I think what Cardinal Koch says about the two extremes in the Church, mirror images of each other, meaning traditionalism in a fundamentalist sense and progressivism in a fundamentalist sense is right on and very important for the cardinals of the Church, especially those named by Pope Francis, to hear.
Make no mistake, what Cardinal Koch is saying is said to the cardinals who will elect the next pope. He is putting out an agenda for the next pope.
The problem for the Church today isn’t the fringe traditionalists who reject Vatican II and see the See of Peter as empty, the problem is the current papal magisterium that has embraced a very worldly way of reform, creating a “different Church” as Pope Francis has said he desires. That is the papal mainstream misreading of Vatican II.
Cardinal Koch’s words will have more impact on the majority of Cardinals more so than the words of Cardinals Sarah, Mueller, Burke and others who have complained about Pope Francis in very public ways and have experienced His Holiness’ wrath for doing so.
Cardinal Koch is basically pleading for what Pope Benedict XVI advocated especially in his Christmas speech to Cardinals at the beginning of his papacy which is reform in continuity. That is wonderful and I hope the cardinals of the Church take notice.
From the National Catholic Register:
Cardinal Koch Rejects Extreme Traditionalist, Progressive Positions On Vatican II
In light of this, the cardinal considered that 'the two extreme positions are so close, precisely because they do not interpret Vatican II within the general tradition of the Church.'
In his acceptance speech for the honorary doctorate awarded him by the Catholic University of Valencia, Cardinal Kurt Koch rejected the extreme positions of progressives and traditionalists regarding the Second Vatican Council.
The prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity reflected in his address on the tension between the two essential parts of the Second Vatican Council: fidelity to the sources and fidelity to the signs of the times.
For the cardinal, “the relationship between these two dimensions has always characterized the Church, but the tension has become more acute in a new way after Vatican II.”
Faced with this dichotomy, Cardinal Koch argued that “beyond secularist conformism and separatist fundamentalism, it is necessary to seek a third path in the Catholic faith, which has already been shown to us by the council.”
According to the prefect, both the so-called progressives and the traditionalists “conceive of Vatican II as a rupture, although in opposite ways.” For the former, the rupture occurred after the council, while the latter understand that it occurred during it.
In light of this, the cardinal considered that “the two extreme positions are so close, precisely because they do not interpret Vatican II within the general tradition of the Church.”
In his address, Cardinal Koch recalled, with regard to the traditionalist view that focuses solely on the sources, that Pope Benedict XVI stated that “the magisterial authority of the Church cannot be frozen in 1962.”
The risk of worldliness in the Church
On the other hand, “if the emphasis is placed solely on ‘aggiornamento’ [updating], there is a danger that the opening of the Church to the world, desired and achieved by the council, will become a hasty adaptation of the foundations of faith to the spirit of the modern age,” the cardinal noted.
“Many currents in the postconciliar period were so oriented toward the world that they did not notice the tentacles of the modern spirit or underestimated its impact,” the cardinal observed, “so that the so-called conversion to the world did not cause the leaven of the Gospel to permeate modern society more but rather led to a broad conformism of the Church with the world.”
Cardinal Koch’s proposal in the face of both positions, which he considers equally disruptive, is “the restoration of a healthy balance in the relationship between the faith and the Church on the one hand and the world on the other.”
In his view, if the Church cannot be confused with the world, “the original identity of faith and the Church must not be defined in such a way that it separates itself from the world in a fundamentalist way.”
In this sense, he added that the dialogue between the Church and the contemporary world “must not make faith and the Church adapt to the world in a secularist way, dangerously renouncing her identity.”
What does the reform of the Church mean?
For the prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, the reform of the Church cannot imply “a change of essence” but consists in “the elimination of what is inauthentic” through a process of purification of the Church “based on its origins,” so that “the form of the one Church willed by Christ can become visible
“For the council, fidelity to its origins and conformity to the times were not opposed to each other. Rather, the council wanted to proclaim the Catholic faith in a way that was both faithful to its origins and appropriate to the times, in order to be able to transmit the truth and beauty of the faith to the people of today, so that they can understand it and accept it as an aid to their lives,” he emphasized.
It cannot be denied that a good number of prelates and periti at V2 were there with mischief in mind. . .before, during, and after the Council. Mother Church now convulses in agony from the poisons they injected.
Spot on William,
Father McDonald, although I agree with Cardinal Koch's statement, but has he himself, acted like that throughout his career?
Father McDonald said..."The problem for the Church today isn’t the fringe traditionalists who reject Vatican II and see the See of Peter as empty..."
Cardinal Koch has, for years, stated otherwise. He has noted that "traditionalists" have misrepresented Summorum Pontificum. He has referenced the link between "traditionalists" and the rejection of the Council.
Cardinal Koch expressed concern in regard to the spread of antisemitism among "traditionalists."
In a 2013 A.D., via The Angelus (SSPX publication), an article noted the following serious concerns that Cardinal Koch had expressed in regard to the SSPX/"traditionalists":
a) "the criticism that the SSPX is not Catholic because it does not accept the Second Vatican Council and the teachings of the current pope,
b) the criticism that traditionalists accept a false ‘hermeneutics of pure continuity’, and
c) the criticism that it is only the SSPX that does not accept ecumenical dialogue, relations with the Jews, and religious liberty."
Father McDonald, in addition, the article that you linked made it clear that Cardinal Koch has serious concerns in regard to "traditionalists."
Father McDonald said..."the problem is the current papal magisterium that has embraced a very worldly way of reform, creating a “different Church” as Pope Francis has said he desires. That is the papal mainstream misreading of Vatican II."
Father McDonald, Cardinal Koch has praised Pope Francis' reform of the Church. In particular, Cardinal Koch has insisted that Pope Francis' reform of the Church via Synodality is:
1. Driven by the Holy Ghost.
2. Is the way forward for Holy Mother Church.
Cardinal Koch made those points four months ago via the following television interview conducted by EWTN:
From the 4:00 minute mark to 6:15 minute mark, Cardinal Koch made the above points.
Father McDonald, thank you.
Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas, do you think, at all?
Most sentient Catholics would say the current regime at the Vatican is ruining the Church. Even if you read Summorum Pontificum I doubt you understood it, clearly Pope Francis and his crew did not. Credible canonists have asserted Traditiones Crudules (Custodes) is ultra vires and should be ignored. Holy, Holy!
I had noted earlier in this thread that Cardinal Koch had made clear the following:
-- Pope Francis has transformed (or, will transform) the Church into the "Synodal Church." The Church is the same, but will present Herself in a new way of "being Church."
That echoes the following from Pope Saint John XXIII's 1962 A.D. Opening Address at the Council: "The substance of the ancient doctrine of the deposit of faith is one thing, and the way in which it is presented is another."
The Synodal Church is simply the ancient Church renewed in holy fashion.
-- Cardinal Koch has insisted that the Holy Ghost, via Pope Francis' trust and Faith in the Holy Ghost, has birthed the Synodal Church.
Cardinal Koch has declared that via the Synodal Church, we will obtain finally tremendous holy success in regard to the Church's irreversible commitment to the Ecumenical Movement.
Catholic News Agency reported the following: Writing in the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano on Jan. 18 (2021 A.D.), Cardinal Kurt Koch said:
Strengthening synodality is "the most important contribution" that the Catholic Church can make to ecumenical dialogue, especially dialogue with the Orthodox," a Vatican cardinal has said.
"Theological and pastoral efforts to build a synodal Church have a profound effect on ecumenism, as Pope Francis emphasizes with the basic principle of ecumenical dialogue, which consists in the exchange of gifts, thanks to which we can learn from each other."
Koch...Said that "the synodal tradition of Christianity includes a rich heritage that should be revitalized." He welcomed Pope Francis' decision to hold a Synod of Bishops in 2022 on the theme of synodality.
Mark Thomas
Synodality is a load
Synodality is a load - crush Faithful Catholics is the meme of this corrupt Papacy
Father McDonald said..."Make no mistake, what Cardinal Koch is saying is said to the cardinals who will elect the next pope. He is putting out an agenda for the next pope."
Father, I wonder about. That does not comport with Cardinal Koch's understanding of a Papal Conclave. The Cardinal views a Conclave in spiritual terms — as a prayerful gathering guided by the Holy Ghost.
Sending supposed pre-Conclave messages to Cardinal-electors via a news story differs from the following that Cardinal Koch had offered just six months ago:
"For me it’s important that the conclave not be a political thing, but a prayer. Above all, the main protagonist of a conclave is the Holy Spirit, and we must pray for this."
Anyway, Father McDonald, I thank you for your opinion in regard to the topic at hand. Thank you, for having allowed me to offer my opinion in question.
At any rate, Cardinal Koch has long made clear his respect for the manner in which Pope Francis has governed the Church, as well as implemented Vatican II.
That last part is true, in particular, as Cardinal Koch has praised to the hilt Pope Francis' tremendous Holy-Ghost inspired project to reform the Church via the Synodal process. The Synodal way of "being Church" is rooted in Vatican II.
In line with Pope Francis' vision of reform, it is imperative that Holy Mother Church Church move forward as the Synodal Church, according to Cardinal Koch.
Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas, again, do you think at all? Did the Holy Ghost “inspire” the cardinals to elect the Borgia and Medici popes? I guess reading Catholic history is not part of your routine.
Cardinal Ratzinger once said:
"I would not say so, in the sense that the Holy Spirit picks out the pope. . . . I would say that the Spirit does not exactly take control of the affair, but rather like a good educator, as it were, leaves us much space, much freedom, without entirely abandoning us. Thus the Spirit’s role should be understood in a much more elastic sense, not that he dictates the candidate for whom one must vote. Probably the only assurance he offers is that the thing cannot be totally ruined."
Thank God Catholics do not believe that the Holy Spirit picks the pope. We'd be forced to hold that God has positively willed that some truly abominable men be His vicar on Earth.
Willie - "It cannot be denied that a good number of prelates and periti at V2 were there with mischief in mind..."
Of course it can. What cannot be denied is that making such accusations without a shred of evidence is calumny
In regard to the role that God plays during a Papal Conclave:
Upon his election as the Roman Pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI commented differently then he had done as then-Cardinal Ratzinger.
Clementine Hall. Friday, 22 April 2005
"Venerable Brother Cardinals,
"I feel it my duty, in the first place, to thank God who wanted me, despite my human frailty, as the Successor of the Apostle Peter, and has entrusted to me the task of governing and guiding the Church so that she may be the sacrament of unity in the world for the entire human race.
"We are certain: it is the eternal Pastor who leads his flock with the power of his Spirit and assures it in every age to the Pastors whom he has chosen."
-- It was God who wanted Joseph Ratzinger to reign as Pope, according to Pope Benedict XVI.
-- In every age, it has been God who has chosen pastors, according to Pope Benedict XVI.
Numerous Church documents have exclaimed that God has chosen our Popes. Excerpts, for example, from the Roman Missal:
-- "O God, who chose your servant Pope (name) in succession to the Apostle Peter..."
-- "O God, who in your wondrous providence chose your servant Pope (name) to preside over your Church..."
-- "Almighty ever-living God, who chose blessed (Pope name) to preside over your whole people..."
Mark Thomas
MT, thanks for pointing out that Pope B grew up in terms of all of this. That’s what is most important, the wisdom of latter days. Thanks again.
Father Kavanaugh said..."Willie - "It cannot be denied that a good number of prelates and periti at V2 were there with mischief in mind..."
Father's reply: "Of course it can. What cannot be denied is that making such accusations without a shred of evidence is calumny."
Father Kavanaugh has made an excellent point in regard to Willie's declaration in question. For example, more than a few folks for decades have, to borrow Father's phrase, "claimed without a shred of evidence," that peritus Father Joseph Ratzinger attended Vatican II with mischief in mind.
Archbishop Lefebvre, for example, counted Father Joseph Ratzinger among "Modernist" periti who were determined to destroy the Church/Council.
Mark Thomas
K, Our resident smear artist lacks self-awareness
Well Pope Benedict grew up, but not the papalator
Noted constitutional scholar, Jonathan Turley, opines President Trump is on solid grounds in exercising his Article II authority and the "judges" (Dems masquerading as judges) are on thin ice. Our resident "constitutional scholar" K, will likely disagree, based on his vast legal experience:
The judge has since let the buyout program go ahead on the grounds that the unions lack standing and that the employees had not exhausted their administrative remedies. He did not address, therefore, the merits of the claim:
And so, I will see your Jonathan Turley and raise you the following Statement from the ABA on the Rule of Law -:):
And I do wish Trump and MAGA would stop using the term “lawfare.” It is insidious and dangerous. They like it when they bring suits and courts rule in their favor, holding the Biden Administration to the rule of law, for example, but it is “lawfare” when others seek to hold THEM to the rule of law. Talk about double standards!
As the ABA Statement suggests, any lawyer of any integrity whatsoever should be completely apolitical in this regard, supporting the rule of law above any partisan interests they might have.
Mark J.
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