
Thursday, February 6, 2025




TJM said...

Senate Dems show us the new “civility”

Mark said...

I watched the video. What those Democrats (in common with several pre-Trump/MAGA Republicans) were proposing in the video clip in addressing “comprehensive immigration reform” is TOTALLY different from the Trump/MAGA Republican proposal to deport ALL undocumented immigrants.

It may be worth repeating part of a comment I posted a couple of weeks ago:

“[C]omprehensive immigration reform . . . would combine (a) effective control of the border, (b) an expansion of legal immigration, including a temporary worker program for noncitizens coming to perform nonprofessional jobs that are not just temporary positions (something that currently does not exist in the law), and (c) a compassionate and appropriate “legalization” program for those undocumented immigrants who have been in the United States for several years, including the “Dreamers.”

This approach has had significant bipartisan support for about three decades. Obama could have achieved it during the first two years of his first term but was distracted by his efforts to avert a global financial crash and achieve healthcare reform. Trump could have achieved it during his first term and indeed seemed to be open to overtures from a bipartisan group to this end, only to waffle, vacillate, and change his mind, doubtless for political reasons (not least of which was preserving the immigration issue as a cudgel to demonize immigrants so he could continue to use it as a campaign issue), together with the influence of the rabidly anti-immigrant Stephen Miller.

We who know something about immigration law also KNOW how to fix the problem. But instead of fulfilling their duty to govern, cynical, self-serving politicians in Washington D.C. prefer instead to do whatever is expedient to cling to power. Another instance of our corrupt political system.

My fervent hope is that Trump will use some political capital during his second term to finally fix the problem when the solutions are readily available. It may all depend on how much influence Stephen Miller continues to wield over the President.”

Among the three elements of comprehensive immigration reform listed above, there is no doubt that the Biden/Harris Administration dropped the ball badly regarding the first element (a), at least until the last year or so.

Mark J.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

If those still influential democrats had spoken that way the last four years and the democrats had a president who had the congnitive ability to lead this country in the way they spoke, meaning, implementing what they advocated way back then, I suspect the democrats would have won. But they had a woman running for this country who was way over her head, even as Vice President, who could not articulate what those democrats articulated and was more concerned about mentally ill men and women who think they ae some other kind of gender and pushing for government funded and mandated mutilation of children for a complex approach to gender identity. You can’t make this stuff up. Democrats paved the way for Trump to return and many still haven’t learned that lesson, especially by playing the fascist/nazi name calling game!

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

And to make things worse, the democrats want women and the abortion industry to have the right to murder unborn children through the 9th month of pregnancy. That was the female presidential candidate’s centerpiece. She was a disaster in terms of immigration reform, a disaster as a candidate for president.

TJM said...

In stark contrast to the Dem presidential candidate, Trump is a Saint. An evil, corrupt national media tried to gaslight the American people into voting for the corrupt, empty skirt and failed. They are going out of business but do not acknowledge that yet.

Trump is rolling back Dem lunacies such as banning pretend women to compete in women's sports, keeping pretend women out of the girl's locker-room, restoring parental authority over their children's health decisions, not viewing parents who question school curricula as "domestic terrorists" and throwing grandmas in jail for protesting at abortionatoriums while murderers and arsonists in BLM remain free.

Mark said...

To be fair, Biden proposed a bill for comprehensive immigration reform, the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, on his very first day in office. It also included provisions for enhanced border security through measures other than a wall. But it stood little chance of passage in the face of Republican opposition in the Senate, requiring 60 votes to overcome the filibuster. Doubtless the Republicans were opposed because they saw that as being to their political advantage and passage to their political disadvantage. If you want to know more about the proposal, here is a Wikipedia entry on it:

If only Obama had been able to make use of the opportunity he had during his first two years, we wouldn’t be in this position now:

Mark J.

Mark said...

P. S. Here is a clearer link for the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021. The other link takes you to note 17 instead of the beginning of the Wikipedia entry:

TJM said...

Mark J,

I note you reference Wikipedia. Isn't that now controlled by George Soros? I laugh when they denominate a conservative news site as "far right wing" but oddly do not denominate far left-wing ones as such. I guess they view them as "centrist."