Our Solemn Sung Midnight Mass will be in the Ordinary Form in English, however, it will have the EF's Rite of Sprinkling Holy Water as a prelude to the Introit. The Introit will be the traditional Midnight Mass Introit chanted in Latin in the traditional Manner. The Kyrie in Greek in the traditional EF format, the Gloria and Credo III chanted in Latin.
This Ordinary Form Mass will have a deacon and subdeacon and their movements choreographed as would be in the EF Solemn Sung Mass. The Mass will be celebrated ad orientem.
Following the Solemn Blessing and Dismissal, the Last Gospel will be chanted as a postlude prior to the recessional hymn.
Christmas Mass at Midnight
Organ: “Fantasia on ’Hark! The Herald Angels Sing’” Alec Wyton
Cinda Ortiz, Trumpet
The Proclamation of the Birth of Christ: Fr. Vernon Knight
Processional Hymn Prelude to Mass: “O Come, All Ye Faithful”
Choir and Congregation
1.Adeste fideles . . . Choir only.
2.O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant;
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem;
Come and behold him, born the King of angels;
Refrain: O come, let us adore him; O come, let us adore him;
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord!
3.Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation,
Sing, all ye citizens of heav’n above!
Glory to God, all glory in the highest! Refrain.
Asperges Prelude
“You will sprinkle me with hyssop, O Lord, and I shall be cleansed;
you will wash me and I shall be made whiter than snow.”
Priest: Show us, O Lord, your mercy.
People: And grant us your salvation.
Priest: O Lord, hear my prayer.
People: And let my cry come unto you.
Priest: The Lord be with you.
People: And with your spirit.
Introductory Rite
Introit “The Lord said unto me: You are My Son, this day have I begotten You.” Why do the nations so furiously rage together: and why do the peoples imagine a vain thing? Gloria be...Refrain. Cantors
Priest: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
People: Amen.
Priest: The Lord be with you.
People: And with your spirit.
Penitential Act
All: I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters,
that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words,
in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do,
And, striking their breast, they say:
through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault;
therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints,
and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.
Priest: May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.
People: Amen.
Kyrie (Lord, have mercy) Missa di Angelis
Gloria: Missa de Angelis Hymnal #106
The Liturgy of the Word
First Reading
Second Reading
Profession of Faith: Credo III (Latin) Hymnal #213
Universal Prayer (chanted)
The Liturgy of the Eucharist
Music at the Offertory:
Offertory Antiphon: Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad before the Lord: for He is come.
“Born in Bethlehem” Stephen Hough
Mass Setting: “Mass of Creation” Marty Haugen
Holy, Holy
Memorial Acclamation
Great Amen
Pater Noster
Agnus Dei (Took's Holy Trinity Mass)
Instructions on Receiving Holy Communion
We invite those practicing Catholics who are in a state of grace (free of mortal sin or any other impediment) to come and receive Holy Communion. If you are not able to receive Holy Communion, you may come forward to receive a blessing; please indicate your desire for this blessing by crossing your arms over your chest. Please kneel along the entire length of the altar railing.
Music at Communion: Choir and Congregation
Communion Antiphon: The Word became Flesh and we have seen His glory.
“Angels We Have Heard on High”
1.Angels we have heard on high Sweetly singing o’er the plains,
And the mountains in reply Echo back their joyous strains.
Gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria in excelsis Deo!
2.Shepherds, why this jubilee? Why your joyous strains prolong?
Say what may the tidings be, Which inspire your heavenly song.
Gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria in excelsis Deo!
3.Come to Bethlehem and see Him whose birth the angels sing;
Come adore, on bended knee, Christ, the Lord, the newborn King.
Gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria in excelsis Deo!
“Silent Night”
1.Silent night, holy night, All is calm, all is bright
‘Round yon Virgin Mother and child, Holy Infant, so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace.
2.Silent night, holy night, Shepherds quake at the sight;
Glories stream from heaven afar, Heav’nly hosts sing Alleluia;
Christ the Savior is born, Christ the Savior is born.
3.Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love’s pure light
Radiant beams from thy holy face, With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord, at thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at thy birth.
Meditation after Communion: “Cantique de Noël” Adolphe Adam
Richard Kosowski, Tenor
Blessing and Dismissal
Last Gospel Postlude (All genuflect at “AND THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH.”)
Recessional Hymn: “Joy to the World”
1.Joy to the world, the Lord is come: Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare him room,
And heav’n and nature sing . . . .
2.Joy to the world! The Savior reigns: Let all their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains
Repeat the sounding joy . . . .
3.He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove
The glories of his righteousness,
And wonders of his love . . . .
Postlude: “Noel Suisse” Claude Daquin
* * * * * *
Father Allan J. McDonald, Pastor
Father Vernon Knight, Parochial Vicar
Monsignor John Cuddy, Priest (Retired)
Deacon Don Coates Deacon Tom Eden
* * * * *
Trumpets: Cinda Ortiz, Jermaine Morell, Jabari Thomas
Timpani: Rob Sumowski
Kerrell Goolsby, Baritone
Dr. Richard Kosowski, Tenor Beau Palmer, Tenor
The Choirs of St. Joseph
Nelda M. Chapman, Organist and Director of Music
Why are you mixing and adding things? It is totally inappropriate and not allowed to combine the EF sprinkling rite with the OF of the Mass. The GIRM specifically states that if the sprinkling of water is used it takes the place of the Penetential Rite. Don't get me wrong, your idea is better but the Church doesn't call for what you are doing and you don't have any authority to mix the two forms of the Roman Rite. I can't believe I am actually saying the two forms of the Roman Rite, but we also have two popes, cardinals promoting sacraligeous communion, adultery, a pope silent when a Catholic nation embraces sodomy so I guess in this long run the mixing doesn't matter. So go ahead Father do what ever the hell you want everybody else is. Rules, like pie crusts are made to be broken.....right. I'm sure some bishop of a rather important European diocese wouldn't have a problem with that.
The Sprinkling Rite as it will be here at Midnight is not a part of the Mass, but a prelude (I'll be wearing cope to make that clear) and this form is now allowed in the Ordinariate Missal and in this fashion.
The Last Gospel is not a part of the Mass but a postlude as any other prayer or reading might be and many parishes have additional prayers after Mass and the Vatican Masses always sing Slave Regina prior to the recessional.
Keep in mind the penitential act remains as a part of the Mass. If I included the Rite of Sprinkling as a part of the Mass the Penitential act would be omitted.
Parishes and do preludes and postludes. We have 45 minutes of carols prior to the Midnight Mass, these are not a part of the Mass.
A Priest who is not incardinated into an Ordinariate does not have permission to use the Ordinariate Rite unless he is, unusually, ceebrating for an Ordinariate congregation. What you intend to do may seem attractive, but that does not make it right. SAY THE BLACK and DO THE RED should apply as much to ourselves as to those we accuse of tampering with the liturgy.
You are rationilizing your actions.
The ordinary Form of Mass provides for a Rite of Sprinking, which if used takes the place of the Penetential Rite. That's what the GIRM states. If you want to use a sprinkling rite with the Ordinary Form of Mass use it as approved by lawful authority.
The Asperges are part of the ExtraOrdinary Form of the Roman Rite. I am well aware that they is not a part of the Mass. The Missal of Paul VI makes no provision for the asperges, therefore no have no authority to add them. Just like a traditionally minded priest doesn't have the authority to make the multiple signs of the cross over the elements of bread and wine in OF as would be done in the EF Mass....because it is not provided for.
What you are doing is just as disobedient as priests who omit this that or add this and that at will during the OF of Mass. It comes down to obedience and authority. You are not the master of the liturgy but it's servent. The Church has stated more than once that there is to be no mixture of ritual from the two foms of the liturgy. You are being rigid in your rationalization that the Asperges and last Gospel aren't part of the Mass, they aren't part of the Mass and nobody is saying they are. But they are part of the traditional Roman Rite. But they are not provided for in the Missal of Paul VI. And the Vatican II document on the liturgy staes that "no one, not even a priest has the authority to add remove or change anything on the liturgy of their own accord". That's not my opinion it's the teaching of an Ecumenical Council.
Oh, and just to b clear there is no such thing as a subdeacon in the OF any longer. The great Paul VI abolished it because he felt like it. Every other ancient church has sub deacons except us. Even Satanists have subdeacons but we don't. And all because one radical pope imposed his own personal views on the Church. Just have a solemn High EF Mass. Do it right or don't do it at all. And remember the Devil loves disobedient priests. I'm just saying. And when you are dyng he will be right there accusing you of your disobedience don't forget that.
To my detractors, I would like to know what your opinion is of having the Liturgy of the Hours as a part of Mass, or, The Holy Rosary and Exposition prior to Mass, or even the Sacrament of Confession prior to Mass?
And what about devotionals after Mass, such as processions, rosary, Scripture readings and the like.
Show me within the Order of Mass above, meaning beginning with the Introit, what is illicit. There Rite of Blessing and Sprinkling Holy Water is optional.
There is no law against a para-liturigcal rite of Sprinkling before Mass, none whatsoever.
Father McDonald, thanks for displaying such courage and wisdom in the face of the left-wing loonism which has wreaked such havoc in the Holy, Roman, Catholic and Apostolic Church over the past 50 years. I would be honored to be a parishioner of yours.
Tacking "extras" on to the beginning and end of the Mass is the origin of many, many difficulties. Using extras from different rites, then rationalizing them by saying, "Well, they're not REALLY part of the Mass," is just an excuse for doing what is clearly forbidden.
Introducing elements of the EF by disguising them as para-liturgical acts is dishonest.
There is no Asperges at the first Mass of Christmas, and never has been, since this rite is only performed at the principal SUNDAY Mass. If you are going to add anything to the Novus Ordo (and it is a 'pick and mix' rite anyway) make sure that it is in conformity with the tradition of the Roman Rite.
The prologue of John used as the Last Gospel is a comparatively late addition to the Roman Rite and is never sung. If you want to chant it after Mass, go ahead. There is no recessional in the Roman Rite anyway which means a vernacular hymn may be sung at this point even in an EF Solemn Mass.
The priest being assisted by two deacons at an OF Solemn Mass is perfectly legitimate and is standard Oratorian practice in England. No harm in calling one of them a subdeacon - what's in a name?
The Liturgia Horarum is never part of Mass. In monastic communities Mass is celebrated between Terce and Sext. The first Mass of Christmas does not have to be at midnight; it is the Missa in Nocte and in the older Rite was preceded by (anticipated) Matins.
Mixing of rites is not allowed, but according to SP there is only one rite. Where does it say that mixing of forms is illicit? The Ordinariate Missal does just that.
A ceremony which traditionally precedes the first Mass of Christmas is the blessing of the crib, which uses holy water and incense. But the Asperges - never.
How I wish I could be there!
Father, hope you have a blessed Christmas.
Thank you Mallen and a blessed Christmas to you as well and a healthy New Year AD!
Father, be sure to use the Roman Canon. :)
Merry Christmas!
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