
Sunday, July 7, 2024


This is a Novus Ordo Mass I celebrated at Saint Joseph Church in Macon, Georgia around 2008 or '09. Recently, a very traditional website, which only praises the TLM ditches the NO, used this photo to praise the TLM on their Facebook page. I posted a comment on that post saying in fact it was the "Ordinary Form" of the Mass celebrated in an" extraordinary way"! I think they might have removed the photo! Therein is the problem with traditionalists shooting themselves in the foot!

During the papacy of the pope of the century, Pope Benedict XVI, the progressives in the Church, symbolized by the National Catholic Reporter's ideologies, where angry, unhinged and apoplectic when Cardinal Ratzinger was elected. 

The liturgical progressives went ballistic when Pope Benedict issued his now defunct Summorum Pontificum, the logical progression of Pope Benedict's papal magisterium of renewal within continuity of the past. 

I never thought, during the papacy of Pope Benedict, that orthodox Catholics, either those completely satisfied with the modern Mass or those who prefer the TLM, would ever act as despicably against a pope as the modernists did to Pope Benedict.  


And therein lies the animus Pope Francis has toward those who desire orthodoxy, especially those who want the TLM exclusively. We have unhinged prelates, priests and laity not only disrespecting the current pope but the papacy itself. They are, of course, Neo-Protestants. And one of the most unhinged is Archbishop Vigano, now justly excommunicated, but as a medicine to lead him to repentance and full communion with the Church once again. 

Let me give some advice to the orthodox, especially those who will not attend a Novus Ordo Mass, but drive hours to a TLM, even one where the priest is only partially in full communion with the Church:


Back in the day when I was a pastor, I experimented regularly with celebrating the Novus Ordo Mass in Latin, with a schola chanting the propers and other parts of the Mass. The entire Mass was ad orientem, except for the Liturgy of the Word, which, apart from using the Gradual, was the Liturgy of the Word for the day offered as it is in all Novus Ordo Masses. 

This Novus Ordo Mass was choreographed as the TLM is.

Holy Communion was distributed at an altar railing with kneeling for those who desire it but one could stand as well. 

I also celebrated the Novus Ordo in this "traditional" way but entirely in the vernacular, English in our case. 

When Saint Anne's in Richmond Hill, Georgia was no longer allowed to celebrate the TLM each Tuesday at 5 PM, I celebrated the NO in the traditional way and in Latin.

I was shocked, shocked I say, but not really, that the more hard-shelled TLM lovers refused to attend the Tuesday Mass celebrated as closely as possible as a TLM but being faithful to the Latin Novus Ordo Roman Missal.  

These hard-shell TLM lovers, a minority in my view, but too very vocal, have shot all TLM lovers in the foot as well as themselves. It shows a grotesque lack of spiritual and moral and Roman Catholic maturity. 

Maybe we can recover what Pope Benedict XVI tried to accomplish and the trajectory for Church renewal he established during his papacy with the next pope. I don't know; I'm not clairvoyant. But Pope Benedict's vision for  Renewal in Continuity is the only way to go and liturgically the way to go is a new Roman Missal that is a combination of both the NO and the TLM, similar to the hybrid Missal briefly used around 1964 to about 1967.


ByzRus said...

Fr. AJM,

You are not wrong. Adherents of Tradition have not always been gracious regarding the provided latitude, gracious and grateful to the Pope and at peace with their neighbor. That is fact.

Is it not also fact that adherents of Tradition have been maligned, abused (or, at least miss-treated) such that they are almost programmed to be defensive? Ideally, Trad's should just be grateful, focused and go about their business in peace and, possibly, peace and freedom would be returned in kind. However, has the Novus Ordo holy sacrifice of the mass not been abused? Have bishops not miss-treated priests who favored tradition, even that traditional re-enchantment desired by the late, great Benedict XVI? In all fairness, and without rehashing years of actions posted throughout blogosphere and elsewhere, did the Church not manufacture some of its own problem?

TLM'ers are not too dissimilar from "Old Believers" in Orthodoxy. They too were maligned and persecuted until the Russian Patriarchate determined the spiritual welfare of adherents required reconciliation and attention. There is peace within this community now. Perhaps something similar is needed within the Roman Church.

My point, bearing in mind I don't have a "dog" in this fight? While I believe Trads haven't always helped their own cause, fault likely exists on both sides. Until Rome determines an accommodation that addresses their spiritual needs, or, implements consistent reform that provides believers with a liturgical expression that is universally loved, cared for and allows for these so-called liturgical wars to be ended in entirety, I don't think a peaceable solution is realistic. Compliance by force isn't likely to be successful. To note: I've attended NO masses ad orientem that filled with the beauty that you yourself provided and loved them. I thought, had the NO been implemented this way, I think the upheaval of the last +50 years would never have happened.

I'm delighted to consider your reasoned counterargument, should you wish to provide one.

Seamus Malone said...

Yes, Father we get it. Trads are at fault too. You're the "unicorn". Tradition in continuity. Play both sides of the fence. Best of both worlds. Mass created by corrupted commission with misapplied interpretation of Vatican II is valid. Sure. Uh huh. Yeah. Thanks. Got anything NEW to tell us?

Православный физик said...

ByzRus is pretty much on point with everything...

Something I've brought up to this blog, and i'll bring it up again, the very fact that it is possible to celebrate the Missal in complete contradiction to the tradition of the west is a problem. The fact that Liturgy is no longer seen as a gift, but rather something where something needs to be imposed is a problem.

The questions that one needs to ask are the following: Does it help me love God more? Does it help me love others more? Is it within my sphere of direct influence? If no is the answer to any of these questions is it even worth the bother?

These days I'm on the Eastern side of the fence, but I was once in a position where I refused to attend the NO and only went to the TLM. It ended up being destructive both physically and spiritually...

I do not have a dog in the firhgt, but the amount of disrespect that is given to ones own tradition by the present pontificate is extremely hard to swallow for this person on the other side of the fence. I pray for saner days to return in the meantime.

Peace in Christ!


Bob said...

All well and good except for the likely majority whose choices are only (until recently) between a decent Latin mass and indecent modern mass with grand pianos and arm flapping director/player down front next to 3/4 empty choir "lofts"/bleachers and whiny Father Feelgoods telling everyone how wonderful they are, where attending the modern masses feels more akin to wiping feet on a always seem to miss just how terrible are masses for most folk, Father.

Nick said...

Are FSSP and ICKSP priests are part of the problem, too? The high inquisitors of hyperpapalism (they hold court on Twitter) have declared that they harbor a schismatic mentality for refusing to concelebrate the Chrism Mass with their local bishop. So they've earned what's coming to them!

And I suppose the average lay Catholic has a beautiful, reform-of-the-reform Mass celebrated by a priest who conducts himself reverently on every street corner. Let's just say that if I still lived where I grew up, my choices for not pulling my hair out on Sundays would be (1) the ordinariate (2) the TLM or (3) (pretending to) ignore the liturgical abuses from the first notes of the opening hymn.


Bob said...

Nick, I am witchu, boss!....especially on the third point, where masses SO bad and people just going through smarmy motions from sanctuary to narthex, that it seems near or at sacrilege, and being there making one an accessory to that crime....

and what a mental state in which to be, the anger and disgust forefront,..when what is needed is a good temple cleansing, or more easily done, to just let them have it to themselves.

Bob said...

Yeah, yeah, I know...GOOD Catholics are just supposed to suck it up and go, and not rebel, because, well, that's what the rules say...

Of course, doing that 50yrs ago is what put us in this current disaster, but, you knoe how it is, rules are rules, and it really the rules which matter, not the spiritual life.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Becoming a schismatic is NOT an option for a faithful orthodox Catholic! LET ME REPEAT THAT! BECOMING SCHISMATIC IS NOT AN OPTION FOR A FAITHFUL ORTHODOX CATHOLIC!!! I can’t believe I have to defended the papacy and the respect we owe to the pope, whether we like him or not! What nonsense we are seeing in the church from neo conservatives who are real Protestants!

William said...

These past fifty years or so have been a white martyrdom for faithful, obedient Catholics. How long, LORD? How long must we languish? Hear us, LORD, graciously hear us and let our cries come unto THEE.

Thomas Garrett said...


Nobody here said we have to disrespect the pope. I'm not even sure anyone has done more than disrespect the immense disrespect that this pope has shown the most faithful members of the Church. Name-calling ("You PROTESTANTS! SCHISMATICS!") isn't helping. Catholics who point out that the golden age promised after the council never happened aren't bad people, even if they get on your nerves.

Bob said...

Father, respect is earned, not manufactured via promotion....and that goes from lowliest parish priest up to Pope...and likewise in any other human relation...someone honorable, I honor...someone dispicable, I calling any boss unworthy of the office, who has demonstrated their unworthiness time and again, is not workplace rebellion or being a religious schismatic...nor am I bound to follow their orders when them plainly wrong, contrary to long standing institutional objectives and damaging to the institution, whether civilian, military, or religious.

Being Catholic does not mean being a mindless slave.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Bob, with all respect, you are missing the mark on Jesus’ teachings about the perfect love of God and neighbor. Yours is, unfortunately, a secular approach and fueled by social media and the mean spiritedness that so many exhibit on social media writing uncharitable things about people which they would never say in person to their face. Catholics are called to love the sinner and hate the sin. I have called out some of the confusion and ambiguities of Pope Francis without in any way questioning the respect I owe the pope as a Catholic and as a priest, no matter who that pope is, good, bad or indifferent. Again, you comment misses the mark by a wide margin in terms of the respect we must offer both the pope and the institution of the papacy as well as the Magisterium of the pope and the Church.

Thomas Garrett said...

Gotta admit Father, I'm kinda mad at you. I don't appreciate you calling people who've had a bellyful of fakechurchery "schismatics and protestants".

But I gotta agree with you too. Bob's notion of respect is pure secularism. Christians are called upon to love and respect our neighbors, even when we think they don't deserve it. Jesus died for a race of people utterly unworthy of His love. Aren't we supposed to imitate him in all things?