
Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Traditionalist SSPX group distances itself from Viganò, archbishop accused of schism

Money byte: 

The SSPX notes that Viganò in his responses to the accusations defends himself “in various ways, invoking the doctrinal wanderings of the current pontificate; rejecting neo-modernist errors; and asserting his case compares to that of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, also summoned in his time to the Palace of the former Holy Office.”

Viganò in a June 20 post on Exsurge Domine recalled how 50 years ago, Lefebvre was also summoned to the Vatican to answer to allegations of schism.

“His defense is mine; his words are mine; and his arguments are mine – arguments before which the Roman authorities could not condemn him for heresy, having to wait instead for him to consecrate bishops so as to have the pretext of declaring him schismatic and then revoking his excommunication when he was already dead,” he said.

Now, “the scheme is repeated even after half a century has demonstrated Archbishop Lefebvre’s prophetic choice,” Viganò said.

The SSPX in their statement said there is one point which “significantly differentiates” Viganò from Lefebvre, and this difference is that “Archbishop Viganò makes a clear declaration of sedevacantism in his text. In other words, according to him, Pope Francis is not pope.”


Bob said...

I paid attention to Viganó when he first made a name for himself during the McCarrick disaster, whereupon he then went off the deep end very shortly thereafter, and I have not read a word by him since then. Nor can I fathom his fan club nor media sites carrying his writings past mercenary looking for clicks from his followers...

yes, some things he has said are undoubtedly true, but lost in the muddle of his more bizarre lashing out at too many things to count....

by last count, everything and everybody in the world was out to destroy the Church, including 3/4s of its own members, while the truth is the worldwide majority are far too busy playing "the man who dies with the most stuff wins" to be spending time on anything else, and with most Catholics busy playing same game, not much help needed in its destruction.

Mark Thomas said...

There are always Catholics who are keen to throw in with the latest mutineer to have shaken his fist at Rome. In regard to certain Pope Francis haters:
Archbishop Viganó had, for a time, fulfilled the above-mentioned role.

But the "V is for Viganó" movement has collapsed.

Archbishop Viganó is toxic to the point that the SSPX has disavowed him. He had heaped praise upon the SSPX. But even at that, the SSPX, which has long trafficked in its share of extremism, has distanced itself publicly from Archbishop Viganó.

Is Archbishop Viganó oblivious to the disgrace that he has incurred via his war against God/Holy Mother Church/the Papacy? Has Satan clouded Archbishop Viganó's heart and mind to that extent?

Many prayers for the Archbishop. May God deliver Archbishop Viganó from Satan.


Mark Thomas

Seamus Malone said...

Doesn't matter if the SSPX "disavows" him or if some "movement" thrives or collapses. It doesn't matter if everyone hates him or everyone supports him. All that matters is if he is telling us the truth or not. All the worldly praise or opprobrium makes no difference in the lens of eternity.

It seems we had another bishop one time who was reviled by everyone for being wrong. Today his revilers are forgotten and Athanasius is a saint. Is Vigano another Athanasius? I don't purport to know, but I would not be so foolish as to pronounce any kind of condemnation of him. Then again, don't let me spoil your party.

Bob said...

Mark, I would throw the same Satan-clouded-judgement question your way, in your unremitting war on those who question the wisdom or even fidelity to the Faith of the current papacy...people ARE allowed to disagree, and even rebel when they see the hierarchy headed off a cliff.

Seamus Malone said...


Like I was trying to say, our approval/disapproval/judgments about Vigano don't matter. They don't matter at all. All that matters is what God sees. And I don't know too many people who can see things that way or understand the mind of God.

Mark Thomas said...

Archbishop Viganó announced long ago that he had broken communion with us.
He has demonstrated that he is at war with The Holy People of God. He is not interested in the Catholic community. He has treated as meaningless those Catholics who have prayed for his deliverance from Satan.

Archbishop Viganó has passed judgment upon The Holy People of God. The Archbishop has determined that the community of believers is not worthy of his presence. Archbishop Viganó has treated as a joke Rome's awesome authority to judge him canonically.

Nevertheless, it is not too late for Archbishop Viganó to free himself from Satan's grasp. We must pray for Archbishop Viganó's return to full communion with Pope Francis. In turn, that would result in Satan's defeat.


Mark Thomas