What the liberal experiment in the Catholic Church has done to the Church in the last 40 years:
The old saying that the Nile isn't just a river in Egypt can apply easily to aging liberals in the Church as well as some younger ones. They appear to be in total denial about the experiment of liberalism in the Catholic Church following on the heals of the Second Vatican Council. The denial concerns the state of the Church, especially in Europe, but also here in America where liberalism has all but destroyed the prophetic nature of Catholicism and allowed it to succumb to the dictatorship of secularism promoted by partisan politics and the primacy of the individual over the collective good or what is called the common good.
For example, John Allen of the National Catholic Reporter commented on the grave situation of the Church in Belgium. This once predominantly Catholic country is a mere shadow of its former self. Only 7% of Catholics go to Mass on Sunday. The sex abuse scandal has reached the highest levels of the Church there and has led to a "police state" action against the hierarchy in that country which would have been inconceivable even 25 years ago.
John Allen writes, "“A 2008 study by Leuven University, for example, found that only about seven percent of Belgian Catholics attend Mass on a weekly basis, down from 11 percent a decade earlier. Only half of newborn children in Belgium today are baptized, the same study found, and only one-quarter of couples in Belgium today choose to be married in the church.
Ambivalence about the Catholic church, and the Vatican in particular, can be glimpsed from the way Belgium responded to the controversy last year over Benedict XVI’s remarks en route to Africa to the effect that condoms make the problem of AIDS worse. While those words triggered wide debate, only in Belgium did the national parliament formally vote to censure the pontiff.”
Allen continues to point out how one elected government official, a socialist, felt when Pope Benedict named a new more traditionally minded Archbishop for Belgium to replace the retiring, somewhat liberal Cardinal who, on his watch, the Church declined to the point described above, "“Benedict’s choice of Léonard, 70, to replace Danneels further aggravated backlash against the church in some quarters. Deputy Prime Minister Laurette Onkelinx, a leading French-speaking member of the Socialist Party, charged that Léonard’s staunch ethical traditionalism would endanger the “Belgian compromise” between believers and secularists – an informal “live and let live” agreement to avoid open cultural war. For much the same reason, Le Soir called the appointment “stupefying.” ”
In effect this socialist feared that the policies of a previous archbishop/cardinal that allowed for a compromise between believers and secularists (as though being secular is a new religion, which I guess it is now) would be threatened by a Catholicism that overcomes the impotency of liberalism that has so infected it in Belgium. In other words, the socialist fears that a traditionalist archbishop will be like Viagra for the Church Militant and threaten the "godless, secularist agenda" of Belgium. He fears the "staunch, ethical traditionalism" of a potent Catholic Church that in Belgium was once a shinning light of Catholicism in Europe!
We can see secularism in this country conspiring with the liberal elite in the Catholic Church, especially in universities, trying to accomplish here what has successfully happened in secular Europe. Just think of Fr. Jenkins wholehearted embrace of President Barack Obama at Notre Dame. The president knows what he is doing in "dividing and conquering" traditional Catholicism and thus promoting his radical, secularist political agenda. He used the Daughter of Charity and the Catholic Health Association to do the same in getting his comprehensive health bill passed through congress. He even gloated about his victory which could not have happened with out Sister's help and her organization!
Belgium, Holland and Austria are warning signs to Catholics in America. The failed liberal experiment there is happening here. Who will stop it?