
Thursday, June 20, 2024



I am not psychiatirst, but I have felt that the Archbishop is suffering from some kind of pathology of a religious, moral, spiritual and mental kind or it is dementia and he’s being used by schismatic forces or the devil. But who am I to judge. I don’t fault the Vatican or the pope in this trial:


Vigano announces on X he is being tried for schism

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Apostollic Nuncio to the United States, publishes a copy of a decree summoning him to appear before the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith to answer charges of schism. 

Vatican News

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former apostolic nuncio to the United States, has posted on his “X” account a communication from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith summoning him to Rome to face an “extrajudicial penal process” (also known as an “administrative process”) for the canonical crime of schism.

According to the social account, which reproduces a copy of a decree attributed to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Viganò was to appear Thursday afternoon (or appoint his own defense counsel) at 3:30 p.m. to “take notice of the accusations and evidence concerning the crime of schism of which he has been accused (public statements which result in a denial of the elements necessary to maintain communion with the Catholic Church; denial of the legitimacy of Pope Francis; a rupture of communion with him; and rejection of the Second Vatican Council).” The document warns that should he fail to appear, or to provide a written defense submitted by June 28, the archbishop “will be judged in his absence.”

In September 2018, Arcbhishop Viganò in September 2018 penned a clamorous letter concerning the case of then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, in which he called for Pope Francis’ resignation. The McCarrick affair, which was fully clarified by the Holy See with the publication of a detailed report in November 2020 that comprehensively refutes the Archbishop, is not the subject of the document published in the X account. Rather, according to Archbishop Viganò himself, the former apostolic nuncio is accused of refusing to recognize the legitimacy of the current Pontiff and that of the last Council. The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has not commented in any way on the announcement posted on social media.

In posting the decree, the social profile connected with Archbishop Viganò attributes the following to the former nuncio: “I consider the accusations against me an honor,” and calls the Second Vatican Council an "ideological, theological, moral, and liturgical cancer,” of which “the Synodal Church” is a “metastasis.”

Commenting on the affair, Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin said, “Archbishop Viganò has taken some attitudes and some actions for which he must answer.” The Cardinal was speaking on the sidelines of a conference at the Pontifical Urbanian University, explaining that the former nuncio will be given the opportunity to defend himself.

Reflecting on his previous experience of working with Archbishop Vigano, Cardinal Parolin told journalists, “I am very sorry because I always appreciated him as a great worker, very faithful to the Holy See, someone who was, in a certain sense, also an example. When he was apostolic nuncio he did good work. 

“I don’t know what happened,” the Secretary of State concluded.


William said...

Indeed, why has the Vatican waited so long? Could it be that Vigano knows where bodies are buried?

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

This Viganò thingy is worthy of a film noir! We haven’t seen the last chapter yet!

Bob said...

Well, I certainly agree he seemed to have slipped a gear...he has made a lot of statements as to worldly things showing only an education from the bad side of the internet, and some fairly space cadet Church pronouncements as well, burying anything valid he might have said....but, not to worry, am sure lifesitenews will now have a petition drive which will be just as effective as all their others.

TJM said...

Give me a break. When will the German bishops be hauled into a Vatican Court? Leftwing loonism is the new faith at the Vatican

Nick said...

Good. May his sanity return.


Mark Thomas said...


The above has led me to recall the following from yesterday: In regard to the Andrea Grillo interview, Michael Lewis, via his "X" account, stated:

"I mostly agree with Grillo in this interview but I don't appreciate the Benedict bashing. Yes, Summorum Pontificum was the worst mistake of his papacy but I don't think he had a clue how much trads abused his good will. He was hopeful but naive."


Somebody responded to Michael Lewis: "Who knew you were anti-Benedict."

Michael Lewis replied: "I am not not anti-Benedict. I believe he mishandled the trad problem. I also think Francis was wrong to let them go insane for the first 8 years of his papacy before taking any action."


Michael Lewis is not the first person to have called out Pope Francis for his (the Pope) perceived slowness in having responded to Archbishop Viganò...and, for that matter, radtrads.

There are many examples as to the tremendous amount of Christlike mercy that Pope Francis has extended to such wayward folks as Archbishop Viganò. I understand Michael Lewis' comment in regard to that.

But it cannot be said that Archbishop Viganò, for example, was not granted ample time to have repented for harm that he has inflicted upon Holy Mother Church.

I pray that Archbishop Viganò will enter into full communion with His Holiness.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Archbishop Viganò's disturbing reaction:

"I regard the accusations against me as an honor...the Council represents the ideological, theological, moral, and liturgical cancer of which the Bergoglian “synodal church” is the necessary metastasis."

"I repudiate, reject, and condemn the scandals, errors, and heresies of Jorge Mario Bergoglio..."

"No Catholic worthy of the name can be in communion with this “Bergoglian church,” because it acts in clear discontinuity and rupture with all the Popes of history and with the Church of Christ."


That last sentence is akin to the following from Archbishop Lefebvre, 1986 A.D:

"The rupture does not come from us, but from Paul VI and John Paul II who break with their predecessors."

"This denial of the whole past of the Church by these two Popes and the bishops who imitate them is an inconceivable impiety and an intolerable humiliation for those who remain Catholic in fidelity to twenty centuries of the same Faith."


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

MT I guess I well have to wait for Pope Francis to resign or die to read the Mike Lewis agrees that Pope Francis made many mistakes in his papacy from FS to TC and enabling the German schism, far greater in magnitude and the shear number of people than the small number of trouble makers that abused SP.

Fr. David Evans said...

There are two types of loyalties: the one that comes from the heart which is better and the one that comes from those who
are loyal only when it is not convenient for them to be disloyal.
~Juan Domingo Peron

TJM said...

Well, Vigano was trusted by the previous two great popes. I think Vigano rattled the perverts in the Vatican's cages once too often so they are out to get him for Schism rather than the German bishops who are truly moving in that direction. As one commentator put it:

"Too many Catholics share the opinion that it is a sin to criticize the Pope. It’s not. Yes, we must be charitable and not question dogma or legitimate teaching. We cannot be sedevacantist.Perhaps Vigano is coarse but is he wrong? Our Church has suffered bad Pope’s before and today is no different. It will pass. But the embracing of “the world, the flesh, and the devil” by Francis in official and unofficial activities cannot be ignored. Our Church has been rocked and, in many dioceses, bankrupted by homosexual clerics yet normalizing this lifestyle is clearly a pet cause. Chinese Catholics, rather than supported as martyrs, are thrown under the bus by cozy dealings between the Vatican and Beijing. There are any number of serious issues in the world, but the fabricated, totalitarian fraud of climate change is constantly discussed. The idolatrous pachamama episode. The failure to reprimand Catholics who support abortion or anti-family ideologies. These aren’t minor issues but symptoms of a Church straying into apostasy. Vigano is right, just as we Catholics who agree, to call out the Pope for this nonsense."

TJM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael A said...

I'm not sure that the actions and the statements made by the current Pope can exclude him from having a wire loose. That's the best case scenario for the sake of his soul. Maybe Vigano is just fed up with a corrupt leadership and the "pro-homo" obsession in the Vatican. Maybe he's angry and with just cause and it comes off too harsh/rigid. Are the other casualties of Francis' war on anti-Vatican II radicals also all crazy? Seems to me that you have a false pope sitting the Vatican and as an Archbishop who understands the seriousness of the damage being done by Francis, he simply tells it like it is. Saying that the government paid clergy scum in Germany are working for the devil and that the pope is aligned with them isn't crazy at all, but just stating an obvious fact. I do like Father McDonald's idea that Francis' attempt to kill the language that the devil hates could backfire on him and his cohorts. Maybe it will create a new and wonderful liturgy full of Latin and reverence. It will be a prayer answered!

Mark Thomas said...

The following is among the disturbing elements in regard to the Archbishop Viganó saga:

Mike Lewis noted the following in regard to churchmen within the United States:

Well after the release of his initial public 2018 A.D. "testimony," at least one Cardinal, as well as more than 24 bishops, attached credibility to Archbishop Viganó/his claims in question.

That is disturbing as within hours following his initial "testimony" in question, Archbishop Viganó had been exposed as a liar.

Mike Lewis said: "Following the pope’s suggestion, journalists quickly debunked many of Viganò’s key assertions by comparing his claims to the publicly-available facts."

"Nevertheless, numerous US bishops publicly vouched for Viganò’s personal integrity, with many stating that they found his accusations credible."

"In the months and years that followed, Viganò’s unsubstantiated claims were defended by many Catholic media outlets, including ostensibly professional organizations like First Things, Catholic News Agency, EWTN, and the National Catholic Register."

"But outlets like EWTN and bishops such as these continued to promote Viganò’s false charges until it became too embarrassing."

"Many of the bishops’ statements have been taken down quietly from the diocesan websites, but with no apologies to the pope or statements of regret for vouching for the “integrity” of an unhinged madman"

"There’s a certain irony in vouching for someone’s integrity, but then lacking the integrity to admit that one’s judgment was wrong."


It was a given in 2018 A.D. that numerous Pope Francis haters would thrown in instantly with Archbishop Viganó. Said folks, in knee-jerk, rush to judgement fashion, were/are keen to accept stories/lies concocted to defame Pope Francis.

But even more disturbing is that Cardinals and bishops had stood with Archbishop Viganó long after he had been exposed as a liar.

Today, the "V is for Viganó" movement is in shambles. Another in the long line of Satanic attacks against holy Pope Francis failed miserably.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...

Francis is the one who is rigid - stuck in a tiny time warp of the 1960s and 1970s where intellect and judgment were suspended for “feelings!”

Seamus Malone said...

It really matters very little how many bishops, priests, theologians or media sources take issue with Archbishop Vigano nor whether any "movement" for or against him is in shambles or thriving. All that really matters is if he is right or wrong. Has he been lying to us or telling us the truth.

After reading his statement to the Vatican's accusations, I am inclined to believe him more than those who oppose him. I find nothing in his defense that is not true. It is not lost on me or many people I confide in how duplicitous it is of the current administration to give free passes (and even honors) to people like Father Rupnik or Father James Martin SJ and selectively bring the full force of Church penalties down upon good men like Archbishop Vigano and Bishop Joseph Strickland.

Without using the words, Vigano has exposed the "ape of the Church" that Archbishop Sheen warned us was coming. How many people approve of the facade of Catholic leadership that currently holds power is as unimportant as how many people approve of Vigano himself. All that matters is WHO is giving us truth?

I can only think of one claim Vigano has made to give me any pause and he has not presented the evidence yet, but I would not be surprised to see it forthcoming and soon, which is probably why he remains in hiding.

Actually it should come as little surprise that the majority of priests and bishops are going to stand behind the current ape of a Church and the heavy-handed pope of questionable election who speaks as a lamb and rules with an iron rod of intolerance. Most people are cowards. It's safer to keep your job and just go along than it is to stand up for the truth. The cost of following Jesus Christ is about to get a lot more expensive.

TJM said...

Seamus Malone,

Well said. Vigano is a small fry compared to the evil German hierarchy and evil Vatican bureaucracy.