
Thursday, May 30, 2024


Poor rad-untrad Jesuitical Father Thomas Reese. He is now forced to acknowledge that Pope Francis may not be the hope-for pope of the 1970’s type of dying rad-untrads! Ouch. 

I think too, poor LGBTQF+++++ Jesuitical Father James Martin is feeling the same pain, but maybe in a more flamboyant way as Fr. Reese expresses in his grieving piece at the National Catholic Reporter that I post below. 

Oh my, rad-untrads, my age and older, know that time is running out for them and there might not be a living cardinal their age who can do as the next pope what Pope Francis, their greatest disappointment, isn’t going to do for them now.

Crocodile tears anyone???????????

Pope Francis disappoints progressives. He will do so again, by Jesuitical Father Thomas Reese


Bob said...

Again, what better way to brighten the Bergoglio camp image luster before a conclave than to have the wailing and gnashing of teeth from its more radical members.

Bob said...

And again, with Francis, it's not what he says, which may be, and often is,'s what he DOES which folk keep waiting for news of seminary crackdowns on gay admissions, vocation/seminary director reassignments, bishop transfers...I expect you'll be waiting a while.

Francis continues outraging orthodox sensibilities with official moves, and then throws a verbal-only bone to orthodox who grab it with joy EVERY time, saying "you see! he ain't that bad after all!", which with a conclave upcoming is exactly the wrong vibe you want for voters.

Mark Thomas said...

Father Reese stated:

-- "The Second Vatican Council had a revolutionary impact on the church. The church today is involved in ecumenical and interreligious dialogue pre-Vatican Catholics might never have imagined."

-- "It no longer believes that Catholics should make Catholicism their states' religion."

-- "The role of the laity in the world and in the church was bolstered... they are much more involved in ministry than in the past."

-- "The liturgy is in the vernacular."

-- "Care for the poor and working for social justice and peace are seen as integral to the church's mission."

-- "None of this would have happened without Pope John XXIII "opening the windows" of the church..."


Father Reese then declared:

"Francis has reopened the windows that were closed by John Paul and Pope Benedict XVI..."


The above is among the popular but inaccurate shorthand sketches of Popes Saint John Paul II, as well as Benedict XVI. That is, the two Popes in question had returned the Church supposedly to Her pre-Vatican II days.

From 1978 A.D., to 2013 A.D., Father Reese and I must have belonged to two different Churches. That is, during that time, I did not belong to a Church that had closed the windows that Pope Saint John XXIII had opened.

In regard to the Pontificates of Popes Saint John Paul II, as well as Benedict XVI:

-- Ecumenical and interreligious dialogue had continued unabated within the Church.

-- The laity — those who desired — exercised to the hilt roles that were proper to their roles within the Church.

-- Latin Church liturgy in the vernacular had remained in place.

-- The two Popes in question had insisted that regard for the poor, social justice, as well as the promotion of peace, remained integral to the church's mission.


Mark Thomas

Bob said...

Mark, it wasn't any church I belonged to in the 1970s, either....mine was pretty much convinced Rome was the whore of Babylon, and why I left it.

But, when inquiring into Catholicism at that time, every priest I asked, over a large geographic area across multiple state lines, used as a catechism the book "Christ Among Us", which allowed many things near and dear to Reese's heart "as a matter of conscience" in contradiction to previous teaching, including pretty much anything related to sex.

So, such things were quite ongoing at the time. That book ran me off from Catholicism for at least 10yrs, because I thought it a true representation of Catholic teaching (it came from priests, right?), and filled with as much paradox and contradiction as what I was fleeing.

It was only later studied orthodox sources which maintained the internal logic and consistancy, without which the house of cards collapses, and which logic is being destroyed today by those subscribing exactly to the views of "Christ Among Us" now running things.

TJM said...

Father Reese is not fit to tie St. John Paul II or Pope Benedict's shoelaces. Maybe these two exemplary Popes were closing windows to keep Satan's smoke out of the Church. Martin is as a latter-day Martin Luther. He wants us to approve his sick, twisted LGBT ideology which MT must lap up. Interreligious dialogue with people who have NO intention of adopting the beliefs of the true Church Christ founded is folly. The Church needs to get her own house in order.