
Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Is the love fest for Pope Francis by progressive Catholics radicalized by the modern liturgy over? In a word, YES! The Modern Liturgy created this mess and now the the hate is coming home to roost once again, not seen since Pope Benedict. 

This is from the Jesuitical America Magazine. They, too, must be apoplectic like the radicalized Modern Mass crowd:

In a press release this morning, the Women’s Ordination Conference, which advocates for women to be ordained to the priesthood, called the pope’s comment “a betrayal of the synodal project of ‘journeying together,’” noting that “the church is currently in the midst of a global consultation process, and calls for women’s equitable inclusion in all aspects of church life have been heard on every continent.”
Others took issue with Pope Francis’ formulation of the historical question of women deacons, when he said, “Women have always had, I would say, the function of deaconesses without being deacons, right?”
Phyllis Zagano, one of the world’s foremost experts on the female Diaconate in the Catholic Church and a member of the first Vatican study commission on the topic under Francis, said in a written statement to America, “Surely Pope Francis did not intend to shut down several decades of study and ignore the import of Spirit-led discernment, which he has been so keen to emphasize as the modus operandi of the Catholic Church.”
“It is unfortunate that the pope seems to deny the well-known tradition of ordained women deacons in Christianity, especially given the fact that a [Greek] Orthodox woman was ordained deaconess on May 2 in Zimbabwe,” Dr. Zagano added. “The question of restoring women to the ordained diaconate is before the Synod on Synodality, and one can only hope the process within Catholicism, and the Orthodox return to [t]radition, will be respected.

1 comment:

Bob said...

To my minimal knowledge, the early Church followed much its Jewish roots with segregation of men and women worshippers to reduce distraction, temptation to sin, and thereby leave attention on God, and likewise male clergy had minimal interaction with females out of middle east propriety still maintained by Muslims today. The female deacons had a limited roll in only providing communion and making sick/poor calls to women otherwise forbidden to men by the customs of the time and age.
Which customs almost entirely eradicated in the modern West, and of very limited use worldwide.
Not that following such customs into the modern age might not prevent a world of scandal true and false by not leaving clergy alone with parishoners outside of confession.