
Monday, January 29, 2024


La Croix brought more information about the sausage-making of F******S*********. What I learned is that even the Curia is upset about how this document came about. We already know that the Prefect for the Dicastery of Divine Worship was ticked off that his dicastery wasn’t consulted about the so-called non-liturgical, non-official blessings that priests are suppose to give to couples living in sin, not blessing the sin, but the couples. 

Now, it appears that even the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Office once called Holy, did not know about the document prior to its release. The first time they read it was the first time that everyone else read it. Only Cardinal Fernandez and the DDF undersecretary plus the pope who signed off on it knew about it ahead of time. Dysfunction anyone?

Now, normally, I don’t care about the details of how documents come about from the Vatican.

But we have a pope who constantly says, dialogue, dialogue, dialogue, consult, consult, consult. He’s into synodality, listening to others. This was once called collegiality. 

As it concerns this document, neither synodality, collegiality, subsidiaitity or consultation with a wide range of theologians and bishops, not to mention the lay faithful, took place. 

Thus far, it is faithful Catholics who oppose the silly new “doctrine” of what is called informal blessings which some progressive bishops are saying priests must give if asked, informal blessings, that is.

It appears that the Vatican’s Curia is in a state of chaos and dysfunction as is the College of Bishops and the separate College of Cardinals. In fact the whole Church is in disarray and grotesque polarization right now compared to what it was 11 years ago.

I wonder what took place 11 years ago, 3/13/13 to be exact, that has caused all the chaos, polarization, mess and disarray. I just can’t figure it out. 


rcg said...

Perhaps the fact that their review was not requested indicates what value would have been given to any remarks they provided. And it would have been released anyway.

Amont said...


This is exactly the style of Pope Francis;"make a mess",sew confusion,"unity in diversity.Nothing is precise or clear.This gives him full scope to rule according to his own preferences,and ignore Sacred Tradition,and above all replace the Magisterium with his own.

Jerome Merwick said...

Just one more chapter in Amateur Night at the Vatican.

Mark Thomas said...

Is it correct that the Curia is in a state of chaos? Even such supposed "enemies" of Pope Francis as Cardinal Pell (requiescat in pace) praised our holy Pope's reforms in regard to the Curia.

However, if Cardinal Pell's praise in question is nonsense, then the Curia is in the same supposed "chaotic" state as had been the case during Pope Benedict XVI's Pontificate. For that matter, the Curia has been portrayed for centuries as chaotic and scandal-ridden.

Archbishop Gänswein, for example, insisted that Pope Benedict XVI’s Pontificate had been subjected to horrific chaos within the Vatican. Archbishop Gänswein declared that that "it’s true that during the pontificate there were many problems...the bad guy, the evil one, the devil, doesn’t sleep...I felt him very against Pope Benedict."

Archbishop Gänswein added: "Whoever believes that there can be a calm papacy I think has mistaken their profession."


Peter Seewald also noted the tremendous chaos within the Vatican that had marked Pope Benedict XVI's Pontificate. In humble fashion, during an interview with Peter Seewald, then-Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI had acknowledged:

"My weak point perhaps is a lack of resolve in governing and making decisions. Here, in reality, I am more a professor, one who reflects and meditates on spiritual questions."

"Practical governance was not my forte and this certainly was a weakness."

Conversely, then-Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI praised Pope Francis as "a man of practical reform."

In 2013 A.D., Cardinal Pell declared:

BRISBANE, Australia — Australia's most senior Catholic, Cardinal George Pell, criticized Pope Benedict XVI on the eve of his departure from the Vatican, describing his resignation as destabilizing and his governance as flawed.


The important thing is that despite the "chaos," beginning with Saint Peter, that has surrounded our Popes, the Vicar of Christ has, and will always, teach us the Truth.

Pope Saint Celestine V's Pontificate, for example, was riddled with chaos and confusion. He has been described for centuries as an horrific Pope. Nevertheless, Holy Mother Church looked to the man. She has recognized Pope Celestine V as a Saint.


To return to Archbishop Gänswein's following declaration: "Whoever believes that there can be a calm papacy I think has mistaken their profession."


Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

As if on cue, the local Pollyanna arrives chanting, "holy, holy, holy, nothing to see here but business as usual!" over everybody else who was trying to have a conversation.


Mark Thomas said...

If, and we are dealing with a big "if,"...if Father McDonald's following claim is correct, then we are dealing with, speaking humanly, the following all but hopeless situation:

The Curia is in a state of chaos, according to Father McDonald. Again, if...a big if...if Father is correct, then there is, speaking humanly, not much hope for the Curia.

That is, if "Dictator" (Henry Sire's word) Pope Francis is unable to stabilize the Vatican, then forget it.

Father McDonald has argued throughout the years that Pope Francis has operated akin to a supposed pre-Vatican II authoritarian. However, even "Dictator" Pope Francis has been unable supposedly to stabilize the "out-of-control" Vatican that His Holiness inherited from Pope Benedict XVI.

Pope Benedict XVI acknowledged that he was weak and disadvantaged in regard to his capacity as the Church's lead governor. Conversely, Pope Benedict XVI praised Pope Francis' powerful abilities to governor the Church effectively.

Again, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI acknowledged: "Practical governance is not my strong point and this is certainly a weakness."

Conversely, he praised Pope Francis as a "man of practical reform. He was an archbishop for a long time, he knows the trade. He was a superior of Jesuits and has the ability to put his hands to action in an organized way. I knew that this was not my strong point."

I agree with Pope Benedict XVI that Pope Francis is blessed with outstanding, effective skills in regard to his (Pope Francis') capacity as Holy Mother Church's lead governor.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

In 2016 A.D., then-Pope Emeritus acknowledged that during his Pontificate, he had served as weak, unskilled, governor of the Church.

Archbishop Gänswein insisted that one controversy/problem after another had marked Pope Benedict XVI's Pontificate. Peter Seewald agreed that Pope Benedict XVI had served as a weak governor who had dealt often with bishops who opposed Pope Benedict XVI.

Pope Benedict XVI stated: "A weak point of mine was maybe little resolve in governing and making decisions. Practical governance is not my strong point and this is certainly a weakness."

However, Pope Benedict XVI added: "But I do not see myself as a failure."

I believe that the above comment is of great importance. Pope Benedict XVI recognized that
there is more to a man/Pope than this or that skill. Pope Benedict XVI was unwavering in regard to his love of, as well as loyalty to, God and His True Church.

In my opinion, that has sufficed to have marked Pope Benedict XVI as a holy, and great, man/Pope.


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Pope Benedict = humility, Pope Francis, arrogance with while acting humble. PF would never admit what Benedict did.

TJM said...

Father McDonald = wisdom
Mark Thomas = impenetrable brick wall

Mark Thomas said...

I agree that Pope Benedict XVI = humility.

For example: The "unconditional reverence and obedience" that he had rendered unto Pope Francis demonstrated in powerful fashion Pope Benedict XVI's holy, humble nature.

I pray and hope that Pope Benedict XVI's holy, humble above example will inspire me always to render to the Roman Pontiff my "unconditional reverence and obedience."


Father McDonald said..."Pope Francis, arrogance with while acting humble."

Father McDonald, in respectful fashion, I am compelled to reject your take on Pope Francis.

Pope Benedict XVI insisted that Pope Francis is, if you will, the real deal. Pope Francis is a holy, humble man, according to Pope Benedict XVI's many positive comments related to our current Holy Father.

Pope Benedict XVI's joyful, positive assessment of Pope Francis, the man, as well as Pope, has comforted me.

God blessed us with holy Pope Benedict XVI. God has blessed us with holy Pope Francis.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...

Mental illness runs deep with this one