As we all know, Pope Benedict’s liberal/progressive allowance of the 1962 Roman Missal and other sacramental rites of that time, was meant to allow both forms of the Mass and Sacramental rites to exert influence on each other and eventually to lead to a third Roman Missal developed in an organic way in terms of any simplifications or revisions to the 1962 Roman Missal.
Some think that allowing more influence of the 1962 Missal on the modern missal is the way to go and what I advocate. This means restoring the reverence of the older forms, kneeling for Holy Communion and ad orientem but not imposed in such a way to exclude what has happened since the late 1960’s in terms of what is allowed.
There is no going backwards to the exclusive use of the 1962 Roman Missal and other rites. Why?
It would cause a schism in the Church either in a formal way or informal way. The vast majority of people who attend Mass and others who visit, will not tolerate an exclusively Latin Mass. They prefer the vernacular and they like a less rigidly celebrated Mass that has human aspects of warmth and fellowship.
In addition to this, what Pope Paul VI was able to do in suppressing the previous rites of the Church in favor of the new occurred when the papal magisterium and the Universal Magisterium of the Church had major clout and lower clergy, religious and laity obeyed in a respectful way even if they had their own preferences. Those days are gone with the wind of the spirit be it Holy or not.
Thus Pope Benedict's solution is the best way to go. He did not suppress the new Mass or even creativity associated with it, but he allowed the older to coexist with the newer.
Pope Francis canceled Pope Beneidict’s liturgical magisterium and so much more of his genius intellect in favor of a sloppy/banal/worldly 1970’s approach to all things ecclesial.
Once Pope Francis is gone and a new pope who favors Benedict’s approach is elected, things will improve but not until then. Going back to 1962 is not possible nor is it preferable. It’s a dumb idea no matter how logical it might be presented on paper or in a well researched book.
Well, the 1962 folks may be the last Catholics standing. Look at the Chartres Pilgrimage, that's a youth movement. I guess tradition is for the young. I wouldn't walk across the street for the typical Novus Ordo.
TJM - And we would be glad of it.
K, I am glad you agree with me that the Catholics who are attached to the 1962 Missal will be the last Cathoiics standing.
I always look forward to your Christlike comments full of charity and understandibg!
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