
Saturday, January 15, 2022


 O my! This is Macon’s St. Joseph Church’s 2010 Annual Stewardship Renewal video. We produced it with the time and talent of our parishioners and showed it at all our Sunday Masses. We did not pay to have someone produce this. It was “homemade!” A few depicted in the video have passed on to their eternal reward. Others have simply passed on! In one shot of our RCIA class there is a current seminarian approaching diaconate who was a candidate for full communion with the true Church. I haven’t viewed this in years. I would also say this period of time was the peak of my priestly abilities and creativity and stamina/energy. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh way. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. The final Vignette of the video is a tear jerker for me…. 

St Joseph Catholic Church Stewardship Video 2010 from stjosephmacon on Vimeo.


TJM said...

Over at Father Z’s today he published a letter from a pastor in Chicago who responded to Cupuch’s ban on ad orientem worship in the OF Mass. It took a lot of courage to take on that leftist bully. I suspect the pastor will be sent to a re-education camp. So in the Archdiocese of Chicago, they have an Archbishop who obviously does not understand the rubrics of the OF or could care less.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Tell the pastor to have the Benedictine altar arrangement and stop whining!

TJM said...

Father McDonald,

The Archbishop is acting ultra vires. Most credible canonists would agree. Evil actions should be ignored.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Need I remind you that in the pre-Vatican II Church, popes and bishops for notorious for acting this way. But there is that little old problem that happens at ordinations, deacons and priests promise obedience to their bishop and his successors.

TJM said...

I was around in the pre-Vatican II Church and cannot recall one instance where a bishop or any other prelate ordered a priest to violate or not follow the rubrics of the Mass. That is what Cupich is doing. Meanwhile, abuse after abuse takes place at St. Sabina's and an openly gay priest serves as a priest in the Archdiocese of Chicago. You are lucky you are not serving under this man. Of all people, who call for the return to ad orientem worship, you should have compassion for a faithful priest trying to reinvigorate worship, instead of telling him to suck it up.

TJM said...

Father McDonald,

I think you will find Archbishop Cordileone’s article in The National Catholic Register today a stark contrast to Cardinal Cupich’s position on ad orientem. Unlike Cupich, Cordileone understands the current crisis in the Church was brought about in large measure by a loss of sacred tradition through false aggiornamento

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

I can’t find that Register you have a link?

John said...

Talking about how to fix the worship is akin to discussing the best storage option for the deck chairs on the Titanic. The real problem is lack of faith among the clergy and ditto among the laity. While talking about Risorgimento power-seeking has become the main sport in the Church. Cardinal Cupich or any other prelate who arbitrarily struts his stuff because he can is not motivated by empathy or love.

By the way, Jesus Christ did not demand promising obedience standing on the knees when callin the 12 Apostles.

John Nolan said...

Fr McDonald

There was a 'little old problem' in Nazi Germany caused by the fact that the Wehrmacht had sworn obedience to Adolf Hitler.

'Only following orders' was not accepted as a defence at Nuremberg.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Well, if my Bishop told me to stop celebrating the OF Mass ad orientem in our chapel, which is the normal way we do there, I would obey him. It’s not like he asking me to exterminate the Jews, gypsies and others not perfect, which I would not obey. Let’s not mix apples and oranges. Obedience to one’s Bishop is predicated upon the faith, morals and canon laws of the Church, all out in the open, including regulation of the liturgy.
I would only hope that Fr. Celebrity at St. Sabina would obey his Cardinal Archbishop when he is asked to celebrate only ad orientem and to offer an EF Mass once a month. Yes, bishops and popes are their own worst enemy when they do and say and order stupid things, but again, it’s not like asking us to exterminate people just a form of the Mass.

TJM said...

Father McDonald,

Here is the link:

The difference between the two bishops is astounding. Of course Cordileone is a faithful Catholic.

Your bishop's order would be ultra vires. In a decent world he would be degraded from his office if he pulled a stunt like that. The Catholic Church is on life support in Chicago.

John Nolan said...

Fr McDonald,

Regulating the liturgy does NOT mean inventing your own rules amd imposing them by episcopal fiat.

TJM said...

Trying to eliminate the EF is akin to extreminating, just peoples' souls not their bodies. TC will go down in history as one of the most craven acts in papal history. It is repugnant to the laws of Christ and His Church.