Today, which is First Friday, we celebrated Mass with our school children, grades K-4 through 6th. It was the first Mass where all their parts were in the new translation. We've been working with them for years for this very day. And in the past month our teachers and music teacher have done a wonderful job preparing them for the Mass today.
I had to chuckle, because the children were evidently told to emphasize the one word changes in the Gospel response: "Glory to you O Lord" and "...for our God and the good of God's HOLY Church."
They said the Dominus Non Sum Dignus flawlessly and sang the new Sanctus and Mystery of Faith like they'd always done it! WOW!
I told them that they were pioneers blazing a trail for the rest of the English speaking countries throughout the world! They were so excited and I told them to tell their parents about what they did today and that they'll help their parents on Sunday with the new translation.
Now, the Weekend Masses here we will institute all of the congregation's parts, sung and spoken. We have a fabulous new Gloria. I can't wait.
The only other big change we are instituting is the cantor singing "The Word of the Lord" after each reading and "The Gospel of the Lord" after the Gospel with the congregation singing the response.
And then on top of that we have our monthly First Sunday of the Month Extraordinary Form Mass! What Liturgical richness we have here at St. Joseph! I'm so blessed to be pastor here!
This is so exciting! I can't wait for Mass this Sunday! I might have to go to both a OF and the EF!
The new translation of the Gloria really is the gem of this new translation.
Fr. MacDonald: "I'm so blessed to be pastor here!"
And still more blessed is your congregation, to have such a pastor as you.
Thanks Henry!
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