
Monday, November 20, 2023


 This is really shocking and a huge embarrassment for Pope Francis. We now know why His Holiness has never returned to his native land and why he probably won’t return. In fact the Vatican last week had indicated plans were in place for the pope to return to Argentina but only if the other candidate, the Peronist one, was elected. That appears to have been an attempt to sway Argentinians to vote for the other candidate. It backfired! 

From Rorate Caeli:

Javier Milei Elected President of Argentina in a Repudiation of Francis and Peronism by the People of Argentina


Javier Milei, a Catholic libertarian and outspoken critic of Pope Francis, has been elected President of Argentina over a Peronist candidate in a stunning, double-digit upset win. Milei stated that Pope Francis “has an affinity for murderous communists” and accused him of violating the Ten Commandments. Some Westerners thought these comments might hurt Milei in Argentina, Francis's home country. instead, Milei's aggressive criticisms of Pope Francis carried him to an upset victory.
Read more »

And a more detailed report from Crux:

Anti-Pope’ elected president in Francis’s native Argentina


rcg said...

This sounds bad. The poor are being teed up as a political football.

rcg said...

A follow up read in other periodicals: Milei is in the process of converting to Judaism and does not have a majority or coalition in the legislature to support his radical agenda. He may pass quickly.

Mark Thomas said...

From: Catholic News Agency:

"According to the Argentine newspaper Infobae, Pope Francis supposedly told a group of people close to him that his possible trip to Argentina does not depend on the result of the presidential elections between Sergio Massa and Javier Milei that will take place this Sunday."

A story published Nov. 14 by Infobae states that the Holy Father supposedly said: "My visit to Argentina does not depend on the victory or defeat of any party. There are no conditions on my decision."


From: Buenos Aires Herald, October 19, 2023 A.D::

"The presidential candidate (Javier Milei) said that if he wins the elections and Pope Francis decides to visit Argentina, he will receive him “with the honors of a head of state,” recognizing him as “the spiritual leader of Catholics.”


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."In fact the Vatican last week had indicated plans were in place for the pope to return to Argentina but only if the other candidate, the Peronist one, was elected. That appears to have been an attempt to sway Argentinians to vote for the other candidate. It backfired!"

Where is the story from the Vatican that Pope Francis would visit Argentina " only if the other candidate, the Peronist one, was elected"?

Also, there is not any evidence that Pope Francis attempted sway the Argentinian election in question. In fact, during an interview with La Nación, Pope Francis requested that he not to be dragged into Argentinian politics.


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

MT: La Croix, the progressive Catholic periodical, quoting high Vatican sources, wrote last week: Infobae pointed out that the comments attributed to the Pope would be a response to an article published in the French newspaper La Croix a day earlier, in which one of the “Vatican’s most fervent proponents of Francis’ Latin American tour” is cited, stating that “if Javier Milei is elected, the projected trip falls apart,” but “if Sergio Massa wins the elections, the pope can go.”

Again confusion reigns from the Vatican!

Mark Thomas said...

In regard to Javier Milei/his election: I pray that things work out well for Argentinians as Javier Milei has often screamed and ranted during public appearances. He presents himself in militaristic fashion.

I am very worried about him.

One news report after another has noted that Javier Milei has attacked Catholic Social Teaching.

Forbes reported that Javier Milei had "a father-son relationship with his dog, Conan, to the point where his death triggered an intense depression and desperate reaction by the electoral frontrunner."

"Not only did Milei clone Conan but, through a medium, he apparently managed to have ‘direct communication’ with him in the afterlife, and later with God himself, who gave him the mission of becoming president..."

Does Milei have any use for the True Religion? I ask that in regard to the following from news reports:

"Javier Milei studies Torah regularly and has seriously considered converting to Judaism."

"He also studies Torah regularly. Milei said he has considered converting to Judaism but worries about how Shabbat observance would clash with the duties of the presidency."


From: The Times of Israel:

-- Argentina’s far-right presidential frontrunner wants to become Jewish

"One of the obstacles getting in the way: observing Shabbat. If I’m president and it’s Shabbat, what do I do? Am I going to disconnect from the country from Friday to Saturday?"


My issue is not with Judaism. I am concerned as to why Milei desires to abandon the True Religion? In addition, his screaming, ranting, militant personality is disconcerting.

I am uneasy about Javier. Too many things about him concern me. We will see.


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

That message on Nov. 14 from a Vatican informant to La Croix clearly was mean to influence the election. The pope will go to Argentina if you elect my man, otherwise no.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

MT Melei is a disaster and needs our prayers. That's the point of my post. Catholics in Argentina too, not just in the USA or traditionalists, voted for a candidate and elected him president who has called the pope an "imbecile" among many other derogatory comments. A significant number of Catholics voted against the pope by electing Melei. These aren't TLM loving Catholics either. Why is this pope so polarizing and producing such loathing of him?

That's the elephant in the room that no one addressing. This pope is a polarizing figure, had brought about a denigration of the papal office by his incoherence and confusing papacy and now people are hating him. What is the source of that? No one will talk about that, though.

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald, thank you for your follow up.

There remains, however, not a shred of proof that Pope Francis would base a visit to Argentina upon the outcome of that country's presidential election. There also is not a shred of proof that Pope Francis attempted to sway the election in question.

If anything, there are reports as follows from such news media outlets as Catholic News Agency: Sources close to His Holiness said that the outcome of Argentinian's presidential election would not dampen Pope Francis' desire to visit Argentina.

Thank you.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."A significant number of Catholics voted against the pope by electing Melei."

Father McDonald, report after report has stated that only about "20 percent of Catholics in Argentina practice the Faith regularly."

-- Therefore, what percentage of practicing (regularly) Catholics voted for Javier Milei?

-- In regard to Catholics who voted for Milei: What spurred them to vote for him? To repudiate Pope Francis? Was it for reasons related to Argentina's dreadful economy?

But let us for discussion purposes state that votes for Milei were votes against Pope Francis. Milei is at war with one Church teaching after another. In that light, we could argue that votes for Milei were votes against the True Religion.

Milei despises Catholic Social Teaching. In addition, as El País has reported:

Javier Milei "defends gay marriage, the legalization of drugs and an individual’s right to choose their own gender. He often says that he’s ready to convert to Judaism."

Javier Milei also supports the sale of human organs. In light of that, did Catholics who voted for Milei repudiate Pope Benedict XVI?

November 7, 2008 VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Benedict condemned the trade in human organs as an abomination...

One could argue just as ably that votes in favor of Milei were votes against The True Religion.


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

MT, are you acknowledging, unlike Cardinal Pierre, that South America and Argentina in particular, is not a Vatican II or Pope Francis sucess story and in no way a role model for the USA? What a disaster Catholicism has become there since Vatican II and under Cardinal Bergolio and Pope Francis for the last 10 years. Thanks for pointing that out. Now try to convince Cardinal Pierre!

Anonymous said...

Father, your comment of 12:15 is a good summation with which I ruefully must agree.

As to Milei, on the one hand, Peronism is disastrous, but it doesn't seem as if Milei will be much better, and he appears to be falling or have fallen away from the Faith.


Anonymous said...

I also can't help but notice that "todos, todos, todos" becomes "nada, nada, nada" as soon as a certain holy-holy-holy someone's political preferences aren't fulfilled.

Mark Thomas said...

The article that Father McDonald linked is just another of Rorate Caeli's disgraceful attempts to defame the Vicar of Christ. Rorate Caeli gloated that, at least in their mind, Javier Milei's election as president has constituted the repudiation of His Holiness, Pope Francis.

Rorate Caeli was keen to have reproduce hateful, Satanic declarations that Milei has hurled against His Holiness, Pope Francis.

as reported: Javier Milei "defends gay marriage, the legalization of drugs and an individual’s right to choose their own gender. He often says that he’s ready to convert to Judaism."

He has attacked repeatedly Catholic Social Teaching. He supports the sale of human organs.

But that does not matter to Rorate Caeli. New Catholic, who runs Rorate Caeli, hates the Vicar of Christ. Therefore, despite Javier Melei's war against Catholicism...despite Melei's desire to abandon Jesus Christ in favor of Judaism...New Catholic, via his blog, Rorate Caeli, is keen to salute Javier Milei.

The constant Satanic attacks against Pope Francis that flow from New Catholic/Rorate Caeli are disturbing to an alarming degree.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."MT, are you acknowledging, unlike Cardinal Pierre, that South America and Argentina in particular, is not a Vatican II or Pope Francis sucess story..."

Father McDonald, during Pope Saint Paul VI's reign, millions of Catholics in Mexico, Central, and South America had abandoned the Church. That has applied as well to Popes Saint John Paul II, Benedict XVI, as well as Francis. (But not to Blessed John Paul I's brief reign.) Cardinal Pierre is aware of that.

Along with the above, tens of millions of Catholics in Mexico, Central, and South America, have remained faithful to God and His Holy Church. In line with that, I am on board with the contribution that the final document of the 2007 A.D. Aparecida Conference offers to the Church/Synod.

The Aparecida document draws tremendous inspiration from Pope Benedict XVI's homily offered during that conference's inaugural Mass. The final document in powerful fashion promotes holiness, sound doctrine, priestly celibacy, strong devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary...and much more.

Father McDonald, again, we can benefit from the above.

Thank you, as usual.


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Lifesite thus far has the most thorough report on the new president. I actually think his abortion belief is excellent.

Jerome Merwick said...

This guy's election IS a repudiation, but it's a repudiation of a hell of a lot more than just the current claimant to the chair of Peter. I'd say that's the least of the repudiations this man's election represents.

Maybe, just maybe, we're starting to see South America starting to turn away from its left-wing political addiction.