I am starting this interview from four years ago five minutes into about an 11 minute segment. Watch where Bishop Budde flat out says she believes in a woman’s right to deport her unborn child by hiring a hitman to take her/him out through murder. Bishop Budde isn’t the one to lecture Donald Trump on any moral issue. Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Pope Francis could do it, Cardinal Gregory could also, but not Bishop Budde. Let her know!
Her pretending to be a bishop is both silly and offensive.
Wilton Gregory and Mariann Budde....two peas in the same pod. They both disgust me.
Good work, Father McDonald. She is the poster child for why so many Episcopalians have given up on the Church of “what is happening now.”
Hey, K, this is what you and Budde voted for:
Father McDonald,
I guarantee this will make you smile:
Archbishop Vigano may be on to something:
Father McDonald, the following is the transcript from last year's Meet The Press segment that featured Cardinal Gregory, as well as Episcopal Church Bishop Ret. Reverend Mariann Budde.
Deo gratias for the holy, humble, yet unwavering manner in which Cardinal Gregory promoted the Culture of Life in regard to the abortion issue. It is a shame that Bishop Budde refused to join Cardinal Gregory's holy defense of unborn children.
Jesus Christ had spoken through Cardinal Gregory. Satan had spoken through Bishop Budde.
May Bishop Budde embrace the True Church's holy teachings.
Mark Thomas
Hey, K, read this article if you dare:
And you don't think you are voting for evil when you vote for Dems?
Gregory is a disaster. Obviously, you do not know much about him. Did he discipline fake Catholic Biden and tell him not to receive Holy Communion like Archbishop Cordileone did to Pelosi and Bishop Paprocki did to Dick Durbin? Wake me up when you find the evidence. Gregory also cruelly and through ultra vires action suppressed many successful TLMs at parishes which are now on life support. Stop with the Pollyanna and get real.
Here are examples of Bishop Budde having countered, unfortunately, Cardinal Gregory's holy promotion of the Culture of Life:
-- In response to a question that had pertained to President Biden:
CARDINAL GREGORY: "But like a number of Catholics, he picks and chooses dimensions of the faith to highlight while ignoring or even contradicting other parts. That - there is a phrase that we have used in the past, a 'cafeteria Catholic,' you choose that which is attractive, and dismiss that which is challenging."
BISHOP BUDDE: "Or as Thomas Aquinas would say, you, you allow your conscience to guide you."
ED O'KEEFE: "Is there- Is there something on the menu he's (Joseph Biden) not ordering? In your view? So to speak.
CARDINAL GREGORY: Well, I - I would say there are things, especially in terms of the life issues, there are things that he chooses to ignore, or he uses the- the current situation as a political pawn rather than saying, Look, my church believes this. I'm a good Catholic, I would like to believe this. Rather than to twist and turn some dimensions of the faith as a political advantage."
BISHOP BUDDE: "It's also possible to be a practitioner of the faith as a public leader, and not require everyone that you lead in your country to-to be guided by all of the precepts of your faith. Right?"
CARDINAL GREGORY: "The issues of life begin at the very beginning. And they conclude at natural death. And you can't, you can't pick and choose.
"You're either one who respects life in all of its dimensions. Or you have to step aside and say, I'm not pro life."
BISHOP BUDDE: "I love the spectrum of life. I think you can be an adherent of the spectrum of life, and still respect a woman's right to choose her in reproductive health, and including when - when to have an abortion in the early stages of pregnancy.
"So I'll just say that, as a Christian, I believe that that's possible, and still hold to the full spectrum of life."
Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas,
As usual you miss the point. Words without action are meaningless. Has Gregory disciplined fake Catholic Biden? NO. By the way, have you ever read the Summa Theologica? If you had you would understand that the Angelic Doctor referred to a properly informed conscience. Budde is a con artist and a fraud living in a $2 million dollar mansion.
Mark Thomas,
Chew through this. Holy, holies!
I wonder if K has fled the Country to his spiritual home of Cuba!
I see the fake priest has gone radio silent!
Father McDonald:
In your post you say that Bishop Budde “lectured” Donald Trump. Others have used words like “scolded” or “castigated.” I have watched her entire homily and none of these words seem apposite. What I heard was a respectful, heartfelt plea for mercy, delivered with gentleness and kindness, not to mention considerable courage. Here again is the entire homily:
Bishop Budde’s plea to President Trump comes at 12:30.
Also, if I understand correctly, you seem to be suggesting that no religious leader has any authority to make such a plea, or perhaps indeed to take any moral position, unless they ALSO agree with the Catholic position on abortion. To so many other Christian clergy, as well as clergy of other religions, who in good conscience, albeit mistaken, are unable to see what we see and unable to believe what we believe, this will surely come across as an extreme position that is not only disrespectful but even arrogant. Is it really the position of the Catholic Church that unless a member of the clergy adheres to our position on abortion, nothing they say on any other moral issue has any value and should be ignored? If so, haven’t we just thrown ecumenical and interfaith dialogue out the window and, with it, any hope of changing hearts and minds?
Mark J.
My last comment for you got garbled in the editing. Here is the ungarbled text:
Re your comment at 10:19 a.m.—Bishop Budde explicitly refers to her support for a woman’s right to choose abortion, guided by her conscience, “in the early stages of pregnancy.” See the quotes from the transcript in Mark Thomas’s comment at 4:42 p.m. Whatever time period is included in the “early stages,” I suspect she does not include any period beyond viability. Of course, I could be wrong and, in any event, it would not justify her position on abortion seen through the eyes of, for example, Catholic moral teaching.
Mark J.
Thank you Mark for the comment. My criticism of Bishop Budde is her inconsistency. In the interview with Cardinal Gregory, she agrees that Christians, following their conscience, can disagree with certain moral tenets of their faith, like abortion. If that is the case, President Trump’s conscience tells him to deport those who have entered the USA illegally, be they good, bad or indifferent. He dissents from Catholic and I presume Episcopalian views of mercy and this is a decision of his conscience. Personally, I think Bishop Budde’s concept of conscience is seriously flawed as is President Trumps, but all things being equal, who is to judge Budde or Trump on their mistakes? From a pastoral point of view, Budde was preaching directly to a non-Episcopalian. I don’t know what Trump is, but his form of Christianity is his own with gnostic elements as is Budde’s concept of conscience. She should have engaged the concept of mercy in a different way. Then to lump deportation on a call to acknowledge a biological and DNA fact that there are only two genders, male and female, and pleading from a manipulative form of trying to change her man, Trump, by saying it makes transgendered people feel despair was silly in a homily.
Mark this will give you, K and Mark Thomas the sads:
I think the armchair quarterbacks here would be wise to stop opining on President Trump's morality'. He's a veritable Saint next to the evil, corrupt, fake Catholic Joe Biden.
President Trump is a peacemaker, not a warmaker like Biden who never found a war he did not like funding. Hostages are getting freed in Gaza and it looks like the Ukraine nightmare may be coming to an end. Does that give you guys the sads?
President Trump is kicking out illegal aliens, many of whom are violent and dangerous, while Biden was fine letting them in, raping and killing US citizens merrily on their way. The Laken Law is in response to that.Then we have Pope Francis who while virtue-signaling over Trump's deportations, just tightened up laws on illegally entering the Vatican State.
President Trump is pardoning old grandmas Biden sent to prison for protesting abortion and rescinding Biden's taxpayer funding of them. Sounds much more moral than Biden and for those of you who voted for Biden.
I could go on, but I think you get the drift, or at least I hope so.
Maybe Pope Francis will excommunicate Tom Homan for pointing out the Pope’s hypocrisy:
To: Mark J.
Mark, I agree that Bishop Budde delivered her homily peacefully. I agree that that Bishop Budde had rendered unto President Trump a "heartfelt plea for mercy."
I wonder though if the following would have better served Bishop Budde/her cause:
Mister Donald Trump has demonstrated for years that he is thin-skinned and aggressive. He has reacted often in nasty, hateful fashion, to folks who, in his opinion, have "challenged" his views.
Despite her cordial tone, it was a given that President Trump would react negatively to Bishop Budde's heartfelt address in question.
If anything, President Trump would have viewed the ecumenical event as the wrong time and place to have been "challenged" by Bishop Budde. That would have sufficed to have launched President Trump into anger mode.
Perhaps Bishop Budde should have addressed President Trump via a private meeting between the two. Had President Trump refused said meeting, Bishop Budde could then have gone public with her plea in question.
That would have at least shattered the narrative that Bishop Budde had employed the ecumenical event in question as a "setup" to attack President Trump.
Mark J, I hope that you continue to contribute to Father McDonald's important blog. You are an important, thought-provoking, commenter.
Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas,
Maybe you’d be “thin skinned” if you had the forces of Hell thrown at you 24/7 and had been shot at twice by mostly peaceful violent people from the Left. Fortunately the sane voters restored President Trump to power to undo all of the evil perpetrated on the American people by Obama and Biden.
The faux bishop is a passive aggressive evil woman so I can appreciate how someone like you would applaud her like you adore the corrupt nasty man running our Church at the moment.
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