
Thursday, May 9, 2013


Last night, May 8, we celebrated the 60th anniversary of ordination of Msgr. John Cuddy who became pastor at St. Joseph Church in 1974. I succeeded him in 2004 and he was able to assist in the parish until about two years ago. He just turned 85 and lives in an "assisted living" facility near the Church. He was ordained a priest while I was still in my mother's womb as I will turn 60 in late December! He celebrated his 25th anniversary here, his 40th anniversary here, his 50th anniversary here and now his 60th. Congratulation and God's blessings on Msgr. Cuddy, truly an icon in the Macon community which honored him by making Wednesday Monsignor John Cuddy Day with proclamations from the mayor and Bibb County commissioners.

Just as an aside, Monsignor Cuddy's three nephews from Connecticut flew in for the celebrations. At dinner last night they asked me what time Mass was on Thursday (today). I said at 8 AM. They responded, that's all? Then I realized that being from Connecticut they celebrate in the northeast Ascension Thursday on Ascension Thursday (how novel) which remains a holy day of obligation for them. I tried to explain with our bishop-emeritus sitting before me that the foolish bishops of the USA allowed some (most) dioceses to transfer Ascension Thursday to the following Sunday.

So the conundrum for the three nephews is that today in Macon is not Ascension Thursday and for them when they are back in Connecticut on Sunday it will not be Ascension Thursday, euphemistically called Ascension Sunday, although here in Macon it will be Ascension Thursday on Sunday, a miracle only bishops could make. So they will have completely missed Ascension Thursday through no fault of their own, only the fault of the bishops, through their fault, through their fault, through their most grievous fault. I rest my case.

Here are some photo's from Msgr. Cuddy's celebration.

Msgr. Cuddy Day proclamations:

Bishop Emeritus J. Kevin Boland

Mass of the Angels Latin Gloria


Anonymous said...

Yeah, so much for the teaching authority of the Magisterium--there are "holes" you must admit, Father!

Unknown said...

I am sure that it was a wonderful celebration for Mons. Cuddy. It is always a good thing to see the pastor emeritus supported in such a way. And what a nice vestment he had on. There is always something about wearing gold, when possible which draws the mind to the ultimate beauty of the Church.

That being said, it always saddens me, just a little to see priests concelebrate "half naked." To not wear a chasuble is akin to watching a woman walk around in a sports bra, after a workout. It is societally acceptable, but uncouth. I would much rather see the good Father's bring in their own vestments as opposed to just wearing an alb.

My foible, as a liturgist and MC. Please forgive a vainglory layman.

ytc said...

I know right, if the Bishop, Mons. Cuddy, and Frs. McDonald and Kwiatkowski were wearing chasubles that don't match, what's the harm in the other priests wearing chasubles that don't match? Besides, I think there's a certain jaunty quality to not matching chasubles.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

But, YTC, although we look like a Cathedral and some classic postcards of Macon have us listed as a cathedral, we're not a cathedral, but humble, poor parish that seldom has concelebrated Masses with this number of concelebrants. We only have three white concelebrating chasubles, every think else is this, that and the other.
The cathedral, the other one in Savannah has all kinds of matching, cheap chasubles for concelebration.

Marc said...

Priests can't be bothered to pack a chasuble? Don't you guys do that all the time when you travel?

Anyway, on the issue of Ascension, I noticed the Episcopailan "Church" on my block is celebrating Ascension tonight. I guess when the Catholic Church decided to pander to the Prots, it failed to account for the fact that even they might like to celebrate the Holy Days on the actually Holy Day.

Gene said...

Marc, Many Priests today travel light...theologically and liturgically, as well...

Anonymous said...

God bless Monsignor Cuddy. I am so pleased to have found this while searching for Monsignor. He was Pastor at St. James Catholic Church in Savannah where I was born and raised, and where ultimately, I was married by the good Monsignor. I had visited with him in Macon years ago, and have asked my Mom over the years of any news of him. I absolutely adore this man and admire him so. He was and is an inspiration to me even after so much time has passed. He will have a special place in Heaven when the Good Lord calls him to His side. Again I must say, God bless you, dear Monsignor Cuddy! Sincerely, Judy Orvin March 3rd, 2014