Archbishop Joseph Francis Rummell of New Orleans
3 Racists Excommunicated By Louisiana Archbishop; Perez, Mrs. Gaillot and Ricau Ousted for Opposition to School Integration --The Vatican Supports Ruling New Orleans Archbishop Excommunicates 3 Segregationists RACISTS OPPOSED SCHOOL DECISION Perez, Mrs. Gaillot, Ricau Vow Fight for Views-- Vatican Backs Ruling Picketed the Chancery Vatican Supports Move
By Claude Sitton Special To the New York Times.
My comments on the Church’s current malaise that would scandalize Archbishop Joseph F. Rummell of New Orleans:The Church certainly goes beyond its institutional confines. Wherever the laity are, they represent Catholicism to the extent that they live it. A well lived Catholicism of the clergy and laity is the way for the “new evangelization.” Poorly lived Catholicism is like hiding a lamp under a blanket. It happens both within the clergy and laity.
For the most part, the role of bishops and priests is spiritual and moral and specifically saving souls from the fires of hell. Their (our) role isn’t necessarily political although the political realm can show or hide the spiritual and moral aspects of the Church.
The Catholic laity are to represent the Church in the social sphere or the public square. They can either shine or hide the Light of Christ by their actions and political choices if these are consistent with what the Head of the Church (Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord) teaches or inconsistent with our Savior.
Let’s talk about Catholic politicians (not non Catholic ones as they are a different category and are not under the authority of the pope or bishops in union with the pope).
Bishops and priests should be mostly concerned with the eternal salvation of the souls under their care. The worldly aspect of the Church is left to deacons, those in consecrated life and the laity who are well formed in the Deposit of Faith and the Church’s moral teachings which they are called to live and proclaim.
When any Catholic, clergy, those in consecrated life or laity, diverges from the Teachings of the Risen Lord and in a public way, they are a “puss” or corruption on the Body of Christ. That carbuncle needs lancing which can be painful and disgustingly messy but ultimately therapeutic leading to healing.
President Elect Biden by his mortal sin of promising to enshrine the right to choose an abortion through the 9th month and murdering a child following a botched abortion, to enshrine euthanasia and enshrine gender ideology is also leading others into perdition.
If President Elect’s bishop in Delaware and eventually Washington and any geographical diocese the President Elect visits, the role of the bishop is to call him to repentance in the areas where he hides the light of Christ and jeopardizes the eternal salvation of his soul which could land him and others in hell.
Yes, his bishops have a political game to play with him, but that is secondary and if that political game fails because President Elect Joe Biden ignores his bishops who call him to repentance, and deny him the sign of Full Communion with the Risen Lord and His Church, the reception of the Sacred Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, then so be it.
Let’s take abortion off the table for a theoretical example. Let’s say a future Catholic politician is elected president. He advocates for racist policies such as segregation under the guise of “separate but equal” and he calls upon the nation to be pro-choice in this re-segregation of America by placing “whites only” or “blacks only” signs on their places of business, restrooms, restaurant tables and water fountains. He also calls for same race schools and institutions and men only in political office.
Would that deserve a rebuke to this theoretical president from their local bishops and shouldn’t the local bishops tell this theoretical president and the world that on race relations, this theoretical Catholic in name only president has broken communion with the Church and thus cannot receive Holy Communion although they want to work with him on other areas of common ground?
After all, bishops need to save their souls too, as well as priests.