
Tuesday, March 7, 2017


There is hysteria from some quarters about an unsubstantiated, perhaps fake news story, about Pope Francis devising an Ecumenical Mass.

But Pope Francis has already promulgated such an ecumenical Mass, which Pope Benedict encouraged!

You ask what is this ecumenical Missal? It is the Ordinariate's Divine Worship, The Missal and it is glorious!

It borrows heavily from the Anglican Book 📚 of Common Prayer (ancient one) and has Anglican patrimony incorporated into it, such as ad orientem, kneeling for Holy Communion and other Protestant elements like the season of Septuagesima, ember days, Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, double genuflection sat the consecration as well as Protestant Offertory prayers and the Last Gospel. Shocking Protestant inclusions! On top of that it has sacral Elizabethan English! Outrageous!

The next thing you know will be a Lutheran version that allows the Protestant ad orientem and shockingly enough kneeling for Holy Communion! Leave it to Pope Francis to do such a thing!

This is explicitly what the ecumenical Missal has as its ideology which will make your Catholic blood curdle !

Worship the LordO worship the Lord
in the beauty of holiness 

The Beauty of Holiness

Though the 20th century has seen an increasing trend towards "church as entertainment," we in the ACC share the view of Lancelot Andrews, Bishop of Winchester (1617-1626), who believed that there should be a sense of holy decency" in the worship of the Church.  From the grandeur of the Solemn High Mass to the sturdy simplicity of the said Daily Office, Anglican worship is characterized by a sense of reverence.  And while our worship is not always formal, we take care to ensure that is it carried out with a respect for "the beauty of holiness." (Ps. 96.9).

The Daily Office

The Anglican Daily Office has its origins in the earliest age of the church. We read, for example, in Acts 10 of Cornelius and his household praying together at specific times of the day. These prayer gatherings most likely followed the Jewish custom, during which psalms would be recited, canticles sung, and lessons read.
Later, with the rise of monasticism, this course of prayer became regularized, with members of the community coming together seven times over the course of the day. These services were named either to reflect their specific purpose, after the respective hours when they were to occur.
Mattins--from the Latin, matutinus, meaning "of the morning"
Lauds--from laudare, meaning "to praise"
PrimeTierceSext, and Nones--from the time in which these services were to occur, i.e. the first, third, sixth, and ninth hours of the day
Vespers--from the Latin, vespera, meaning "evening"
Compline--from the Latin verb form completum, meaning" fulfilled, finished, or complete",

And this could indicate what horrible Protestant elements would be in a Lutheran version of the same!

On Sundays and Major Feasts and Festivals, Holy Mass is held in the Church.  On Wednesdays and for other spoken Masses, Holy Mass is celebrated in the Chapel of the Holy Incarnation (in the Rectory; please use the Parish Office side door next to the church for access) as listed in the daily liturgical calendar.




Wednesday Masses are at 9:30am & 7pm during Advent and Lent.

Major Feasts

As Announced

Prayer at the Altar


Matins, the Church's morning prayer, is prayed every morning at 8:45am in the Chapel of the Holy Incarnation, located in the Rectory.  Matins is not prayed on days when a morning Mass is held.


Vespers, the Church's evening prayer, is prayed on Thursdays at 6:30pm or 7:00pm in the Church, and on alternating Tuesdays at 7:00pm.  During Advent and Lent, additional days are added to the Vespers schedule.  A schedule is available from the church office.

Liturgical Calendar

A daily liturgical calendar of Services for the current liturgical year, including Sunday and Weekday Masses and the observance of the Zion Sanctoral Calendar.

Liturgical Texts

Get Adobe Acrobat ReaderLiturgical Files are in Portable Document Format (PDF) and require the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, you may download it free of charge from Adobe.

Preparation for Holy Mass

The Preparatory Prayers used at Zion include vesting prayers, Psalm 84 (formatted for responsive prayer), traditional suffrages, and appropriate collects.

The Ordinary of the Mass

Zion's Ordo is not currently available in electronic form.  A project underway will make Zion's Ordo, and a complete set of Propers, available in the future.  The Ordos available here were used historically at Zion, but are not reflective of the best Lutheran practice.  Indeed in some cases they are quite contrary to what we teach and confess. They are retained here because they are a part of Zion's history, and the language and rubrics are of interest to those who study the Holy Liturgy.

Propers of the Mass

In keeping with her observance of historic Western use in the Ordinary of the Mass, Zion follows the historic Western liturgy in her use of the propers of the Mass. Available here are full propers for the entire liturgical year as used at Zion, as well as files containing just the Cantors chants.
Full PropersCantor's Chants
Select Feasts
Per Annum 1
Per Annum 2
Per Annun 3
Per Annum 4

Per Annum 1
Per Annum 2
Per Annum 3
Per Annum 4

Sanctoral Cycle Chants
Funerals & Other Occassions
Good Friday
Resurrection Mass
All Saints

Sanctoral Calendar

Included in the Sanctoral Calendar is the entire gamut of feasts, festivals, and commemorations observed liturgically at Zion throughout the year.

Hymn Resources

The hymn plan for Zion primarily uses The Lutheran Hymnal.  Occasionally hymns from other sources are used as well.  Hymns are chosen based on the appointed Scriptures in the liturgical year. The Hymn Plan Liturgical Year 2013-14 can be downloaded by CLICKING HERE

Stations of the Cross

Since the legalization of Christianity in the Fourth Century, the Stations of the Cross have been prayed. Originally, Christians traveled to Jerusalem to walk the route which they assumed Our Lord took from the Praetorium (Pilate's residence) to the tomb. Along the way, they would stop at certain places to pray or meditate. Each station commemorates an event along the way of Our Lord's journey to death and the grave. This devotion affords time for Scripture reading, silent meditation, prayer and hymnic reflection. The artwork which adorns the church (not included here) is also utilized to aid the devotion of the faithful. In order to guide this devotion, excerpts from sermons by Blessed Martin Luther are included. The hope is that such meditation will encourage increased appreciation for the Sacramental gifts presented in and through the Incarnate and Crucified One.


Anonymous said...

Where is the picture taken in this post? Looks like the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer here in Atlanta.

We had an ecumenical "gathering" at Atlanta's Cathedral of Christ the King last night featuring the archbishop of Atlanta and the bishop of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta. Of course we could not use the creed at the "gathering" (because of the Filioque dispute) but did say the Lord's prayer, had a Gospel reading and then a Catholic deacon preach on the theme of the service, caring for immigrants and refugees. In observance of Lent (and thankfully, Easter falls on the same Sunday for both Catholics and Orthodox this year), there was no reception after the gathering, just some meeting and greeting in the foyer. Catholics and Orthodox have two such gatherings each year, alternating between the Catholic cathedral in Buckhead and the Greek Orthodox one north of Decatur.

William Cecil, KG, PC said...

"Sacral" Elizabethan English?

◾The Elizabethan alphabet contained 24 letters, as opposed to the present day alphabet of 26 letters
◾In the Elizabethan alphabet the letters "u" and "v" were the same letter as were and "i" and "j"
◾The "j" was usually used as the capital form of the letter "i" in the Elizabethan alphabet
◾The letter "u" was used only in the middle of a word, and the "v" was used at the beginning.
◾Another letter which resembled a "y" was used to represent the "th" sound. The word "the" was therefore written in a similar way as "ye" would in the modern day
◾The written form of Elizabethan Numbers also cause confusion in translation
◾Numbers were frequently written in lower case Roman numerals, with the last "i" in a number written as a "j". For example - viij March

Where, o where, in the Ordinariate's missal, do we find such "Elizabethan" English?

What you think you now, but don't, is, at times, staggering...

Anonymous said...

The Nicene Creed COULD have been used at the gathering with the filioque phrase omitted.

Both St Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI prayed the Creed with a Patriarch while leaving out the "procession" issue.

Anonymous said...

My impression--never having attended either--is that high-church Anglican and Lutheran services (e.g., those called a "Mass") typically have an overall structure similar to the Catholic Mass, and with similar proper prayers (introit, offertory and communion antiphons, collect, secret, and postcommunion prayers). But differ in their Eucharistic prayers, ranging from the Roman canon in a hieratic vernacular translation, to one that steers well clear of any sacrificial or propitiatory aspect.

The rumored ecumenical E.P. allegedly under development might of the latter sort--basically a last Supper communion service (although an Abyssinian-type anaphora without an explicit consecration formula has also been mentioned)--which could be inoffensive to most low-church Protestants. Of course, this was the original intent of our E.P. II, which however one might assume was pitched too low to attract our more discerning separated brethren.

rcg said...

Hey, Bill C., I thot it was the 'k' combined with the 'j'.

j/k, u no.

Rood Screen said...

William Cecil,

The Holy Mass is said or sung, but not spelled. Therefore, your comment seems unrelated to the post.

William Cecil, KG, PC said...

Dialogue - The words printed in the Roman Missal and the hand Missals of the people are printed.

I suspect none of them, unless they are borrowed from a museum, contains a single jot or tittle of "Elizabethan" language.

Gene said...

Sacral Elizabethan English is when you recite Shakespeare lying on your back. No problem.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cecil,

As I understand the term "Elizabethan English", none of your bulleted points describes an essential attribute of spoken Elizabethan English. They are merely descriptive attributes of a particular way of presenting it written form at a particular time in history.

If you'd like to learn how spoken Elizabethan English is typically presented in written form at the present time, you can consult the printed Ordinariate missal.

William Cecil, KG, PC said...

If the Ordinariate Missal isn't written using the characteristics of Elizabethan English, then it isn't Elizabethan.

It is something. But it's not Elizabethan.