
Saturday, July 27, 2024


The Vatican, which these days does not have very many bright bulbs or faithful Catholics, put up an on-line poll to find out what those on social media think about synodality.

I have written before and will write again that many in the Vatican in high places in running the synod on synodality seldom if ever speak about God, either as a Trinity, or Jesus alone and there is never any talk about repentance, a new way of life in accord with Jesus. There is nothing about the Blessed Mother or any of the saints and no talk about the glory of heaven, which is meant to be our destination as Catholics.

Let me add, that Pope Francis does talk about Trinitarian beliefs, the Blessed Mother, salvation and the dark side of that of the devil and his abode. But the heads of the Synod on synodality, not so much if at all. 

Instead, for these dim bulbs,  synodality is held up as a false god in and of itself and conversion to synodality is the goal. Yes you read that correctly, CONVERSION to synodality is the goal.

You don’t believe me? Well read the question put on an on-line survey of what Catholics think about synodality. The question would be funny if is weren’t so unfunny.

But this is where the Holy Spirit and the Sensus Fidelium jumps in and saves the day. Far more, and I mean far more Catholics said that synodality does not help them whatsoever and that they couldn’t care less about it. 

This matches my findings. Less that 1% of worldwide Catholics give a flipping damn about synodality. They know it appeals only to that less than 1% of elite Catholics enthused about it because they can change the Church into their own image and ideology. Faithful Catholics abhor the whole thing and fear the dictatorship of synodality shoved down our throats as a false god, just as Vatican II was worshipped for a few decades after the council until Jesus stopped it only to have that worship return in the last 13 years. 

You can read Crux full article on this yet again Vatican debacle HERE.

Here, though, it the question from a poll which was then taken down by the Vatican when the answer did not go their preconceived way:

Published the morning of July 25, the poll asked the question, “Do you believe that synodality as a path of conversion and reform can enhance the mission and participation of all the baptized?” It offered either “yes” or “no” as a response. And NO, NO, NO, won out as “yes” was beaten to death. Thank you Jesus!”

1 comment:

Tom Makin said...

Synodality? The whole notion is preconceived from the Pope on down. We street Catholics could not care less as you say. I've reached the conclusion that we just need to ride this out. This too shall pass. HFPF knows this too and is quietly and slowly backing off in favor of ensuring his successor is preconceived. That is more important to him now than anything else. Why else would Cardinal Tagle be running around campaigning worldwide? Don't tell me he isn't. That painted on smile is so fake.