
Saturday, March 23, 2024


 This is a recent photo of a modern Mass in Germany. Yes, Germany, no surprise! Apart from the ridiculous manner of the celebration of the Mass which does nothing to build up Catholics and the true Faith, but rather ridicules and mocks it as Christ was mocked, spit upon and ridiculed at His Passion, please note the new Vatican II accoutrements in what was once a spectacular sanctuary that back in the day did not mock, spit upon or ridicule God’s holy people or the Christ but formed solid Catholics. 


TJM said...

A lot of evil in the Vatican - Satan never sleeps. No wonder Catholics keep walking away. I just left Vienna. Our Catholic tour guide told us 10 years ago about 3,000 folks showed up at the Cathedral for the Triduum. Last year it was about 100. Another V II and Novus Ordo success story. Holy, holy, holy

Jerome Merwick said...

The entire debacle of trashing the ancient liturgy is based in an intellectual dishonesty about Vatican II and about the faith itself. The "shepherds" at the top who insist they will have their way cannot defend their abuses, hence it is imposed.


History shows us that when the will of the few is imposed upon the many, resentment sets in. What follows is usually pretty ugly. And the "shepherds" have no one to blame but themselves.

Unknown said...

But I was assured by the Catholics with alllll the right opinions that clown Masses are a myth based on one picture of an Episcopal service in 1974! How can this be?!

God help us.


TJM said...

The Blog Hog is furiously looking for non sequiturs to combat our lying eyes!

Fr Martin Fox said...

Look at the faces of everyone around the celebrant. Pure gold!

Carol H. said...

The "decorations" are bad, but that is not what bothers me most. The lack of reverence for the Sacred Host is what really makes me cringe. The one-handed elevation implies "look, a biscuit!" more than "Behold the Lamb of God."

Mikie said...

Don't you just love the Lincoln Log altar??

Unknown said...


Certain priests who shall remain nameless (though not our gracious host) might criticize holding the Host in the traditional way as an inappropriate attempt to import the rubrics of the TLM to the Pauline Missal. That way of thinking ("do it however want, just not the traditional way," aka the "rupturist rubric") was all the rage for a period of time after Vatican II, as I understand it.


TJM said...


Yes, the clerical slobs who make it up as they go along rail against the TLM rubrics - Hell bound!