
Friday, February 17, 2017



My comments on the commentary I link above: The good Father may have a point ☝️! Pope Francis has counseled priests to listen to penitents in confession and to offer compassionate spiritual counsel to their imperfect situation because they are not prepared to change an irregular immoral situation. He has counseled us to offer a blessing in place of the words of absolution.

In terms of being admitted to the Holy Eucharist, this term is much broader than Holy Communion. It refers to the entire Mass not just Holy Communion. Although modern liturgists don't teach this truth about the Holy Eucharist, aka, Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the only person required to receive Holy Communion is the priest in order to complete the Sacrifice! No one else is required to do so although all Catholics in mortal sin or not, are required to be admitted the The Most Holy Eucharist. Catholics, though, who have no impediment must receive Holy Communion worthily at least once a year and during the Easter Season (which presumes a yearly confession).

Those with a censure, or have broken the fast or are conscious of any unforgiven mortal sin should not receive Holy Communion! But they must be admitted to the Eucharist!



Victor said...

Hey, what is there to misunderstand? Amoris Laetitia is as clear as spring water. There cannot be any questions about something so absolutely clear. Even Cardinal Cupich of Washington said so again yesterday on Twitter. Why do you contradict the great cardinal who will restore the Church to its former great position in American society? Are you a rigid traditionalist trouble-maker or something?

Anonymous said...

You are sighting Crux as a resource. Talk about fake news. The bishops of Malta and Germany and the diocese of Rome have all publicly denied the de fide teaching Trent. The CDF is silent as is the pope. The man needs to go ASAP. IF FOR NO OTHER REASON THEN HE HAS OBVIOUS MENTAL ISSUES. Francis just gave a "homily" denouncing people who use uncharitable words against others! Francis did that. A man who has never given a speech without insulting someone.

GenXBen said...

I believe that AL can be interpreted in an orthodox way, and if the Bishops of Germany, Malta, Argentina and the left-wing precincts on the US agreed, then there'd be no problem. But the problem is the Hermeneutic of Rupture is winning the war so we have to reconcile the fact that (1) The Pope can't change Church Teaching and (2) according to many Bishops (who's decrees are published by the Vatican press office and in the Vatican newspaper) the Pope just changed Church Teaching. George Weigel famously said that something can't be a moral sin on one side of the German-Polish border and a source of grace on the other. The Vatican, so far, as said "yes, it can". So we have to rethink our entire understanding of the sacraments. Do the requirements for worthy reception amount to Doctrine, which develops but never contradicts earlier understanding, or are they Disciplinary, which can change from one day to the next with no regard to Sacred Tradition.

Anonymous said...

My wife and her adulterous partner have always been openly accepted as husband and
Wife and receive communion. They have been together since 1990 with no annulment.

I have been left to die.

No, I do not receive communion. I AM CORRECT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS WRONG.
Nor do I attend mass any longer. It would be supporting evil.

No. We do not misunderstand the heretic Jorge. YOU MISUNDERSTAND THE EVIL POPES BEFORE HIM WHO SET THIS UP.

Grow up, foolish little boy priest and comprehend the incredible damage being done to

Jusadbellum said...

Sure. If by "admitting people to communion" we mean "spiritual communion" but not actually physically receiving the Eucharist, then sure, everyone is welcome!

But that's not what most people think when they argue that adulterers can't help but have sex with their 2nd wife (the first still living).

It's like saying "sodomy is perfectly healthy" if by "healthy" we mean: it won't immediately kill you. In that case, chain smoking is healthy. So is heavy narcotic drug use, morbidly obese people, and any number of conditions currently being treated in hospitals or serious regimes of medications world wide.

This sort of thing - change the definition so as to smuggle something in that doesn't belong - has a long pedigree. It's sophistry. It's classic equivocation.

Jacob said...

No we aren't misunderstanding the Pope, he said you can give communion to adulterers.

Anonymous said...

Jusadbellum: 'If by "admitting people to communion" we mean "spiritual communion" but not actually physically receiving the Eucharist, then sure, everyone is welcome!'

According to standard Catholic theology, one must be in a state of grace to receive either (actual) sacramental communion or spiritual communion. For instance:

The divorced and remarried cannot make spiritual communion” , Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki, President of the Polish Episcopal Conference affirmed in an intervention at the Convention “What God joined together…” Marriage, Family and Sexuality in the Context of the Synod of Bishops 2014-2015” which took place on April 14 that the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw. Archbishop Gadecki, who stood out during the Synod of Bishops in 2014 for his defense of Catholic morality, wanted to respond to those, such as Cardinal Kasper who sustain that if the divorced and remarried can receive spiritual communion, they can also receive the Sacrament. The use that is made of the term “spiritual communion” in order to justify the admittance of the divorced and remarried to the Sacraments is absolutely improper, explained Archbishop Gadecki. Spiritual communion refers, in fact, to people in a state of grace, who, on account of a physical impediment, cannot receive Communion (as happened for example, in the part of Poland occupied by the Soviets after the Second World War).

On the contrary, it cannot refer to those who are forbidden to receive the Eucharist on account of a moral impediment they can freely remove, by abandoning the situation of sin they are in. All those who are in a state of God’s grace can make a spiritual communion. Those who are in a state of sin, can pray, attend Mass, develop their relationship with God, but this relationship cannot be defined as spiritual communion.

Rood Screen said...


Then why are you reading a Catholic blog?

John Nolan said...

The Eucharist is a sacrament, the Mass per se is not. Those hearing Mass are receiving manifold graces but are not necessarily being admitted to the Eucharist - I would have thought this to be so obvious as to be hardly worth mentioning.

Be that as it may, Wipo of Mainz alerted me to a 'bombshell', or has he would put it a 'petard'. On 2 February, AD 2017, Cardinal Woelki, the Archbishop of Cologne, celebrated Candlemas at the high altar of the cathedral and ad orientem (one can see it on Youtube,

This is interesting on two counts. Firstly, in medieval times the Archbishop of Cologne was allowed to celebrate versus populum at the high altar. Secondly, the 'Volksaltar' at the crossing, which is normally used, was installed before Vatican II in the mid-1950s.

The music, of course, was superb (Cologne boasts three choirs and an orchestra in addition to one of the most celebrated organists in the country) and the dignity is enhanced by the fact that even in a vernacular Mass the celebrant chants his parts. Nobody seems to have problems with using either Latin, or the vernacular, or both (the Germans were allowed vernacular chants/hymns long before V2).

No altar girls or Extraordinary Monsters either. I hate to say it, but it's actually a good advertisement for the Novus Ordo.

David B. said...

The Saint Joseph Daily Missal (1962) Imprimatur..Francis Cardinal Spellman describes Spiritual Communion during the prayers of the Ordinary of the faithful who do not receive sacramentally should at least say the following act of Spiritual Communion: My Jesus, I believe that Thou art in the Blessed Sacrament. I love Thee above all things, and I long for Thee in my soul. Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though Thou wert already come, I embrace Thee and unite myself entirely to Thee: never permit me to be separated from thee.
I was taught this as a young man have taught my children this also. Never recieve Holy Communion unless you are in a state of grace. Go to Mass (Celebrate the Eucharist)but make a spiritual communion instead of receiving. I believe this has always been the case and always will be.....Those who do not abide by this are either ignorant of the rule or beleive otherwise for whatever reason.

Anonymous said...

Well if you take a look at Francis tells us ISLAM has nothing to do with terrorism and tells the Europeans to bring in more Muslims. Once again the facts: All MUSLIMS are "not" terrorists but all terrorists have been MUSLIMS, facts Francis facts. What is the love affair with MUSLIMS and the Left, feminists, Democrats, the Pope, environmentalists, the media, Hollywood, music artists, gays and the list goes on and on??? ISLAM is a political ideology in which mosque and state go hand in hand, to call it a religion is simply sheer idiocy. The aforementioned list of groups would be the first ones to be KILLED by MUSLIMS under Sharia Law, yet they don't seem to understand that. Francis, just what and who are you, what do you want to achieve besides the total destruction of Europe and what is left of the Roman Catholic Church, and lets be adults here and have this discussion, it has nothing to do about hating this Pope, it is simply a question and as adults we should be able to ask these questions without name calling.

Anonymous said...

Continuing from above, take a look at the Left in this country, the attacks on President Trump and our lovely First Lady continue day in and day out, now the media are calling Melania Trump a former prostitute, can you imagine if this was Michelle Obama? Oh my you would be called racist, bigot, Nazi, and your career would be destroyed. I find it ironic that the Democrat part was once called the party of free speech, now they are the party of Fascism, race baiting, burning buildings, black lives matter, and the total shut down of free speech on ALL COLLEGE campuses. How ironic that NOW the new Republican party led by our GREAT President is the leader of FREE SPEECH the uniter of ALL the races and creeds in this country and the Left and MSM cannot stop him. Even this week at the CPAC conference the "key note" speaker will be Milo Yiannopoulos from yes he is gay and I know the attack knives will be tossed at me for defending him, but so be it, there is more at stake for this country than Milo's sexuality. And on a nice note Milo is a practicing Roman Catholic who loves the TLM, please be nice when you start attacking me folks.

Anonymous said...

And we have the MSM going crazy because Melania recited the Our Father to the HUGE crowd yesterday in Florida, sorry MSN she did not say a prayer from the Quran, it was from the Christian Bible and therefore the LYING PRESS hated her for it. Melania is clearly shy and had the prayer written down and the MSN is even attacking her for that. For all who hate this lovely and gracious First Lady Melania speaks her native Slovenian, German, French, Italian, English and Russian fluently, I myself cannot speak five languages. Your hatred truly is sick and utterly demented, all who have sought to destroy her and our President need help!!! By the way take a look at the crowd behind President Trump, for in it you would have seen white, latino, black, asian and yes even gays, this is a man who loves ALL AMERICANS regardless of race, creed, gender, we have waited decades for a moment like this when a man like President Trump comes to unite ALL of us as one people under one flag and one God!!!!!!!! Enough of the hatred of the Left and race baiting it is not working anymore and they are utterly unhinged and going out of their minds!!!!! God save America and Donald and Melania Trump!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 11:16 AM I agree with you, I myself do not agree with all that Milo says, but he does speak the truth and has every right to say what he believes, yes he is British and has firsthand saw what has happened to his native England, he has has stated that when he walks the streets of London it no longer is London but could be any street in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Algeria, Syria, Somalia or any Muslim country. As a gay man he completely understands what Islam is and what it would do to him if mass immigration continues it would mean his ultimate death. He knows that Christians will not slit his throat or toss him from a building like they do to gays in the de-facto ISIS capital of Raqqa Syria. Milo correctly states he DOES not make a distinction between RADICAL ISLAM AND ISLAM, for it is one in the same like it or not. This is a truth that many cannot or will not accept, for it is spot on, the Quran is the same for ALL MUSLIMS RADICAL OR NOT!! Many gays are Conservatives and persecuted by their own community as TRAITORS, Milo Yiannopolous is one such man, I would proudly call him a friend and defend him from the hate and harm that is tossed at him by the so called TOLERANT LEFT! As a "straight" male I applaud Milo, it takes guts to stand up to EVIL, and on a side note he has ex-Navy Seals who volunteered to protect him on his tours.

Anonymous said...

As a Croatian American and fellow Slav as is our First Lady, it makes me sick how the Liberal media makes fun of her "Slovenian" accent when she recited the Lord's prayer yesterday, so much for the "tolerant" Left, I guess if she was a Hispanic or Muslim immigrant with a heavy accent that would be fine, but she is a European and that calls for harsh attack. The Left is openly one sided and such hypocrites they are to stupid to even see them as such. Melania by the why speaks Slovenian, English, German, French and Italian, how many can you speak Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Brian Williams, Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, Sheppard Smtih, Joy Behar, Whoopie Goldberg, Amy Shumer, Gloria Steinem, DEFENDERS OF WOMEN INDEED!!FAKE NEWS FAKE CELEBRITIES

Anonymous said...

Caught Milo on that radical Bill Mahers show and when Maher said all religions are violent and stupid Milo said and I quote: yes except for Roman Catholicism! Right on Milo!! Boy even our bishops don't have the guts to say that, truly sad to say, but heck its the truth mates.

Anonymous said...

The Fake media is the ENEMY of the people, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, The New York Times, Reuters, NPR, and yes the elite neo-cons Wallstreet Journal, National Review both of these anti-Trump magazines that are now irrelevent, be gone all of them. Trump speaks for the common man and woman not these parasites. The Left is in complete collapse and are backed into a corner with the facts and the hard truth and with them are the neo-con Republicans who kiss the feet of the Left. Well folks this man in the White House kisses nobodys feet and bows to no king or prime minister, the truth is hard to hear sometimes and yes Trump tells it like it is and many cannot except that fact. Without borders a country is not a country, without commmon culture and language a country is not a country, Trump is doing what he said he would do in the pre-election season, he is a man of his word and has proven that in just 30 days!!

Gene said...

The Left is going nuts and their hair is on fire because the White House is full of handsome and beautiful, very successful and wealthy white people who are also Christians. The gays are going nuts hating Melania because nothing gives the lie to their perversion more than a beautiful woman. I am so loving this and thoroughly enjoying watching the enemies of the Republic's heads explode. I haven't laughed this much since they tried to tell us Michelle Obama was beautiful...LOL...oh, God, it's killing me!!!

Anonymous said...

The whole Trump family is handsome and beautiful with Ivanka having 3 children and Don JR. has five children, the MSN cannot stand seeing a nice family and kids all over the place at the White House. And with a diverse cabinet, Catholics, Hindus, Protestants, Jews, women, gays, blacks, latinos, asians, NEVER has a cabinet been this diverse, it is kiling the MSN big time. Lets see they cannot call Trump anything he has covered every base the Left loves to accuse. LOL LOL LOL LOL

TJM said...

A liberal friend told me Michelle Obama was "beautiful." I laughed and responded, "beauty is in the eye of the ideologue." Michelle only speaks English but she is "brilliant." I think Barack is working on speaking "Austrian" now that he's retired.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 2:49 PM that is correct they cannot call him bigot, racist, homophobe, anti-Semitic, anti-woman, he has ALL of these so called "victims" in his White House and the MSM just cannot nail him on anything, that is because they can't. The day's of letting the MSM call the shots are over, it used to be Republicans and conservatives would run to the nearest microphone and deny any and all accusations not this man, he has b-lls!! Sorry Father but I did censor myself. Come after him and he hits back just like any man or woman should, don't buy the FAKE news and he has not and will not. The era of Media intellectualism is over and the Trump era has begun, Deo Gratias!! Take no prisoners and crush all and any who seek to destroy this country for if we don't they surely will destroy us.

Gene said...

The Obamas were the biggest affirmative action ruse ever pulled on the American people. Of course, the left just gobbles it up like candy...thoroughly willing to be duped to prove they are not "racist." They are destroying the very Republic that permits them their petulant, hateful and violent behavior. I wish they could go to China or Russia and behave the way they do here and see what happens...or the Phillipines, Columbia, or Cuba.

Anonymous said...

Video: Milo "Catholics are right about everything"

Anonymous 2 said...

We are all entitled to our own opinions but not our own facts.

One among several instances in the posts today (Anonymous at 10:37 am): “Once again the facts: All MUSLIMS are "not" terrorists but all terrorists have been MUSLIMS.” This latter statement is completely false. It is another instance of FAKE NEWS. We all need to do the necessary research and get informed instead of irresponsibly spreading falsehoods. It is our duty as responsible citizens and as Catholics committed to the Truth in all its forms. Just to be clear -- I write as one who deplores terrorism, whoever the perpetrator is, and by no means do I discount the threat posed by “Islamic terrorism.”

For those who want the facts as opposed to falsehoods:

“How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?”

Anonymous said...

Fake news in regards to Muslims not being terrorists oh you poor thing, please tell that to the victims of are you ready sir? World Trade Center the first time, 911 the second time, Madrid, Brussels, Paris, London, Nice, Bali, Berlin, Fort Hood, San Bernadino, Tulsa, Kobar towers, the list goes on and on, tell me sir, have Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Mormans, Baptists, Yazidiis, Bahais, Zorastrians, pagans, and yes even Wiccans, been the perpetrators of ALL these acts of murder, decapitations, bombs, genocide, NO and for you to even deny that it was ALL MUSLIMS is simply a sheer act of stupidity or complicity, choose one or the other sir, I truly feel sorry for you and you should apologize to ALL the victims of these MUSLIM acts of Terror, SHAME ON YOU. You are truly a dhimmi!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I did see the Milo clip a while back simply funny when he said Catholics are right about everything, hey he is correct, and like he said tonite on Breitbart, it took a gay Brit to do more for Conservatism than 30 years of establishment Conservatives. I could care less about Milos' personal lifestyle yes he can be vulgar during his talks but nails it each and overtime and is not afraid to make these speeches on Left wing college campuses where he is protected by ex-Navy Seals who have volunteered to protect him from violent Leftists who protest his talks.

Gene said...

Muslims are undesirables...period. Islam is a false religion, aggressively promoted by a savage and primitive culture. Trump should make it a Muslim ban. Seriously, does anybody really care if they never see or hear from another Muslim for as long as they live...except for people like Anon 2.

Rood Screen said...

I respect Moslims. I also respect Copperheads and tornadoes.

Anonymous 2 said...


In your post at 10:37 a.m. yesterday you stated that “all terrorists have been MUSLIMS.” This is demonstrably false. Indeed, over the last several decades most terrorist have NOT been Muslims. You have now amended your statement to make the tautological claim that “All the terrorists in the listed terrorist attacks perpetrated by Muslims have been Muslims.” I am not disputing this tautological claim. Nor would I dispute that in recent years most terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by Muslims. But that is not what you said and what I correctly denied. Perhaps you should be more careful with language (just as Donald Trump should when, for example, he refers to the non-event that happened in Sweden on Friday night and indeed when making all his other false claims).

But, of course, the nefarious purpose of propagating the false claim that “all terrorists have been Muslims” is to support the equally false narrative that there is something uniquely evil about Islam that disposes its adherents to violence and terrorism (yes, I know about the Sword verses etc. in the Qur’an and about the various hadiths). In turn, this will allow us to perpetrate all manner of evil against Muslims. Your comments and Gene’s comments on this thread amply demonstrate that you have already started down this path. I urge both of you to turn back before you become the thing you hate. And it is this concern, and this warning, that lies behind the Pope’s remarks.

No-one is more opposed to terrorism than I am. I lived through years of terrorist attacks by the Provisional Wing of the Irish Republican Army (all good Muslims of course), who were killing innocent civilians in Britain where I grew up, probably before you had even heard of terrorism (although certain misguided elements in the United States supported the IRA). They also murdered people I knew. So, you have no right to lecture me about terrorism.

Anonymous 2 said...

As for Milo, it is a sad state of affairs when you promote_him_as the poster child for Roman Catholicism. But it should not surprise us. Anything, and I mean anything (p***y grabbing boasts, gratuitously demeaning language and conduct, walking down Fifth Avenue and shooting someone, pathological lying) is permissible if it is your hero (or as Milo would say, your Daddy) doing it, right? Please refer again to my previous comment about becoming the thing you hate.

Gene said...

Anon 2, most men who have lived at all have used rough language, had broken or troubled relationships with women at some point, engaged in locker room boasting, had a fist fight or two, etc. George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower (to name a few more prominent ones) were all rough men who used rough language, boasted a bit, and had colorful or eventful backgrounds. It is silly to criticize or judge their competence or intentions by those standards. As for your irrational love of Muslims, we can only shake our heads and "go figure."

TJM said...

Anonymous 2,

Here is something to chew on about your "friendly, non-violent" Muslim buddies. Alas, President Trump is right again and the evil, corrupt media wrong!

rcg said...

Anon 2: Not many people voted for Trump because he acted crass. But it appears that he has seen a need to improve. And frankly, I don't want a president who wants my support based on what he will give me or what religious values he thinks I want him to have. In fact we could use a little less help and a lot more room to develop our own talents. He may be playing us but at least he is an affliction on my enemies and drawing their fire while I try to get in a better position.

Anonymous 2 said...

Gene, TJM, and rcg:

There seems little point in arguing about President Trump. From your perspective, he seems to be some kind of secular savior who can do no wrong (do we need to wonder how different your reactions would be if a Democrat engaged in the same antics?). From my perspective you are in denial and he will self-destruct sooner or later (personally I give him a year at most). We will not persuade each other. Time will tell who is correct.

Jusadbellum said...

What "antics"? Enforcing current law? Those antics?

I'd relish an apples to apples comparison between Trump and Obama but we won't get it. Obama was never lampooned by SNL his entire first term. No one was allowed to laugh at him until late in his 8 year presidency.

I seem to recall Obama attempting to close Gitmo - in a Congress entirely filled with Democrats for the first 2 years - and being told "no". And then when they had the super-majority with a filibuster proof Senate, they didn't pass amnesty to welcome all the illegals they supposedly love. Huh. How about that? Almost as though they cynically calculated that they'd need their votes (legal and illegal) in years to come.

And where did TARP go - all $1 trillion "shovel ready jobs"? Entire Congress to himself and Mr. Super-intelligent Obama didn't manage to "spread the wealth" around all the inner cities, creating long lasting jobs for Unions and minorities? Huh. Interesting. Almost as though the point is never to actually SOLVE problems but to milk them for maximum long term political GOTV purposes....

Speaking of intelligence, how did HRC's original "Russian Reset" work out? Or the Arab Spring? Or letting the youth revolution in Iran die on the vine. Brilliant work there, obviously world-class intellects involved. I mean, who ever was more well prepared than Ben Rhodes? How on earth could we ever replace such a brilliant mind?

Gene said...

Clinton and Obama did engage in their own antics, many of which were very harmful to this nation. They were just more articulate...meaning they prevaricated better. Trump loves the country and respects the founding principles. I don't care what names he calls people...he is usually accurate, anyway.

Anonymous 2 said...

Jus and Gene:

We are not talking about Obama or Clinton; we are talking about Trump. Nice try, though.

And I was not even primarily talking about policies. If you do not know what I mean by antics, then you need to emerge from your Bubble and get informed. If you do know, I cannot help you any more than I can help someone who is a substance abuser as long as they are in denial.

But if you do want to talk about policies, then what exactly are they? To consider just a couple of examples from so many: Take Iraqi oil or not? Work to break up NATO and the EU or not? Even VP Pence and his Cabinet members do not seem to know. He says one thing; they say another. The man is either completely undisciplined, or he is so crazy like a fox that even his own people can’t figure him out.

And as for his immigration policy, good grief! Now this is an area I know something about as I teach it and have practiced in it. His “Travel Ban” executive order was a joke. He may have taken reading in school but he does not appear to have learned the basic truth hanging on the wall in elementary schools: “Do it right or do it over.” Now, I grant you that one may have to do it over even when one is careful, but I can tell you based on my professional expertise that the “Travel Ban” executive order was dreadfully, dreadfully sloppy (and I am not even talking about the constitutional issues). It gets a grade of F minus. But I am sure it was all someone else’s fault, and someone else should have made sure it was done right and not rushed out without proper vetting. But what else can one expect from the Narcissist-in-Chief? Anyway, he got a good reality check from the courts. Let’s hope he learned something from those “so-called judges.” Then he might become more than a “so-called president.” But I am not holding my breath.

As I said, unless President Trump shapes up soon, I give him a year at most, and then we will have President Pence.

Anonymous 2 said...

Getting back to Milo, do his “apologists” on this blog consider that he is a victim of concerted efforts to discredit him or do they think that Milo bears at least some responsibility for his own downfall (including a “forced resignation” from Breitbart)? Inquiring minds want to know.

TJM said...

Anonymous 2 ,

Your "inquiring mind" resides in a left-wing swamp. It takes no intellectual rigor to be a liberal today because the national media is one, big massive echo chamber. So long as you believe in Abortion, Gay Marriage, and Man Made Global Warming you're in like Flynn. Our vaunted national media acted as stenographers for the corrupt, Obama Regime for 8 years and all of a sudden they have decided to be journalists again. For all of his faults, Milo is speaking "truth to power" to the evil, DNC/Media/University Complex. I still laugh when I recall a New York Times reporter asking his little wooden, god, Obama, in a White House Press Conference if he was enchanted with his first 100 days in the White House. You wanted to barf

Anonymous 2 said...


Let me know when you are ready to have an adult conversation. Until then, there is little point in responding to your diatribes and ad hominem slurs.