
Saturday, September 30, 2023


On the eve of the first session on the Synod on Synodality, if there ever was a verdict on what is going on in the Church for the past ten years, this photo is it. 

Normally these kinds of consistories are held inside St. Peter’s. Expecting this liturgy on the eve of the Synod on Synodality to attract a completely full St. Peter’s Square, the liturgy (not a Mass) was moved outdoors. The crowd, though, could have easily fit inside the basilica! 

It is a beautiful Saturday morning—more than half the chairs are empty and the sections that seem to be full have many empty seats. 

This is how the National Catholic Reporter says it:

Under a sun-drenched, though somewhat sparsely crowded St. Peter's Square, the pope tasked the new cardinals — his new orchestra members — to represent "the harmony and the synodality of the church." 

This, a liturgy presided by the pope, fails to attract Catholics, non Catholics or tourists:

Throughout the video, due to good camera work, there is never a full shot of St. Peter’s Square, only close-ups of the small sections of seating with chairs, that makes it look like lots of people are there when there really isn’t. Embarrassing to say the least, and Vatican News knows it!

I am sure there was chatter among the new and old cardinals present at the spectacle of a liturgy like this presided by the pope to have attracted so few people, faithful or not! Certainly the roots of this will be discussed by the new and old Cardinals at the next Conclave!

Copied from Vatican News:

Pope to new Cardinals: Work for 'an ever more symphonic and synodal Church'

In his homily during the Consistory for the creation of 21 new Cardinals, Pope Francis reflects on unity and diversity in the Church, highlighting the importance of synodality under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the “master of walking together.”

By Lisa Zengarini

“The College of Cardinals is called to resemble a symphony orchestra, representing the harmony and synodality of the Church.” Pope Francis made this remark as he presided on Saturday at the Consistory for the creation of 21 Cardinals in St. Peter's Square.

Diversity in one Catholic Church

In his homily addressed to the College of Cardinals and its new members (including 19 archbishops and bishops, and two priests), the Pope reflected on the reading from the Acts on the story of the Pentecost, in which the Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit and experienced the gift of tongues as they preached the Gospel to Jews of different nationalities in Jerusalem (Acts 2, 1-11).

He drew attention to the similarity between all those Jews of different nationalities and languages who heard the Apostles preaching to them and the Bishops and Cardinals of our time hailing “from all parts of the world, from the most diverse nations”.

This, Pope Francis noted, offers a different perspective from that which traditionally identifies the pastors of the Church with the Apostles: that of those peoples of Jerusalem who received the Kerygma, the proclamation of the mystery of salvation, and in welcoming it, (…) became part of the Church (…) who speaks all languages, is One and is Catholic”.

The gift of being evangelized in our own language

He therefore pointed out that before being “apostles”, before being priests, Bishops, Cardinals, pastors should remember that they are “Parthians, Medes, Elamites etc.” like those converted Jews, and should be grateful “for having received the grace of the Gospel in their own language through their grandparents and parents, catechists, priests, and religious”.

“Indeed - he said - we are evangelizers to the extent we cherish in our hearts the wonder and gratitude of having been evangelized, even of being evangelized, because this is really a gift always present, that must be continually renewed in our memories and in faith.” 

“In the ‘flesh’ of our people, the Holy Spirit has worked the wonder of communicating the mystery of Jesus Christ who died and rose again. And this came to us ‘in our language’ (…). The faith is transmitted ‘in dialect’ by mothers and grandmothers.”

Remarking that “the Pentecost is not a thing of the past”, but” a creative act that God continually renews”, and that “the Church, and every baptized member, lives the today of God, through the action of the Holy Spirit”, Pope Francis reminded the Cardinals receiving the biretta today that their new role renews in them their “vocation and mission in and for the Church”.

Working for an ever more symphonic and synodal Church

He clarified this mission with the image of the orchestra which embodies simultaneous diversity and unity “representing the harmony and synodality of the Church”.

“Diversity is necessary; it is indispensable. However, each sound must contribute to the common design. This is why mutual listening is essential”, the Pope said, adding that the conductor of the orchestra is called to help “each person and the whole orchestra develop the greatest creative fidelity”.

Hence the call to the College of Cardinals to work for “an ever more symphonic and synodal Church” confiding in the Holy Spirit who “creates variety and unity and “is harmony itself.”

“We entrust ourselves to his gentle and strong guidance, and to the gracious care of the Virgin Mary,” Pope Francis concluded.


TJM said...

Are you sure they did not photo shop this picture to erase the vast throng that showed up?

ByzRus said...

A dying tree won't yield much, if any fruit.

Catechist Kev said...

"“Diversity is necessary; it is indispensable. However, each sound must contribute to the common design. This is why mutual listening is essential”, the Pope said..."

Yes, but this "diversity" does not include those who love and assist at the Traditional Latin Mass. This is not "essential" or "indispensable" to the "sound" of the "common design" and there will be no "listening" to you, don'tcha know?

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

You had better believe that the new and old cardinals are shocked and concerned at such a sparse crowd at a papal liturgy and indeed with most of the electing cardinals there and able to meet and plan the discussions leading up to the election of the new pope at the upcoming conclave, the obvious reasons for ambivalence towards the Church in her very seat, St. Peter’s, will be discussed

TJM said...

Oh no, we will now be barraged with, all is well, the Church is growing in Africa and Asia due to the Novus Bogus (while dying elsewhere), and holy, holies!

rcg said...

Fr McDonald, I am not so sure it bothers the old cardinals. They may view it a success that their hard work has paid off and they hear only the voices they want.

TJM said...

Catechist Kev,

The hypocrisy and mendacity is stunning. I wonder if Bella Dodd was right?

Mark Thomas said...

What a beautiful, holy, powerful (speaking spiritually) Consistory for the Creation of New Cardinals!

Via today's Consistory, the great antiquity, unity, as well as presence and guidance of the Holy Ghost within the Church, radiated in unquestionable fashion.

The proclamation, "Receive this ring from the hand of Peter..." testified to the awesome nature of the Church, as well as Her Papacy. That is, the one and only Church founded by Jesus Christ upon Saint Peter is alive — taught, governed, and sanctified by Pope Francis.

The tremendous homily delivered today by Pope Francis noted:

"Thinking of this celebration and particularly of you, dear brothers, who would become Cardinals, a text from the Acts of the Apostles came to mind. It is a fundamental text: the story of Pentecost, the baptism of the Church…"

"They said: We are “Parthians and Medes and Elamites” and so on. This long list of peoples made me think of the Cardinals, who thanks be to God, are from all parts of the world, from the most diverse nations."

"It is a matter of applying to ourselves – I will put myself first – the experience of those Jews who by a gift of God found themselves protagonists of the event of Pentecost, that is of the “baptism” by the Holy Spirit that gave birth to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church."

"Mother Church, who speaks all languages, is One and is Catholic."

Finally, tremendous joy and enthusiasm radiated from our brothers and sisters in attendance at today's Consistory. The Holy People of God in attendance at today's Consistory concerned themselves with the things of God.

Guided today by the Holy Ghost, the Consistory proved a holy success. Deo gratias!


Mark Thomas

Catechist Kev said...


I have no doubts about it. 😖

ByzRus said...

Obviously, the masses aren't buying what they are selling.

Led down a one-way street with a dead end.

I don't know much about the class of 2023. It would seem, given the one who elevated these new princes, that much like potential candidates for the U.S. presidency, that quality has diminished in favor of the VII echo chamber and synodal "listening" to no constructive end that's apparent to me.

To be sure, Pew surveys rightly note that some/many have left. Indeed they have. Christianity is, evidently, waning when it is most needed. Leaving/nones extends well beyond the Catholic Church and Christianity. No one denies that Rotary, Kiwanis, Elks etc. are not what they were. At the same time, and within the Catholic Church, something seems to have gone terribly wrong for so many to have just vanished in such a short period of time. Among friends and colleagues that are Roman (none are Eastern), they identify as Catholic but most haven't attended since their last funeral. I asked one why and was told, "I'm just tired of being Catholic" and another who said about the same added that attending mass was akin to being imprisoned for a very boring hour.

Has the decline of Roman liturgy contributed? From my perspective, you betcha. You can't reduce something predicated upon mystery to its lowest common denominator and still expect people to be in awe and enchanted. That's a notion owned by the illuminati of which most are not. Certainly, I want absolutely no parts of a world view that's that simplistic, by all appearances barren and, judgemental should one not toe the line of their narrative. Christ in the center of a circle seems counterintuitive to liturgy as taught to me and, certainly it doesn't seem to be attracting the masses as evidenced by most surveys, ecclesiastical, or secular.

So onward those who have eaten the NO apple in God's orchard. Holy, holy bury your heads in the sand in pursuit of that which was invented and, really, most weren't asking for. Fr. Ratzinger and Bishop/Cardinal Ratzinger's quotes are tantamount to the word of God carved into stone and carried down the mountain by Moses. It's worked well.

I do not understand how anyone can realistically expect revival, even symbolically, in a closed circle with Christ in the center not leading, even symbolically, the faithful towards something?

Some quotes follow. These are borrowed from the Orthodox which, we Byzantines often do as we are aligned on about all things outside of petrine ministry.
What is the ultimate goal of Orthodox spirituality?
The goal of Orthodox Spirituality is the perfection of the believer by his/her union with God in Christ. But as God is unending, the goal of our union with Him, or our perfection, has no point from which we can no longer progress. So all the Eastern Fathers say that perfection is unlimited.

As the central mystical action of the whole church, the Divine Liturgy is always resurrectional in spirit. It is always the manifestation to his people of the Risen Christ. It is always an outpouring of the life-creating Spirit. It is always communion with God the Father.

The Christian Orient is widely considered to be a “mystical” church; one enfolded in mystery and awe and whose tradition undoubtedly affirms the possibility of mystical experience, mystical union or mystical vision. Orthodox theology is often referred to as mystical theology.

ByzRus said...

*To clarify my point regarding petrine ministry...

Our differences are mostly mechanical. Honestly, we don't differ greatly there.

The overwhelming majority of what we need comes from our metropolitan and bishops. In simple terms, if we rejoined our ancestral Orthodox Churches, outside of two commemorations, I'm hard pressed to think of much that would change.

The history of how we became Catholic is, in part, mind blowing to me. 500 years ago, the Austro-Hungarian Empire considered Orthodox priests to be serfs, nothing but. Therefore, and to have a more stable existence, 61-ish Orthodox priests petitioned the Church to join provided that liturgy, praxis and traditions like a married presbyterate were preserved. Here we are.

TJM said...

If that’s a “success,” the Holy Ghost was out to lunch!

rcg said...

TJM, you misunderstand. The Holy Ghost is no longer a Guide or inspiration but an employee.

Mark Thomas said...

Among the wonderful things in regard to our new Cardinals:

I had read a news story that had featured the responses of several Cardinals-designate to questions related to the Synod. Our new Cardinals expressed tremendous support for the Synod.

Holy Mother Church has invoked the Holy Ghost's assistance to safeguard the Synod.

In turn, our new Cardinals, in line with Pope Francis, as well as religious and laymen throughout the world, have expressed unwavering trust in the Holy Ghost's presence in regard to the Synod.

God is with His Holy Church. God is with His Holy Synod.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...

God is not doing an effective job then as the Catholic Church continues to shed members and has placed incompetents in charge who are nasties to Faithful Catholics

TJM said...


Well the Holy Ghost is being used as a prop by evildoers just like Clinton used the Bible as a prop during the Monica scandals but the braindead cannot comprehend that

Mark Thomas said...

The world would judge today's Consistory a success only if 100,000, 200,000, had attended today's event in Saint Peter's Square.

Conversely, Holy Mother Church views holy success in the following manner:

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Since everyone is glibly saying the Holy Spirit is doing this, that and the other, what might be the more benign mortal sin of presumption or much worse, the malignancy of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, let me posit that the Holy Spirit is showing very clearly to the young and old, the Foley of the sin and blasphemy I have indicated as applied to the idolatry of worshipping a Vatican Council or synodality.

TJM said...

Fr McDonald,

You will soon be corrected by Mark Thomas who is omniscient and knows far more about the Church’s Theology, Liturgy and Sacred Tradition than you do. It is getting old and nauseating

TJM said...

St. Peter’s Square can hold over 300,000 people, but facts are irrelevant to sychophants

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."Since everyone is glibly saying the Holy Spirit is doing this, that and the other, what might be the more benign mortal sin of presumption or much worse, the malignancy of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, let me posit that the Holy Spirit is showing very clearly to the young and old, the Foley of the sin and blasphemy I have indicated as applied to the idolatry of worshipping a Vatican Council or synodality."

There are folks who have worshipped "a Vatican Council or synodality?" That is bad.

But we can rest assured in regard to the following:

The Church has invoked the Holy Ghost's assistance to guide and protect the Synod. Pope Francis, as well as bishops throughout the world, have assured us of that.

In regard to "a Vatican Council": Pope Venerable Pius XII, Encyclical, Mystici Corporis Christi:

"Christ enlightens His whole is He who, though unseen, presides at the Councils of the Church and guides them."


Mark Thomas

Daniel said...

I agree that to claim God is or has been working through some recent synods (especially the German synods which Francis allows and seemingly approves) is blasphemy.

Mark Thomas said...

Certain folks here have rejected the Church of Rome's insistence that the Holy Ghost is the Synod's/process protagonist.

However, I have noticed that among said folks are those who have insisted that the Holy Ghost worked through Archbishop Lefebvre (even when he had brought excommunication upon himself).

Archbishop Lefebvre declared: "the rite of Mass is a bastard rite, the sacraments are bastard sacraments - we no longer know if they are sacraments which give grace or which do not give grace. We no longer know if this Mass gives the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ or if it does not give them."

"The priests coming out of the seminaries are bastard priests."

Archbishop Lefebvre insisted that Popes Saint Paul VI, Saint John Paul II, then-Cardinal Ratzinger, as well as each bishop who obeyed Rome, were apostates.

The Holy Ghost worked through Archbishop Lefebvre supposedly, but is not present within the Synod/process.

Oh, okay.


Mark Thomas

Daniel said...

Mark, would you like a Holy Pachamama Doll for your birthday 😅?

TJM said...


Good one! You will note thst like MT’s alter ego, Father K Orwell, MT does not respond to questions which undermine his thesis. I imagine he is intellectually challenged or simply too mendacious to do so.

Daniel said...



Though I am not sure thesis is the right word?
Mark Thomas' "thesis" is the near heresy that every Pope in his life time, especially Francis, is some sort of infallible Oracle of God; in that every time an historically recent Pope has opened his mouth only the Holiest Truths are spoken!

And, it seems to me, a core "thesis" of Fr K is that there is a lot of evidence that what you call the Novus Bogus has really had little to do with the decline and near fall of true Christian faith in the western Church and the western world since about 1970.

Anonymous said...

It took the local commissar/propagandist more than half of a working day to arrive to assure is that "all is well" in the modern Church and to remind us that anyone who questions the current Oracle sins against the Holy Spirit. Slipping--though I suppose it was the weekend.

TJM said...


Losers who defend the Novus Bogus do tend to deflect what is obvious to the sentient! I do not doubt the Novus Bogus’ validity, but rather its efficacy. I lived through the period both prior to, and post Vatican II. If only John XXIII had lived! He had the smarts and personality to defang the leftwing loons! Paul VI was none of those things

Paul said...

It will soon be back to the catacombs, I believe. The Benedict Option may soon be the only option - as in, at minimum, home schooling and not giving your children nor grandchildren a "smart phone" till they are 16. And patiently waiting and praying for some divine intervention.

Paul said...

It will soon be back to the catacombs, I believe. The Benedict Option may soon be the only option - as in, at minimum, home schooling and not giving your children nor grandchildren a "smart phone" till they are 16. And patiently waiting and praying for some divine intervention.

Daniel said...

Interesting what U write, TJM!

I wonder why Pius XII in the 1950s kicked Mgr Montini (sp?) upstairs to be archbishop of Milan AND never made him (the future Paul VI) a cardinal before passing in 1958 - yet John XXIII made the then Archbishop Montini a cardinal...

Oh well, not even saintly men or saintly can predict the future?

TJM said...

Pius XII knew a problem when he saw it. If he saw PF he would have laicized him