
Friday, March 21, 2025


The National (non) Catholic Reporter
has an article on supporting anti-science and anti-biology as well as anti-DNA evidence as it concerns the nature of male and female, as God created them, male and female He created them. Will the N (N)CR next have an article on a Catholic Parish promoting “the earth is flat” ideology? Read their “earth is flat” story HERE

Would a Catholic diocese or parish hold a family friendly “the earth is flat” evening to understand those who claim the earth is flat? Is opposing that, hateful to the world is flat people? 

I am confused by the term “transgendered person”. This person, is he a biological man or woman? He appears to me to be a man, is he saying he’s a woman, or is this a biological woman who has had hormonal treatment with testosterone to grow a beard and lose her hair? I truly don’t know what transgendered means.

Why would a parish think it is wise to invite the whole family to something like this? Is it a cult-like indoctrination of the young? Should the Church be sued over this kind of nonsense? Yes! The Church’s complicity in the corruption of children under the guise of love is very serious and there should be legal consequences. 

This is the National catholic Reporter’s caption for this photo. Does “brother” think that the dog identifies as human and is a brother too?

Br. Christian Matson hikes with his dog, Brother Odilo ("Odie"), in West Virginia. (Courtesy of Christian Matson)


TJM said...

Sounds like something K would go for because he slavishly follows his Party’s umhinged ideology!

Tom Makin said...

Consider who his Bishop is....Stowe

TJM said...

Well the parish could have hired this nutcase who was fired from the Kennedy Center:

He also advertises his "services" for high school children, but no, the Democrats are not grooming your children

Sacerdos Simplex said...

This person was born and continues to be a biological male. Bishop Stowe is a disgrace and should have been removed from his office years ago.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

That’s my confusion. He looks like a male. Is he declaring that he’s female or nothing?

Nobody important said...

This is actually a woman who "transitioned to a man"; she has taken testosterone to give herself the appearance of a man complete with facial hair and more body mass. She was born a woman and is still a woman who is wearing a semi-permanent male costume. When she became a "brother", she had not informed her Bishop that she was not a real man and so it was somewhat of a scandal that her LARPing as a monk had gone unchecked.

Nobody important said...

Her real name is Nicole Coberly Matson, and her pre-transition picture is included in this article from Complicit Clergy.

Unknown said...

I think the word you're looking for as a response to that nonsense is "interdict"....

rcg said...

Hiking photo looks like a woman.

If you this is bad, wait ‘til the conclave.

TJM said...

This will sadden K and the local bishop, SuperTrump, the savior of the Rule of Law, wins against the perverts supported by the Democrat Party!

TJM said...

Maybe when you abort your future voters this is what happens K!

Fr. David Evans said...

There was a time people used to pay good money to look at a 'grotesque': they were kept in 'freak shows'.

TJM said...

This is what passes for “news” on the Nutworks, glorifying violent gang members and condemning President Trump for having the temerity to protect the American people. No wonder the Nutworks continue to shed viewers other than leftists:

TJM said...

Another crazy judge who thinks he is president. He ordered biological males be moved to a woman's prison. I think Justice Roberts needs to worry about the crazies on the bench and not President Trump. Whom the gods destroy they first make mad!

TJM said...

SuperTrump cleans up another Biden mess. Hostage from Afghanistan released and says "Thank God President Trump is Back in the White House. Meanwhile, cultist K is seething!!!

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Fr. DAVID Evans - And we referred to them as "freaks." Doesn't that tell you more about the general populace and not the person being described? Are you suggesting we return to those "Good Ol' Days?"