Pity the Modern Mass goers who are clueless about Ash Wednesday being around the corner. SEXAGESIMA before lent is moral and should be mandated! Here is yours truly enjoying the SEXAGESIMA in moderation, of course. The photos posted in reversed order unfortunately. At my homily, we also prayed together the Hail Mary” for Pope Francis:
Similarly, the Byzantine and Byzantine Orthodox Churches invite believers to acknowledge that it's not business as usual, prepare, consider your spiritual and prayer life and make amends. I cannot speak to the other non-Byzantine Churches in communion with Rome as they simply aren't familiar. They, likely joined with the other Churches offering the samem
We don't just arrive at the Great Fast and decide we're giving up M&Ms till Pascha.
100% agree that the notion of preparation, getting ready to follow Christ on his journey was lost and that should likely be reconsidered.
As well, we offered special intentions for the Holy Father's health and well-being during the Litany of Ferverent Supplication (similar to the Prayer of the Faithful I believe it's called).
Wonderful pictures! Hopefully this will inspire those young servers to pursue the priesthood. Deo voluntate!
There seems to be a reduced need for a period of preparation before Lent when, as in Roman Catholicism, there's no longer actual fasting taking place during Lent.
This illustrates again, how the Bugnini Committee, robbed us of our Catholic Heritage, a Committee that usurped the Council Father's intentions set forth in of Sacrosanctum Concilium.
No, those of us who follow the traditional contemporary calendar are not "clueless" when it comes to the approaching season of Lent, nor will we be "unprepared." In these modern times, we have things like church bulletins that present information about the coming Lenten season. We have FaceBook, Instagram, etc., that can and do spread the information far and wide. We have pre-Lent teaching in our schools and adult education classes. One need not follow what you call the "traditional" seasons to know that Lent is approaching. (I might point out that this very day in my homily I spoke of the need to anticipate Lent and to make preparations for the season.)
You really are insecure enough about how clueless modern Mass goers are about impending Lent that you have to do all these things since the Modern Mass doesn’t. How many of your brother priests are doing such things? Glad you recognize how inferior the Modern Mass is at forming clergy and laity for Lent!
Father McDonald,
It is obvious that K is insecure, why else would be vote for the Big Mama government Party where government does it all for you! This may not be fair, but I do not know how you can be a priest of the Latin Rite in its fullest sense without being trained in Latin and understand and celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass. The Novus Ordo is pretty dry built on the Bugnini sands
Liturgy is the source and summit from which all else flows.
Agree, social and print media help....but should augment, not replace. Neither the Church nor her sacraments are truly assessible through a screen. If they were, visiting the sick and shut-ins would become obsolete, at least in part.
Without the Liturgy, prayer and sacramental participation, fasting, particularly if reduced by adults to M&Ms is of lesser value.
Let's take out virtue signaling regarding those in combat zones, remote places where the Church has little presence, the bedridden etc. Let's simply focus on the mainstream. This will otherwise become exhausting.
Your fantasies are getting boring...
K, you are beyond tedious. You are obviously jealous of Father McDonald's erudition in matters of Sacred Liturgy. You would be better served to either spend your time making converts, attracting vocations, or setting up your own blog for the one or two followers you have to commiserate.
TJM - Here's another fantasy for you to enjoy: Your $5000 DOGE (Department of Gross Errors) check is in the mail and will arrive on February 30th!
K, that's all you have? Did the DNC gives you your instructions this morning on what to say and think? You are truly a sick man. You support a myriad of intrinsic evils. Maybe we need Elon Musk to audit Dioceses and priests like you. This commentary illustrates perfectly the sheer evil and arrogance of the modern Democratic Party which Mark Penn, Clinton's pollster, now refers to as the Communist Democratic Party:
So, Fr, you are suggesting that print media, social media and homeletics are more effective than sacred liturgy? I'm not suggesting they don't have their place, but the bulletin isn't prayer despite its potentially prayerful presentation.
K, the big Dem donors agree with me, not you. Here is another dose of reality for you:
ByzRus, you are dealing with a brick wall of ignorance
Hey K, since you can't celebrate the Mass in Latin to help Father McDonald out, here is a Church you can assist at on Sundays. I think it's right up your alley because they hate Black Trump supporters!!!!!!
So, Byz, are you saying that N.O. people are so dumb that they cannot understand that when print media, social media, and homiletics note the approach of Ash Wednesday and Lent they will fail to understand that Ash Wednesday and Lent are approaching and will fail to make appropriate preparations? (Fr. ALLAN McDonald seems to think so, indicating that without Sexagesima, and in spite of print media, social media, and homiletics, they will be clueless about the approach of Ashe Wednesday and Lent.)
Utter nonsense.
This will depress both K, the USCCB and the Pope. President Trump to honor Archbishop Fulton Sheen! I think the President is sending them a message:
I think we can agree that Fr. MJK is the resident expert on nonsense.
No. I said no such thing. Additionally, I felt I was sufficiently clear. Please!
Your approach is information and likely catechesis.
What Fr. AJM and what the Byzantine Lenten Triodion adds is liturgical prayer.
In most Churches, Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving are the 3 pillars of Lent/Great Fast.
You summed it up nicely
K, the most intellectually dishonest priest that I have come across, other than "Father "Martin, SJ, LGBT. The novus ordo is brand x, the TLM is the Cadillac
Mark J,
Here is a sample of what’s outside the New York Times/MSM bubble. It is both amusing and full of useful information:
I think that we can all agree that what Ol' Nick thinks really just doesn't matter, especially when he's aligned with TJM.
Byz - The point of Fr. ALLAN McDonald's post was that N.O. Catholics don't know Lent is coming and will be caught unawares. We will be "clueless."
Heck, you probably think they're dumb enough to think Musk didn't give a Nazi salute, that Trump is not making money on the presidency (Oh! But he's not taking a salary, just raking in an estimated $80 million since inauguration day), and that Haitian immigrants were eating pets in Springfield, Ohio.
The only way N.O. Catholics will be unaware that Lent is approaching, at least in this parish, is if they are too dumb to understand what they see and hear in print media, social media, and homiletics.
So, no, you didn't say the words. But you revealed what you thought by what you did say.
K has been corrected by almost anyone with a brain who posts here: John Nolan, Bee, Gene, Jerome Merwick, Nick, ByzRus, and myself. He is not much into self-reflection and will likely never change.
If K cared to look, there are pictures all over the internet of Hillary, Obama, Harris, Biden, and a host of other Dems all giving the so-called Nazi salute but only K sees it when Musk or some other rational humans being gives it. There are plenty of stories that the Clinton Crime Foundation gave nary a penny to the suffering Haitians. President Trump has likely lost a small fortune serving us. K, of course, thinks nothing of a guy, like Obama, who had basically no assets when entering the White House, all of a sudden has two seaside Mansions (in violation of the global warming religion) and a posh place in DC so he could give grifter Joe his daily marching orders. Harry Truman would have called Clinton, Obama and Biden, crooks. But our morally bankrupt priest can see none of that. Your Party had its head handed to them in November, over open borders, inflation, transgenderism, Drag Shows, and a whole host of other perversions it was pushing. Like the Bourbons, they have learned nothing and forgotten nothing. And You have NO clue what ordinary people think, living in your little bubble.
Of course K is a nasty, condescending, little man who has nothing but invective for faithful Catholics (those who do not vote for intrinsic evils like he does).
TJM - Oh I've seen the STILL pics being sent around. Now, go look at the VIDEOs of those supposed Nazi salutes by Hillary, Obama, Biden, Harris.
SNOPES: "A series of photographs authentically shows politicians Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren performing a Nazi salute. These still images were taken out of context from speeches in which each politician was making an unrelated gesture, including waving or raising their hand to make a point. Their language, demeanor and the wider context of the video shows the gestures cannot be interpreted as Nazi salutes."
Re Trump's GREAT sacrifice: "Trump family and library have raked in whopping $80 million since White House return" https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-family-net-worth-library-white-house-b2698434.html
You are blind. I hope others here are not.
LOL - You always have an excuse for your lying, thieving crew. Snopes, a leftwing apologist organization should apply the same analysis to Elon Musk or any Republican, but it won't. However, here is one your of heroes who has questioned if Elon is a security risk, except this dim bulb has slept with a Chinese spy while cheating on his wife and engaging in orgies. Congressman Swalwell. This is what happens when a real reporter, rather than the Dem stenographers from the MSM, goes after him. So enjoy!
By the way, has the hard left Independent figured out how Biden acquired the homes he did on a public servant's salary or how Obama and the Clintons have managed to enrich themselves? You are such a hypocrite.
If you spent as much time learning the Latin Mass as you do supporting the Party of Intrinsic Evil, you might do some good in the world.
The democratic mayor of Chicago has a 6.6% approval rating. Let Fr. MJK continue being a silly shill for Democrats. They’ll have even less support than the fabulous mayor of Chicago. FRMJK is actually a Republican undercover agent embedded in the Dem. Party to destroy it! Kudos to FRMJK!!!
TJM - No one has to figure our where the Biden's got their money. The sources of Biden's wealth are public and reported in Forbes.
The same is true for Obama: https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2017/01/20/how-barack-obama-has-made-20-million-since-arriving-in-washington/
And GUESS WHAT? Forbes also reveals the amazing, hard to discover, tantalizing facts about Bill and Hillary! https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2016/11/08/how-bill-house-hillary-clinton-made-240-million-how-much-earnings-rich-white/
Now, I'll wait for you to tell us FORBES is a "leftwing apologist organization...
You are free to believe as you choose.
Fr. You are free to believe as you choose.
K you are so naive. All of them got their money from influence peddling and kickbacks, disguised as consulting, etc. They have nothing else to sell. They did not invent anything nor have any innovative ideas. By the way, Asians control Forbes now with rumored ties to Red China, so Forbes is not what it used to be. I remember when Steven Forbes actually ran the publication, he advocated for a flat tax so I doubt he would agree with much, if anything, that rag reports these days. I supposed you are also aware that the Clinton Crime Foundation's donations plummeted after she lost the election. Coincidence?
It must be killing you that Trump is rounding up the illegal aliens committing crimes against American citizens and deporting them. Even worse for you, he is potentially ending the War in Ukraine so the killing stops as well as the grift.
But keep shilling for the Evil Party and you, Pelosi and Biden will all end up where you truly belong: Hades.
K, this is an example of how slimy and corrupt your Party is:
Father McDonald,
This is a happy development to report:
Hey K, instead of moving to NYC please move to San Fran so you can experience the “benefits” of living under Dem leadership. Quit mooching off of Republican run States. Stand with your convictions! You might have trouble finding groceries!
Hey K, the hits keep coming. Tulsi is firing Biden perverts from NSA.
TJM - You will never cease to amaze... Forbes, because it does not support your BASELESS claims, is suspect. Not only because it points out your lies, but because it is owned by Asians (GASP!) and there are rumors (GASP!) that the owner, Integrated Whale Media Investments has connections with (GASP!) Red China. Tell it to Steve Forbes, editor-in-chief of Forbes Media.
No, I am not naive. ON the other hand, I am not a crackpot like you, dismissing any facts that do not comport with your selfish, cynical world view.
Father McDonald,
On a different note, I think you will find this interesting. There is a new book out which debunks the notion that Vatican II has been successful in Africa. Entitled "Is African Catholicism a Vatican II Success Story?" Here is a passage:
"The familiar claim that Catholicism is booming in Africa—that it is the one continent where the Second Vatican Council has yielded abundant good fruits—does not square with available data and descriptions, as we discover in the late George Neumayr’s articles on Ivory Coast, a Nigerian Catholic’s analysis of harmful inculturation inflicted on Africans by racially stereotyping European liturgists, Claudio Salvucci’s questioning of the Zaire Use on the basis of Congolese history, and Peter Kwasniewski’s evaluation of the evangelical potency of preconciliar faith, life, and worship. In Africa as elsewhere, traditional Catholicism conquered whole populations and fostered immense cultural creativity. Under the new ecclesiology, new ecumenism, and new liturgy of progressive Western intellectuals, ever-larger numbers are falling away to Protestant sects and deracinating secularism.
“Accessible and informative, this agile volume…questions much of the received wisdom about the alleged ‘success’ of the Catholic Church in Africa in the last few decades… Will introduce the reader to an ecclesial reality far more problematic and fractured than the naively optimistic portrayals often found in Catholic publications… An important critique of simplistic accounts of liturgical inculturation.” —Thomas Cattoi, PhD, Angelicum, Rome"
Fr. ALLAN McDonald,
On a different note, I think you will find this interesting. There is information that President Biden and his family have enriched themselves - not sacrificing a darned thing - while the Biden has been in office. Here's a passage: "Did you hear about Hunter Biden securing like 41 trademarks in China, pocketing over $600 million while working for his dad, and landing about a $2 billion deal with the Saudis. Oh wait - my bad. That was Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner.
Father McDonald,
I see the great prevaricator is still at it. Here is a must-read column by John Kass, who like me, is a former Democrat. He had a fairly long career at the Chicago Tribune before the lefties at that dying newspaper pushed him out. He is kind of a modern-day version of Mike Royko. Here he writes about a lady who really "spoke truth to power" at considerable risk. K is incapable of independent thought and honesty, so he won't read it.
K, you are a sick man. The Trumps have always been in the business world, as developers and creators of real businesses, providing jobs to thousands. The Clintoons, The Obamas and Bidens have done none of those things, but you are too much of a craven, ideologue to understand the difference. All they have going for them is peddling political favors which has now dried up. That's quite a bit different than building a hotel. Long after President Trump has left office his family will still be doing those things, where the others may be smashing rocks at Leavenworth. You are truly hopeless and an embarrassment to the Church. But you are not alone in that.
Classic projection on your part. Most of us here have your number
Bad news for the resident lefties here and at the Washington Post. Bezos has laid down the law. Read this. Sounds like he is rejecting the modern Democratic Party's sick and evil world view:
Hey K, here's this for you:
Donald Trump secured 56 percent of the Catholic vote in this election and appointed numerous devout Catholics to his Trump 2.0 administration.
I bet at your parish the percentage was even higher, so make sure people know your feelings! Biden's Cabinet was a veritable freak show, checking off all the boxes!!
Father McDonald
This article explains what a scam many NGOs are. What the Dems are terrified that this info will become generally known:
Hey K, your beloved Communist Democratic Party cost 10,000 fast foot workers their jobs in Kalifornia because of idiotic Dem policies. Do you care, at all? Have you learned a lesson?
Hey K, now is the time for you to chant “no one is above the law” now that Fani Willis, the lawfare queen, has to testify against her will. Don’t you want to make sure we know she is an adultress since you are so fond of making this point when a Republican is involved? Lest we think you might be a hypocrite and less than intellectually honest!
Hey K, Monica thinks pure as driven snow Bill Clintoon should have resigned! Your keen partisan analysis is desired!
K, SuperTrump is crushing one of Biden's Commie tyrannies. Does this give you the sadz?
K, Trump's tariffs are causing Eli Lilly to invest 27 billions in the US instead of outside the US, meaning more jobs for Americans! Does this shatter you?
K, another bad day for you. King Charles is now bending the knee to SuperTrump:
K, more bad news for you! Mexico bends the knee. Why didn’t grifter Joe accomplish this? Will you be able to survive evil being vanquished?
K does it depress you that SuperTrump defunded Planned Abortionhood International? I guess you like fake Catholic Biden’s rabid pro abortion policies better!
Hey K,
Here is a story where Biden's press secretary said Biden faced a firing squad from his own party to force him out of running for president. As our resident political and constitutional expert, doesn't this sound like a coup and a threat to "Our Democracy." I am sure you will find reasons why not. LOL
Here's a story about why relying on FAUX news is foolish.
K, that's all you have. AP aka American Pravda? I know you are still reeling from all of the stories of all of the great things that President Trump is doing which the American people overwhelmingly support unless you are relying on the Democratic/Media Complex for your "news." All that waste, fraud and abuse, and evil being crushed. You'd think a Catholic priest would be thrilled with that. You truly are the Pauline Kael of the Catholic Clergy!
K, here's the lowdown on your vaunted source, the fraudulent AP aka American Pravda:
You probably should not do it, because like the phycologist says in the movie "Miracle on 34th Street" if we burst your delusions, you could get violent!
Hey K, your demented Dems want to install condom vending machines in public schools in Maryland where evil Nancy Pelosi grew up. I guess they learned nothing from the November elections, just like you and the USCCB didn’t! Will the USCCB weigh in?
K more bad news for you! Even top Democrats acknowledge their policies are ruining cities! When are you going to wake up and smell the coffee? I hope you don't follow "Democrat economic policies" in running your parish!
This thread has devolved, unfortunately, into mudslinging having little if anything to do with Fr. McDonald's original post on Sexagesima and its role in preparation for Lent. I can agree with Fr. Kavanaugh that parishioners will know Lent is approaching via bulletins, weekly emails, etc., while also noting that these may be insufficient to properly prepare oneself for Lent. Indeed, I believe that's the main point Fr. McDonald was trying to make; please excuse me if I'm wrong.
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