Sacred Heart Church purchased new vestments for Marian Masses which were used for the first time at this Sunday Immcaulate Conception Mass which fulfilled the obligation to attend this Holy Day without having to go again on Monday the 9th. These vestments are far superior and more beautiful than those used for the Reconsecration of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris!
The only fly in the ointment was that I forgot to bring my beretta from home, about 40 miles away and Sacred Heart didn’t have any extra ones. So the acting deacon and subdeacon couldn’t wear theirs which they brought.
C’est la vie!
Great pictures. Is there a video?
No video unfortunately.
What a shame! But the folks who were there will remember this great religious experience!
Catholic :"theologian and BrainTrust" Pelosi weighs in on receiving Holy Communion in her interview with NCR:
Although her bishop, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, prohibited her from receiving Communion within the archdiocese because of her support for abortion, Pelosi told the Reporter that she “received Communion anyway” and said: “That’s his problem; not mine.”
“My Catholic faith is Christ is my savior,” Pelosi said. “It has nothing to do with the bishops.”
Very presumptuous. Just another reason people are walking away from the Faith. They see a nasty, entitled, power mad woman making her own rules with impunity.
Time for bell, book and candle.
She's an abortion-promoting (calling it sacred, which is demonic inversion if I ever saw it, and "sinful" to restrict it) Democrat who says she wanted to become a priest for the power. We should not be surprised.
All we need is another evil priest who supports abortion
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