
Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 The Body of Christ deserves a more nuanced and truthful statement from the Vatican Press office. I am not sure what this is. It sounds childish, but who am I to judge?


Nick said...

That took what, 24 hours? I guess I shouldn't keep watching the clock for apologies to anyone else attacked, demeaned, or insulted (trads, seminarians, priests, contemplatives, the scrupulous, mothers with too many children, mothers with not enough children, and on and on). There's one group who always gets the quickest, gentlest response, and Fr. James Martin marches at their head...


Bob said...

What a non-apology...."never meant to", period.

What is more interesting is having fun guessing who all leaked it, as generally when his gay slurs have been quoted, it just one or two witnesses and them willing to quote him, and media allies able to ignore it.

This time it was quite a few where the slurs were irrefutable, where the Vatican actually had to non-apologize for Francis.

But who all leaked it?....of course the Vatican and Francis would like to paint it as all done by his orthodox enemies.....but, how many of the leakers instead were offended gays tired of his language?

Still waiting on resident Francis spin doctors to explain how holy are the holy pope Francis utterances, where every off the official magisterium utterance is actually official holy Church this the green light to use the word "faggot"?

I always get real amusement when the PC crowd eat one another, falling all over themselves to be the most outraged...over such as the blacks using an offensive word but it offensive only when non-blacks use it, and faggot only offensive when non-faggots use it, and both communities often using it to describe themselves. The same type paradoxes the liberal Church crowd are introducing into Church doctrines.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

It would have been a better apology if the Vatican Press office had said, that the Holy Father misspoke and meant to say, there are too many Faggioli in the Church, which is “beans” in Italian. But to make it clearer, they could have said, that the Holy Father meant to say that there are too many Massimo Faggioli in the Church, an analogy meaning, to many academic liberals corrupting the Church. The Holy Father should know!

Nick said...

There is one too many Massimo Faggiolis with influence on Vatican affairs, that's certainly true.


Bob said...

When I read the nonsense junk written by Beans, Heal Me With Your Mouth Baby, Francis, Spadaro, and Ivereigh, it is as if despite their being raised geographically separate, they all spent their formative years at the Baffle'em With BS Academy learning how to perpetrate academic fraud with amazing amounts of words saying absolutely nothing of substance...

I can only guess they bought their academic degrees from the same source, as I personally never met an instructor who would have done more than put a large red X on every page of their writings.

If any of them had joined the military, a drill sarge would have told them, "You're full of (expletive deleted), Private!", and same for their resident apologists here.

And really, same for their Vatican spin doctors in their communication department...ineptitude rules, another self-lit dumpster fire by the regime, put out with gasoline.

Bob said...

I think my favorite parts of the statement would be a toss-up between that it not an apology by Francis, but by the Vatican press office speaking for Francis, not even a direct confirmed quote of Francis in the apology...and, the plausible deniability of the happening at all, it behind closed doors and it only a reported happening, insinuating it might not be a real, we have an apology from only a press office for something which at least officially never happened at all, and which apology might even be denied as a press office error...

Like I said above, all courtesy of proud alumni of the Academy Of Baffle'em With BS.