
Tuesday, March 5, 2024


 I was shocked, I mean shocked,  to learn that Cardinal Pell was Demos I. He nailed the problems that the next conclave would have to take up in discerning who the next pope will be. 

And now we have Demos II, also anonymous. Will we ever learn that Cardinal's identity?

If you ever watched the TV show "To Tell the Truth" maybe we will learn, when three cardinals play Demos II  claiming to be him and at the end the true Demos II stands up!

Of course the usual suspects might be Cardinals Mueller, Burke, Sarah, although I would rule out Sarah right away but I would have also ruled out Cardinal Pell as Demos I.

Might it be Cardinal Dolan? Prior to Demos II making his case, New York had two F***** S******* events with worldwide news coverage, the sacrilege in the Nation's Cathedral, Saint Patrick's, LGBTQ+++ related and the same group renting an Archdiocesan facility for kinky sex instructions. You can't make this stuff up!

And then Demos II issues his document for the next conclave. Is Cardinal Dolan guilty as charged in being the author and how convenient it comes o the heels of the two LGBTQ+++ scandals in his archdiocese.

It might it be the previous Prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, the good Spanish Jesuit Cardinal Ladaria.

Once Pope Francis dumped him and selected Cardinal Fernandez to take over, Cardinal Ladaria refused to be a part of the Synod on synodality this past October to which he had been appointed by Pope Francis. I am sure, he is aghast at what has happened to the Church's doctrine in the past 11 years. Maybe he is Demos II?

Or might it be Cardinal Cupich? This would be a stealthy way to get himself elected the next pope by telling the truth to the College of Cardinals about what needs to be done at the next Conclave? But even I acknowledge that Cupich would be a dark horse candidate for Demos II!

Who do you think it is and why?


Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

This work is CLEARLY the combined efforts of the eldest cardinal, Alexandre do Nascimento, and the youngest, Giorgio Marengo.

First, you take the letters of the old guy's name and rearrange them in terms of their numerical values, (A=1, B=2, C=3, etc). And then you do the same with the young guy's name, only this time you use numerical values assigned by the Magic 8 Ball. THEN, you multiply the total of values of those names and divide by 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510, you get DEMOS.

BUT, the numerical quotient that can be read DEMOS must be read according to the Secret Code that is found in the third line of the demotic (SEE!! THERE'S THE CLUE) script on the Rosetta stone.

I don't know how you did not see this...

TJM said...

The Abortion Supporter comes to throw in his two cents

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

FRMJK, you fatal mistake in all of this is that you forgot about II (Demos the Second). You did not have that Roman Numeral in your code breaker. Thus it is rendered useless.

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

TJM, aw, c'mon man! That's at least a 50 cent contribution!

TJM said...

Using senile Joe’s lead line! I thought you would still be in mourning over the SC’s 9-0 decision smacking down the anti-Democratic and election interference power play!

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald, you referenced To Tell The Truth.

With your permission, and to add a bit of humor here — but not nearly on the level of creativity and sophistication as Father Kavanaugh's post:

Skip to the 7:10 mark. A very funny moment, in my opinion.

Spoiler: Henry Morgan was a radio/television comedian. He was great at accents. Very intelligent. He seemed to know more about Poland that the actual former communist spy from Poland.

Contestant 2 was hilarious, and unbelievable.


Mark Thomas

Nick said...

Fr. AJM, I thought numerologists were divided over the question of whether to include numerical suffixes in their calculations, no?


john said...

What did either recent incident in New York have to do with blessing LGBTQ+ couples???

TJM said...

This is for Father K Orwell and his ilk. This is what you are voting for in 2024, your senile president told you this in his SOTU:

“In the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court wrote the following, and with all due respect, justices, ‘women are not without political power — excuse me, electoral or political power,'” Biden said. “You’re about to realize just how much you were right about that. Clearly, those bragging about overturning Roe v. Wade have no clue about the power of women, but they found out. When reproductive freedom was on the ballot, we won in 2022 and 2020 [sic], and we’ll win again in 2024.”

Cardinal Gregory - crickets. And you guys wonder why most Catholics no longer respect you