
Monday, February 24, 2025


 Pity the Modern Mass goers who are clueless about Ash Wednesday being around the corner. SEXAGESIMA before lent is moral and should be mandated! Here is yours truly enjoying the SEXAGESIMA in moderation, of course. The photos posted in reversed order unfortunately. At my homily, we also prayed together the Hail Mary” for Pope Francis:


ByzRus said...

Similarly, the Byzantine and Byzantine Orthodox Churches invite believers to acknowledge that it's not business as usual, prepare, consider your spiritual and prayer life and make amends. I cannot speak to the other non-Byzantine Churches in communion with Rome as they simply aren't familiar. They, likely joined with the other Churches offering the samem

We don't just arrive at the Great Fast and decide we're giving up M&Ms till Pascha.

100% agree that the notion of preparation, getting ready to follow Christ on his journey was lost and that should likely be reconsidered.

As well, we offered special intentions for the Holy Father's health and well-being during the Litany of Ferverent Supplication (similar to the Prayer of the Faithful I believe it's called).

TJM said...

Wonderful pictures! Hopefully this will inspire those young servers to pursue the priesthood. Deo voluntate!

Marc said...

There seems to be a reduced need for a period of preparation before Lent when, as in Roman Catholicism, there's no longer actual fasting taking place during Lent.

TJM said...

This illustrates again, how the Bugnini Committee, robbed us of our Catholic Heritage, a Committee that usurped the Council Father's intentions set forth in of Sacrosanctum Concilium.

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

No, those of us who follow the traditional contemporary calendar are not "clueless" when it comes to the approaching season of Lent, nor will we be "unprepared." In these modern times, we have things like church bulletins that present information about the coming Lenten season. We have FaceBook, Instagram, etc., that can and do spread the information far and wide. We have pre-Lent teaching in our schools and adult education classes. One need not follow what you call the "traditional" seasons to know that Lent is approaching. (I might point out that this very day in my homily I spoke of the need to anticipate Lent and to make preparations for the season.)

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

You really are insecure enough about how clueless modern Mass goers are about impending Lent that you have to do all these things since the Modern Mass doesn’t. How many of your brother priests are doing such things? Glad you recognize how inferior the Modern Mass is at forming clergy and laity for Lent!