FATIMA: the prophecy of a crisis and the promise of an eagerly awaited triumph
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Bl. Jacinta Marto |
Francesca Bonadonna
Famiglia Domani
May 22, 2014
Almost a century has passed since the great Fatima event when Our Lady, messenger of God, appeared to the three little shepherds to give an immensely important message and to offer Her maternal intercession for a humanity afflicted by sin - a humanity, more narcotized than ever by creeping secularization, Most Holy Mary is the Queen of the eagerly awaited kingdom, foreseen according to Her promise and unforeseen according to its time and modality; the hope of a new millennium for the children of Light i.e. the militant forces of the People of God moved by the Holy Ghost amid the breakers of unrest and disorder but heading towards the safe harbor described in St. John Bosco’s dream, which points to the two pillars of salvation: the Holy Eucharist and the Virgin Mary.
In 1917 at the Cova da Iria, Our Lady launched a strong, clear message - a message that very few have accepted into their lives: the Consecration to Her Immaculate Heart, unfulfilled, according to the instructions given to Sister Lucia, for us to avoid the errors of communism and the outcome of wars and persecutions to Holy Church and the Holy Father. Human weakness and the failed response to the Divine call have irremediably determined the frightful, perverse scenario of our times of which we are helpless onlookers.This frightful scenario is like an overflowing river that engulfs us each day, crossing our paths, our squares, our cities, our country and the entire world. The TV channels and radio stations are polluted by a cesspit of lies, where there is nothing that refers to God for the edification of society: on the contrary, we have promoters of easy conquests like the non-fulfilling politicians and statesmen, at the service of skilful direction, who make false promises which shortly after come to nothing.A crisis that was foreseen and made known in 1917, is now full-blown: at little less than a century away we are at the countdown for the shortening of these times of iniquity, prepared by the false myths of science which, more than ever, dare to challenge God’s creative omnipotence by changing and shunning the natural law based on the procreative action of the family, the only source of life and the only school of universal, perennial values.An induced disorientation, that displaces the best consciences and confounds the toughest intellects, blinded by their lust for power and fame, led astray by the satanic illusion of false promises that depart from the service of the good to which we must be devoted until the end. Our Lady spoke to the three little shepherds in order ‘to scatter the proud in the imagination of their hearts and exalt the humble’, in a time of apostasy activated to annul the dogma of the Faith and turn absolute truths upside down. It is the Church that suffers because of the betrayal of Her ministers who, having been sucked into the vortex of corruption, drive the sheep away from the fold, helpless as they are, to discern the voice of their shepherd.We are on the threshold of the Great Promise of Fatima, that of the Woman Clothed with the Sun, at the dawn of a new era of peace: She, who will triumph with a sudden mysterious act and will clothe humanity in a new light - the radiant light of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Spouse of Christ, who continuously prays, cries and suffers with His Church, for the loss of Her children, hoping to the very last for their salvation, as a mother does on the threshold of giving birth to new life.
[A Rorate translation by contributor Francesca Romana]
Vigil of Ascension, St. Robert Bellarmine, Lesser Litanines and Rogation, and Our Lady of Fatima.
What a day! An incredible sermon could be given weaving together these four aspects of today.
It's written in an elegantly persuasive style.
Father, in seriousness, why are you posting this from Rorate Caeli? Those of us in the know, know what they stand for and how they are nearly a mirror of the SSPX in thought and spirituality. In other words, Radicals Misrepresenting Tradiionalists. So why?
The U.S. House of Representatives will today vote on a landmark pro-life bill, H.R. 36: The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
Causing a hughe kerfuffle in the pro-abort camp.
Pray and call...
Rorate Caeli are "radicals misrepresenting Traditionalists"? How would you define "Traditionalists"?
Scare tactics?
If there is a legitimate reason to warn people, it's not a scare tactic; It's sensible.
Obviously, since 1917, not enough people have taken the warnings seriously.
Those who ignore the message of Fatima, or think that everything has been fulfilled, do so at their own peril.
Traditionalist=Roman Catholics in good standing prior to 1965.
Does the SSPX teach Catholic faith as it was taught before 1965? Perhaps Lefebvrian can tell us if that is the case.
If I remember correctly Benedict XVI lifted the excommunication of their Bishops. The present Holy Father, and also his successor, says they are part of the Roman Catholic Church, albeit the priestly society they belong to temporarily is an irregular status.
I am not a member of their group and never was.
Julian Barkin,
Pope Paul VI urged Catholics to enter into a new age of dialogue, leaving behind the fortress mentality of the past. This does not mean we should allow any reductions in faith or morals, as some image, but it does mean that we should look as hard as we can for whatever good we can find in the positions of others. Although neither Traditionalists nor Modernist make this dialogue easy, it is up to us in the center to work very hard to make it possible. Fr. McDonald is doing an exemplary job facilitating this dialogue.
SSPX are in a bit of a time warp when it comes to being like the Church was prior to Vatican II. But they aren't even this in the strict sense as they have defied an ecumenical council, even in its pastoral teachings, and have defied several popes--that is not a pre-Vatican II Catholic, that is a schismatic act even if technically not completely schismatic.
There is not pre-Vatican II about Catholic priests suspended from their ministry still functioning in defiance of this disciplinary action.
Catholic prior to the Second Vatican Council were obedient to the Magisterium and fearful of disciplinary action as it could affect their eternal salvation.
John, I cannot speak for the Society. I seems to be that to be a Catholic, one must believe the faith as taught prior to 1965. I wouldn't say this is a hallmark of the SSPX so much as a hallmark of being a Roman Catholic.
Fr. McDonald, I don't understand what it means to say that the SSPX have "defied an ecumenical council" especially in this instance. Do you have something specific in mind?
You might want to learn about a concept called "magisterial positivism" since your understanding of obedience to the Magisterium appears to be mistaken. If you do, you will find that blind obedience to the current pope is not Catholic. So, in this regard, you will find the SSPX to be thoroughly Catholic.
Although there is certainly considerable confusion about faith and morals today, it was not the Second Vatican Council that introduced this confusion. On the contrary, Vatican II specifically says, "following in the footsteps of the Council of Trent and of the First Vatican Council, this present council wishes to set forth authentic doctrine on divine revelation and how it is handed on", and "this it intends to do following faithfully the teaching of previous councils".
Therefore, anyone attempting to implement VCII without remaining faithful to Trent will only cause confusion.
Moses warned.
St John The Baptist warned.
Jesus warned and still warns.
That Christ's mother conveys that warning should be no surprise.
There is plenty to warn about.
Dialogue, I think I would disagree that VCII should be "implemented." At any rate, I don't know that it matters, really. I'm curious how one can defy an ecumenical council. It seems like you're suggesting the entire Church defied VCII by not "implementing" it properly.
Most German bishops and Cardinals are in open rebellion against the present Holy Father. Have they excommunicated themselves, de facto? I think so. That is the biggest elephant in the room.
The greatest threat to Church unity is not from the SSPX but from left wing persons who prefer liberation theology to 2000 years of Catholic doctrine.
I have not suggested that the entire Church "defied" VCII. Where did you get that?
Defying a pope and local bishops in the areas of even discipline is very serious and has nothing to do with faithful Catholicism. The SSPX are clearly wrong on this and in cahoots with progressives who do the same thing but simply are as organized to make their mortal sin institutionalized.
Dialogue, I'm not trying to put words in your mouth! It seemed that you were suggesting that the problem of VCII is a problem of lack of proper implementation, which it seems you think should have been done in accordance with prior councils. If that's the case and it hasn't been done, it seems to follow that the Church defied the wishes of the council by not properly implementing it. Right?
I think it's an interesting topic. But, as I mentioned before, j think that VCII has very little relevance to the Church today, even if one were to assume it was ever relevant. For that reason, since it is explicitly pastoral in nature, it seems best left to the dustbin of history in favor of the traditional doctrines and practices -- and that's exactly how I consider it. Or, better to state clearly, I don't consider VCII at all.
Fr. McDonald, defying the pope and the bishop in discipline is very serious. That is why one needs a very serious reason to do so. In the order of things, the faith comes before obedience. So holding fast to our Lord and the faith he has delivered to us through the apostles can override other concerns. I hope you can see the difference between that position and the progressive heretics running many dioceses and attempting to change the Church's clear teaching to suit their own sexual desires.
If you haven't done so, it might behoove you to read some of the writings and listen to the sermons of Abp. Lefebvre. You might find that, while you don't agree with his decisions, you are at least able to understand why he made them and why the Society continues with its mission in the way that it does.
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