
Friday, February 24, 2023


Fox and Friends is really reporting on and promoting the “revival” that Protestant college students are experiencing beginning at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. 

Two young college students are witnessing to their evangelical faith on Fox and Friends and are very articulate in what they believe and what young people should be doing in terms of sharing Christ with others, being evangelizers. 

For them, Christ is the center, not Vatican II, not synodality, not the form of the liturgy. 

Prayer and action are the medicines to put Christ first and turn away from sin and other idolatries that put Christ second or third or last!

These Protestant college kids know that the Gospel, prayer and Christian action and morality is for everyone just as conversion and turning away from sin and toward Christ is for everyone—inclusivity in its best form!

The cardinals and bishops in charge of this disastrous synodal way could learn a lot from these Protestants kids. 

Does anyone know if there is a Catholic version of this Protestant phenomena?

I would say it is the TLM and its spirituality certainly is attracting the young and inspiring these young Catholics only to have Pope Francis and Cardinal Roche, in the most tone deaf way, cancel them!

And of course there is also perpetual adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament in so many churches today.

But how about in predominantly Catholic colleges, whether these are Catholic institutions or not?


ByzRus said...

The only place I have personally witnessed this type of fervor in the Roman Church is where personal parishes maintain ancestral devotions, most of which are Marian. Hispanic parishes as well, seem to have this type of warmth and fervor.

Your average suburban parish is so white bread sterile in most things that it does, rarely does emotion of any sort apex beyond a slight blip.

Where personal parishes foster fervor, crawling down the aisles on knees, processions, devotions, Marian Lodges, suburban parishes seem to emphasize things like "Art and Environment Cmte", the singing couple who cantor or anyone who is anyone is an EMHC.

I'm NOT saying there isn't devotion, fervor, holiness etc. within suburban parishes, there is. Most, however, seem as dry and plain as a saltine. I have rarely been excited to be in one when the occasion presents itself.

The Roman Church has failed miserably at every attempt that it has made at being protestant. Ignoring the current leadership that most Boards of Directors would have fired long ago, the Roman Church should just be what it is, Roman. Would solve so many problems.

TJM said...

The FBI will be investigating them as “racist, White suprematists” any day now. Though not nearly as “dangerous” as the TLM attendees! Meanwhile BLM Antifa , the Dems stormtroopers will skate!

TJM said...


I think Italian parishes in Brooklyn show similar fervor. Most parishes are like you suggest.

Paul said...

I love how this event was promoted by some young Christians online:

“The only celebrity attending this event will be Christ.”