
Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Fr. Z reports on this so called fake news:

I have had some questions about a rumor going around that dramatic changes are going to be imposed on the older, traditional Form of Roman Rite.  Someone thinks that the new Lectionary and calendar will be imposed on the 1962 Missale sometime in 2018.

But wouldn't this be more plausible and more pleasant fake news:

It is reported that the Ordinary Form of the Mass will allow for the option of the Extraordinary Form's Order of the Mass, albeit in the vernacular, with all of the Ef's rubrics along with the exclusive use of the low voice Roman Canon. The revised lectionary and revised Roman Calendar will remain.


TJM said...

Amen! Deus Vult!

Rood Screen said...

I think we all know with certainty that the latter is not about to happen. Such is our depression.

John Nolan said...

The organization which, since 1965, has done most to promote and facilitate the classic Roman Rite in England and Wales, even to the extent of gaining an indult in 1971, is the Latin Mass Society. Get that? LATIN Mass Society. In 1965 the Novus Ordo was still a work in progress, but it was clear to everyone that the interim Missal was a temporary expedient. In the event, a mere two years later it was replaced by another interim rite which introduced many aspects of the Novus Ordo and which was, in most places, performed entirely in the vernacular.

I have yet to meet anyone who says that they would like the Tridentine Mass to be in English, or would attend it if it were. The fact that it is in Latin is crucial to its identity. Even the Novus Ordo is more authentic if celebrated in Latin, in the same way that Shakespeare is more authentic when performed in English.

Sein oder Nichtsein, das ist hier die Frage:
Obs edler im Gemüt die Pfeil und Schleudern
Des wütenden Geschicks erdulden, oder
Sich waffnend gegen eine See von Plagen,
Durch Widerstand sie enden?

Schlegel's and Tieck's 19th century translations have made Shakespeare a German classic, but a lot had to be sacrificed in the process.

Gene said...

John Nolan, There is always French:

Être, ou ne pas être, c'est là la question :
Y a-t-il plus de noblesse d'âme à souffrir
Les frondes et les flèches de la fortune outrageante,
Qu'à prendre les armes contre une mer de tourments
Et par rébellion mettre fin à ceux-ci ?

Gene said...

Or, much more troubling, what is being taught in many modern classrooms:

The question is: is it better to be alive or dead? Is it nobler to put up with all the nasty things that luck throws your way, or to fight against all those troubles by simply putting an end to them once and for all?

John Nolan said...


The Catholic poet Francis Thompson (1859-1907) was, towards the end of his short and unhappy life, invited by a friend to a cricket match at Lord's between Lancashire and Middlesex. Thompson, a Lancastrian, declined the invitation, but penned the following immortal lines:

'It is little I repair to the matches of the Southron folk,
Though my own red roses there may blow:
It is little I repair to the matches of the Southron folk,
Though the red roses crest the caps, I know.
For the field is full of shades as I near a shadowy coast,
And a ghostly batsman plays to the bowling of a ghost,
And I look through my tears on a soundless-clapping host,
As the run-stealers flicker to and fro - to and fro -
O my Hornby and my Barlow long ago!'

Intranslatable into any language.