
Wednesday, June 12, 2024


As I have written in the past, the flexible pastoral theology of this pope, which His Holiness seems to be trying to make into dogma, is backfiring and even the pope now seems to recognize His Holiness’ culpability, but doing so in a rather crass sort of way, the way of the vulgar Italian, which many Italians and others in the world like. 

I’m in my 70’s and Pope Francis is approaching his 90’s and as we age, we don’t always give a flip what we say or how it comes across—the glory of old age! Think Sophia Portrello! 

Read it for yourself from Crux:

Pope Francis reportedly uses offensive term for homosexuality a second time


Bob said...

I have been semi-convinced that the only-reported, but never totally acknowledged use of crude language regarding gays, are calculated leaks to muddy the waters and reduce damage from Feducia Supplicans to papal credibility and that of his court with a conclave so near. Certainly no slip, no matter the motivation, even if only in an effort to be unpredictable.

Trying to follow the mental contorsions of a contorted personality is always dangerous, so I try to limit my time in such endeavors. One thing I do NOT try to do is waste by time trying to force his actions into an orthodox mold as do so many hopeful others, for whom I have a great deal on prime Florida waterfront property and New York city bridge deeds.

Nick said...

Reportedly, it was also said that those with same-sex attraction are "good boys" but traditionalists are "not good." Really something. Just haganing a lio!
