If you'll permit me to channel the young, naive communist, "That wasn't real noble simplicity." Seriously--in what world does the noble simplicity of Sacrosanctum Concilium have anything in common with the puerile, ugly, dated-just-after-completion, cheaply-made-but-oddly-expensive crap that stood in for church architecture and furnishings in the aftermath of the Council? If "noble simplicity" means not building new Rococo-style churches, good enough, but never did it remotely suggest wreckovations, building new churches that look slaughterhouses or the Batcave, or clothing sacred ministers in cloth UNO cards.
Well said. "Noble Simplicity" means whatever the Wreckovator wanted it to mean! I have seen sanctuaries filled with pianos, xylophones, guitars, banners, etc. The typical pre-Vatican II sanctuary was pristine by comparison. Everything had its place. If I were to interpret the phrase "noble simplicity" I would say it means a well-ordered space, containing only those things or furnishings necessary to celebrate Mass and devoid of clutter.
Looks simple to me, compared to a cluttered sanctuary, banners, etc
Fr. AJM,
If you'll permit me to channel the young, naive communist, "That wasn't real noble simplicity." Seriously--in what world does the noble simplicity of Sacrosanctum Concilium have anything in common with the puerile, ugly, dated-just-after-completion, cheaply-made-but-oddly-expensive crap that stood in for church architecture and furnishings in the aftermath of the Council? If "noble simplicity" means not building new Rococo-style churches, good enough, but never did it remotely suggest wreckovations, building new churches that look slaughterhouses or the Batcave, or clothing sacred ministers in cloth UNO cards.
Well said. "Noble Simplicity" means whatever the Wreckovator wanted it to mean! I have seen sanctuaries filled with pianos, xylophones, guitars, banners, etc. The typical pre-Vatican II sanctuary was pristine by comparison. Everything had its place. If I were to interpret the phrase "noble simplicity" I would say it means a well-ordered space, containing only those things or furnishings necessary to celebrate Mass and devoid of clutter.
Father McDonald,
Here is an example of "Noble Simplicity "from 1942. There is an old saying, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
Please translate as I am not up on the latest
The glory has beparted
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