devil council," as he termed Vatican II.

Conversely, from the dawn of Vatican II, to the end of his earthly life, Joseph Ratzinger, as Father, Bishop, Archbishop, Cardinal, Pope, Emeritus, insisted that the Council was orthodox.

Joseph Ratzinger insisted that the holy Council had "proved to be not only meaningful, but necessary." In addition, holy Joseph Ratzinger said in regard to Vatican II:

"It must be stated that Vatican II is upheld by the same authority as Vatican I and the Council of Trent, namely, the Pope and the College of Bishops in communion with him, and that also with regard to its contents, Vatican II is in the strictest continuity with both previous councils and incorporates their texts word for word in decisive points..."

"Whoever accepts Vatican II, as it has clearly expressed and understood itself, at the same time accepts the whole binding tradition of the Catholic Church, particularly also the two previous councils..."

"It is likewise impossible to decide in favor of Trent and Vatican I but against Vatican II."

"Whoever denies Vatican II denies the authority that upholds the other two councils and thereby detaches them from their foundation."


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Archbishop Viganò has assured us that Pope Francis is a...

-- "false prophet."

-- "servant of Satan."

-- "apostate pope."

-- "Everything that Bergoglio does constitutes an offense and a provocation to the entire Catholic Church, to her Saints of all times, to the Martyrs who were killed in odium Fidei, and to the Popes of all times until the Second Vatican Council."

-- "No Catholic worthy of the name can be in communion with this 'Bergoglian church,' because it acts in clear discontinuity and rupture with all the Popes of history and with the Church of Christ."

-- "...the Council represents the ideological, theological, moral, and liturgical cancer of which the Bergoglian “synodal church” is the necessary metastasis."

-- "I repudiate, reject, and condemn the scandals, errors, and heresies of Jorge Mario Bergoglio..."

-- "I repudiate the neomodernist errors inherent in the Second Vatican Council and in the so-called “post-conciliar magisterium,” in particular in matters of collegiality, ecumenism, religious freedom, the secularity of the State, and the liturgy."


Archbishop Viganò is an unhinged agent of Satan. Therefore, Archbishop Viganò is in need of our prayers.

May Archbishop Viganò throw in with Pope Benedict XVI who, in turn, had granted "unconditional reverence and obedience" to Pope Francis.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...

Speaking of unhinged?

TJM said...

Michael A,

So wonderfully stated!

These modernist priests would condemn St. Catherine of Siena who had plenty of harsh words for bad pope:

Catherine’s correspondence with Pope Gregory XI is particularly notable. In her letters, she did not shy away from admonishing the Pope, urging him to return the papacy to Rome. Her language was strikingly direct and authoritative, reflecting her deep spiritual conviction and her sense of urgency. In one of her letters, she wrote, “Be manly in my sight, and not fearful.” This exhortation was not merely a call to action but a challenge to the Pope’s courage and resolve.

But what does she know?

Michael A said...

TJM, thank you, I wish our blog patron would see things differently. And it’s a real shame that these kind of events lead to further splintering among people who generally agree with one another. I hope Father McDonald doesn’t wait too long for the German heretics to get their just deserts, because we know that Bergoglio sees no reason for any reprimand. Under Bergoglio’s tribunals, there is no such thing as a radical leftist, only “neo protestants” whose heads must roll.

If you asked Francis about the heretics in Austria who erected the sacrilegious statue of our Blessed Mother, he’d tell you that the “vandals” need to be brought to justice. I think this is where I part ways with Father McDonald. If I had the chance to destroy that piece of trash standing in the Cathedral, I would do it in a second, but I’m afraid that Father McDonald would admonish me not to do it because it’s in a cathedral and I would be defying the will of the local bishop. At the risk of being a neo protestant I believe whoever, destroyed that hideous image of the Blessed Mother with the legs of a male body builder, deserves The Cross of Honor.

TJM said...

Michael A,

Father McDonald is a fine priest, but he is being played by Bergoglio and his minions. In Bergoglio World, Holy Obedience is demanded of faithful, traditional Catholic clergy and laity even when Rome is pushing novel and dangerous ideas while in stark contrast the German bishops and perverts in the Vatican can do whatever the "H" they want with impunity.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

TJM sounds like you have separated yourself from the Supreme Pontiff. I won’t let you comment here as I would not allow a pope hating Protestant to have free rein commenting here. Are you a Catholic in union with the pope or not and do you follow the teachings of Christ and the perennial magisterium of the Church in terms of respect for persons to include the Supreme Pontiff and the institution of the papacy instituted by Christ?