
Sunday, March 2, 2025


 Saint Raphael Catholic Church in New Orleans was devastated by Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath.

The parish closed for a while due to the damage but re-emerged as the church building for a new parish of consolidated parishes. 

The new parish name is Transfiguration.

I visited St. Raphael in the very early 1980’s shortly after my ordination as I had a  seminary classmate who was assigned there. 

This is what it looked like then:

After Katrina and the closing of parishes into one merged parish that used the once flooded St. Raphael Church but renamed Transfiguration, this is how it was renovated:



TJM said...

Think of all the money that could have been used for the poor instead of turning a perfectly acceptable sanctuary into a tasteless clutter

ByzRus said...

I suppose, relative to RC books, it serves the purpose and doesn't invalidate the sacraments. If not for the sanctuary lamp, I would not have recognized the tabernacle as such. Indeed, this is a style.

So often, we hear "don't do x so it doesn't take away from the altar". There is so little there to remove.

Space that inspires? I guess that which provides inspiration is derived from the perspective of the individual. This doesn't inspire much in me and the off-centeredness is irritating. Ideology at the expense of Catholicity? Rupture? I just don't know what to think here. What I do know is in certain RC diocese around me, and to their credit, this design would NOT have been approved for execution. I feel badly for children. They are going to grow up thinking the Jesus, the Church etc. is off-center and they'll likely just drift away as so many do. Off-center vocations? Probably not; but, you never know.

The priest in the link below looks as though he is mentally redesigning this "space". I would be.

I thank goodness this sort of presentation is just not permitted in my rite/Church.

To see more:

Mike Lutz said...

Something that immediately caught my eye was the severe reduction in size of the crucifix. Sad.

Nick said...

From "meh" to "gah!"


TJM said...

Father McDonald,

Some good news for a change:

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

I can't say much about the renovation. To me it is rather cold - simplicity going a bit too far. They had so much space to work with, especially the vertical. And this is me - the asymmetry drives me bananas.

There is a built-in sedilia on the left, so I wonder what the chairs are for. Maybe they were for the bishop and deacons at the re-dedication mass