
Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Overall the skilled tone of the vice presidential debate was very edifying. It was good and it was wholesome. I wish these two were the presidential candidates rather than the two clowns we have, one completely uncharitable and the other a cackling, empty headed hen who never lays that egg as Lucy once describe a cackling friend on I Love Lucy, “Marion, stop that cackling, I’m been waiting ten years for you to lay that egg!”

But clearly Senator J.D. Vance’s star shone more brightly than the nervous, self-described knucklehead, who also has lied about his personal life and serving in war and being in China during a major revolt there. 

Pope Francis recently said during a high altitude interview that Catholics in the USA have to choose between the lesser of two evils as His Holiness described the anti-life stances of Trump and Harris as it concerns migration and abortion.

As it concerns migration, Pope Francis would prefer the “lesser evil” policies of the Harris-Biden administration for the past three years and not what Trump is proposing in terms of the wall to stop free flowing illegal migration. His Holiness would see Trump’s desire to shut down illegal migration as anti life and certainly would see as anti-life the deportation of illegal migrants especially if it separates family members. 

I am not sure how Pope Francis would feel about Harris’ flip flops on migration in order to get votes. These flip-flops in the pope’s eyes would be more evil than her previous stance. 

As it concerns abortion, the pope’s words in no way can make the migration issues on an equal plane as how His Holiness describes abortion. He calls it murder and His Holiness recently doubled down on that in another high altitude interview. There is no wiggle room for the pope when it comes to the intrinsic evil of abortion which he says is murder because it is. 

While, unfortunately, Vance and Walz aren’t the presidential candidates, the lesser of evils still applies on these two issues. Abortion is always murder and at least one person always dies. We never hear about the number of women who die because of a so-called safe abortion, so in addition to the baby who is murdered, the mother also dies in many cases. At least one person always dies in a horrible way in a safe abortion and sometimes more than one to include the mother and twins, triplets, etc. 

I am dismayed that Vance has had to sell his soul to the grotesque immorality of the American people when it comes to the murder of babies. I wish he had promoted good, affordable health care for both the mother and child/children during pregnancy and adoption for any unwanted children. 

But Vance’s flip flop on abortion due to political pressure is no where near what Walz is proposing. Walz wants no protection for babies under the mandate of law. He wants the Wildwest where the mother and her doctor decide who will live and die with no interference of law. How flawed and evil is that—it’s intrinsically evil. 

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