
Sunday, February 2, 2025


Immaculate Conception Church in Omaha, Nebraska:this is an FSSP TLM parish’s before and after. Evidently even traditionalists have a zeal for unnecessary renovations and wasting of money to do it. 

Am I being too critical? What do you think:




William said...

The "before" is really exceptionally good by today's standards, but the "after" is sublime. And your Saint Francis by the Sea is a fine example of "expensive bad taste."

TJM said...

The after is warmer and more engaging to the eye. I wonder if the after is similar to the original decor?

St. Francis by the Sea is mucho ugly and the sanctuary looks cluttered. No "noble simplicity" there!

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

I've never been a fan of "marbleized" anything." "Faux" doesn't belong in churches, along with carpet.

ByzRus said...

It seems to be a modern tendency amongst Romans to have musings of this sort. 70 years ago, no one would have thought twice about this redecoration. I've never heard anyone complain that a newly renovated library, particularly if funded by private means, isn't plain enough. Yet, so often, these judgements are made about the Lord's house. "How lovely is thy dwelling place."

I like the depth and perspective this redecoration provides. Likewise the warmth rightly noted by TJM.


TJM said...

Neither do Faux Priests and Faux Liturgies belong in Church

TJM said...


Beautifully stated. Indeed "How lovely is they dwelling place."

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Byz - Unfortunately, too many define "lovely" as "What I prefer."

ByzRus said...

Fr. Don't you? It's all driven by preference.

TJM said...


K just can’t help himself. He is clericalism on steroids: it is my opinion, thus it is a fact!

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Byz, no, as a matter of fact, I don't. I may say, "I think it is lovely," or, "I find it very appealing." But I don't presume that everyone shares my preferences.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Insightful, no one does share your preferences. Kudos.

TJM said...

K should have been a Calvinist!

Marc said...

I went to this church around 8 years ago, and it was in desperate need of repair. Perhaps they elected to do this renovation as part of that process.

ByzRus said...

So Fr., in all the years you've been pastor at your current assignment, you've not once decided on a paint color, an altar cloth, new upholstery, where a candle bank would be placed, what the Paschal Candle would look like, the new cover for the Book of Gospels, new ciborium etc? All is preference, none is codified; otherwise, every church in every country would be identical.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Was the original altar/reredos made of wood but painted to look like marble? And is this the long lost Marc from Macon???? If you are Macon Marc, you might recall that St. Joseph’s original altars were wood painted to look marble. Those were replaced rather quickly by what is there now.

Marc said...

If I was to guess, I would say that the reredos was painted wood, but it has been several years. My primary recollection is that things appeared decrepit all over the church. You can get a sense of that by looking at the floors in the before picture.

Yes, same Marc formerly from Macon.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

God bless you Marc. I pray you and your family are doing well!

Marc said...

Thank you, Father. All is well with us: Thank God!

TJM said...

Marc, you sound like a wonderful person