
Thursday, September 7, 2023


You may have heard that there is concern that Pope Francis is gaslighting orthodox Catholics to get them to move forward away from orthodoxy to heterodoxy or what His Holiness calls “a different Church” which he desires to found as a part of synodality. 

Belittling, condescension and scapegoating are some methods employed to make the orthodox think they are crazy and wrong for believing what the Catholic Church teaches, proclaims and believes to be revealed by God. The insult of being called rigid is one means by which the Holy Father calls orthodox Catholics crazy so that they think His Holiness is right about their mental instability. 

Gaslighting, though, comes from a wonderful 1944 movie named “Gaslight” and how the husband of the woman being gaslighted by him (literally by lowering and making higher the gaslights in their home). 

Here’s a great scene of gaslighting by the villain of the 1944 movie, Gaslight: 


And this is a Saturday Night Live’s spoof on the same movie:

But the 1944 movie was a remake of the lesser known 1940 movie. The 1940 movie is more faithful to the 1938 play from which it was adapted. Production values are better in the 1944 movie, but the 1940 movie, while not as slick, has great merit too with its different emphasis and actors. 


Bob said...

In the Army, we were blunter in describing it as being treated like a mushroom, kept in the dark and fed a load of "manure"...

which is the major function of bureaucracies and political machines, and now joined by the Vatican where formerly its official pronouncements were studiously clear and logical...

The current Vatican regime something straight out of Kafka or Heller or Hal Roach Studios ...a nightmare.

John said...

Kafkaesque is a good description.

rcg said...

Is it possible that the Pope is being blackmailed by homosexual bishops based on some evidence they have? Would it also account for his reluctance to return to Argentina?

Bob said...

For sure Bergoglio as bishop in Argentina ignored protesting parents claiming (and later proved true) that disabled children were being sexually assaulted by clergy...

there likely are other such instances in Argentina where he stonewalled same as when pope and did so to Chilean protesting parents, and too many other pervert associates to list. No telling his own involvement, but he clearly has helped suppress complaints and promoted the accused.