On her 110th birthday, Italy’s oldest native-born nun says love is the secret to life
• Italy’s oldest native-born nun, Candida Bellotti, celebrated her
110th birthday with best wishes from Pope Francis and valuable tips for
those wanting to live a long life. “Love, love and keep on loving. With
joy!” the nun said as she marked the big milestone on Monday at the
convent where she lives in the Tuscan town of Lucca. “Have faith in the
future, and put in as much work as you can to make your wishes come
true.” Sister Candida has survived two world wars, 10 popes and 57
Italian prime ministers. Born in Verona, she became a nun in 1931 with
the Ministre degli Infermi di San Camillo order and worked as a nurse in
hospitals and care homes across the country. She celebrated her
Ad multos annos!
Ad multos annos! But as my wife assures me regarding my own possible longevity, only the good die young.
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