
Tuesday, May 19, 2015


"Christianity is the religion of unrest and of contradiction; it knows no self-soothing. Following Christ means, on the one hand, self-sacrifice, anarchy, dissolving all social bonds, even those of the family, freedom from care, poverty and a love of our enemies that mocks all laws of self-preservation. On the other hand it means passing on the faith, the great mission, helping the poor and the weak. That involves being an institution, becoming a system and apparatus, and that means..."

Find out who said it and the lengthy article on the liturgy HERE.

Here, though is what Pope Francis did tell Italian bishops just yesterday:

A sensibility that also involves “not being timid … in denouncing and fighting against a widespread mentality of the public and private corruption that shamelessly impoverishes families, pensioners, honest workers and Christian communities, discarding the young, who are systematically deprived of any hope for their future, and above all marginalising the weak and the needy. It is an ecclesial sensibility that, as good pastors, makes us go forth towards the People of God to defend them from ideological colonisations that take away their identity and human dignity”.

(My comment for the following: Here it seems that Pope Francis sees the laity's essential role not in churchy, ecclesiastical things, but in the secular world, where, if they are properly formed in the Catholic Faith, they can do what they need to do without bishops trying to do it for them (in the secular world). To this I say, Amen, Alleluia!:)

The strengthening of the essential role of the laity is another of the concrete applications of pastoral sensibility, since “laypeople with an authentic Christian formation should not need a bishop-guide … to assume their own responsibilities at all levels, political to social, economic to legislative. However, they do need a bishop-pastor”.

(Then there is this on religious life): “Why do we let the religious institutes, monasteries and congregations age so much, almost to the point of no longer giving evangelical witness faithful to the founding charism? Why do we not try to regroup them before it is too late?”. This is a global problem that, as the Holy Father stated, indicates a lack of ecclesial sensibility.

1 comment:

Angry Augustinian said...

Um, Mosebacher favors a return to the Tridentine, pre-Vat II Mass and a return to true. Catholic identity.
I have not heard the Pope say this…ever.