In his off-the-no cuff links homily, the Holy Father exclaims that the Holy Rosary is a wonderful, beautiful prayer. He asks do you prayer the Rosary everyday? His Holiness is a bit incredulous that they answer yes, but in a humorous way. He insists that they should pray the Holy Rosary everyday. Pope Francis is the most Marian of popes that we've had in the last two centuries!

The prelude music begins at about the 9th minute. The false start to the procession with Tu es Petros, begins about 11:20 into the video. The timing for the procession is off sync. The Holy Father almost trips prior to entering the altar area which is outside and quite small.
After Tu es Petros the official Introit is chanted but in Italian. Very nice. The Holy Father seems always to use the Confiteor and the choir is somewhat good, very good.
The Holy Father's demeanor when he celebrates Mass is always very solemn, austere and serious, very much in continuity with Pope Benedict in this regard. He is in very nice Marian vestments. As with Benedict, there are no flamboyant gestures nor exaggerated voice inflections that sound like a "proclamation" of prayer rather than prayer itself to God.
The Kyrie is in Greek, quite familiar. The Gloria the Jubilatio Deo Latin version, which everyone in the world should learn and know!
The Gospel is chanted nicely in Italian in the Latin mode.
Unfortunately the Credo is recited, not chanted, in Italian.
The Sanctus is sung in Italian.
Eucharistic Prayer III is in Italian. His Holiness does appear to lower his voice for the Eucharistic Prayer especially at the Epiclesis and consecrations and makes it truly a prayer to God, NOT A PROCLAMATION TO THE CONGREGATION, as some ill-informed, or malformed priests seem to do. With the simple Benedictine Altar arrangement and crucifix dead center, as with all of the Holy Father's Masses and in continuity with Pope Benedict, Pope Francis manner of praying in a non-proclamation voice and without establishing eye contact with the congregation when praying is what I like to call "MASS FACING THE CONGREGATION IN AN AD ORIENTEM WAY!"
The Pater Noster is chanted in the familiar chant in LATIN!
The Agnus Dei is in Latin, Jubilatio version. Very nice.
The final blessing is in Latin.
Good feast today of our Lady and good dinner!
1 comment:
Not bad for an Italian outdoor Mass, but a mere two candles on the altar is not the 'Benedictine arrangement'. Good homily. I like the Pope's mitre choice - very traditional and well-proportioned, and is becoming something of a 'trademark'. Benedict made one innovation in papal vestments, the pallium with red crosses, and Francis significantly was invested with this. It clearly distinguishes the Bishop of Rome from the metropolitan archbishops.
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