
Friday, June 7, 2024



In contrast to much of the 1970’s ideology I was thought in the 1970’s seminary I went to, one biblical scholar called out “comfort” religion devoid of a demand for morality, discipline, repentance and a willing embrace of the morality of Jesus Christ. 

While Pope Francis may not mean this, His Holiness’ “todas, todas, todas” seems to be an invitation to be a part of an inclusive Church that accepts as normal every aberration except if one demands repentance from disordered affections and lifestyles. That call to conversion is excluded.

Thus Catholicism becomes a toothless lion unable to speak a counter cultural truth to the world. 

This form of Catholicism eliminates abstinence, fasting and other forms of Catholic asceticism. Just think of the kinds of fasts and abstinences as well as other asceticisms that aided in enduring the sufferings of this life that Catholics had prior to 1966. Just think of what Lent was like prior to 1966. 

This article hits the nail on the head and says it in a way that I’ve wanted to say it but couldn’t find the words:

The Triumph of the Therapeutic Mentality


Bob said...

"Like, if it feels good, just do it, man, Jesus is cool."....that clearly is what is written on every page of scripture, and a clearer roadmap to union with God could not the old chain smoker said, "quitters never win."

Where do I sign?

Nick said...

From my own anecdotal experience, I have never spoken to a practicing Catholic under the age of 50 who was drawn to the Faith by cheap grace (as described by Boenhoffer). Rather, they come to the Faith because they have come to believe that union with God in His Church, with repentance of their sins and conversion of their lives, is the highest road to achieving happiness (beatitude).

I hope and pray that we will keep the misguided theories of 1970s progressive/modernist theologians firmly in the past; there only lies decline and desuetude. Why believe at all if nothing is required of you--no repentance, no conversion, no nothing? It's the misguided idea that lowering expectations will make more people interested, and it simply doesn't work. All you do when you lower expectations and make things "easy" is convey that it isn't important (not to say that we should make it hard to be Catholic, but that living in uniformity with the will of God will be difficult for those of us who are not immaculately conceived, and we should not be dishonest about that).


TJM said...

Meanwhile, this is another reason Catholics should NEVER vote for the Democrats. While BLM and Antifa skate under Biden, old grandmas are locked up for protesting abortion:

Where is Pope Francis? Crickets

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Meanwhile, Nick, I'll try to drive this post back to its content. I think the problem today as in the 70's is with "pop" psychology, meaning, I'm okay; you're okay. The Church is being made into a therapeutic school of psychology to make people feel good about themselves, even their disordered affections that are acted out. Sinners should feel good about themselves, when by God's grace and their free-will they rise above disordered affections or strive to find ways to do so.

Psychological therapy presented as morality and spirituality is a corrupt notion. I am not opposed to therapy, but this needs to find its locus in helping people to be responsible to Christ and His Church and to conform to both.

Bob said...

The push to theraputic deism (or whatever latest buzz word phrase) is sold under several labels, ranging from a false heavenly unity on earth with saints and sinners at one happy table (except Jesus' tables were rarely described as happy, but instead confrontational)...

to a desire to bring in people no matter their beliefs or practices in order to fill emptying collection plates in a free-for-all battle with other sects for those holy dollars....

to those inside the Church with sinful lives wanting those sins approved so that they never stand convicted of guilt...

All are shallow and wrong, as those united to God in love follow the commandments, as not following them is greed, and greed cuts us off from God, and those who know God would rather die than do without God.

Mark said...

One of the commenters to the linked Catholic World Report article, Thomas James, suggests that the article misrepresents Father James Martin’s position and goal in his “Building A Bridge” book and links the following article by Father Martin in America magazine, in which Father Martin explicates his position and goal in “Building A Bridge”:

Assuming Father Martin is accurately describing his book (I have not read it and cannot judge this), then Thomas James would seem to have a point.

Perhaps fellow bloggers here could also read Father Martin’s America magazine article and let us know what they think about this matter.

Mark J.