There is a southern custom of "flocking" neighbor's yards with plastic pink flamingos as a fundraiser. Any resemblance of those attending our Laetare Sunday Mass and these pink Flamingos is purely coincidental!UPDATED! These were taken by Dr. Buck Melton who takes so many outstanding shots of various activities at St. Joseph. These are just too good not to post. Someone asked about the medals on my borrowed blazer, these were given to me by representatives from other parade festivals, San Antonio, Rose Bowl Parade, Pasadena, and the Minneapolis parade committee. There are others of the Laetare Mass where Cherry Blossom Festival dignitaries and politicians were present in their pink, I mean, rose:
Have you ever heard of flocking? The Baptist Churches down in this neck of the woods use "flocking" as a fund raiser. They show up in the middle of the night at a Parishoners house (do they call them that?) and put 100 Platic Pink Flamingos on your lawn with a sign that says "you've been flocked by XYZ Baptist Church". You can get rid of them by caling the Church and paying $50, or you can buy flock insurance to prevent it for $25. I think it's funny as hell.
Anyway, that's exactly what I thought of when I saw those pictures..."Oh my, the flocked St. Joseph"
I don't know...I'm up a bit north of Macon in a rural area. Folks might get a load of birdshot if they go flocking around people's houses at night...LOL!
No, Temp. In your neck of the woods they call them 'Shacks'. Sorry, couldn't resist.
Fr. You have based on the effusive and gushing praises from Templar I think you have accomplished a miracle.
LMAO....rcg I meant do they call them Parishoners not do they call they houses!! Too funny.
Baptists: Congregation
Catholics: Parishioners
Flamingos: flamboyance/flock/money maker
And, the photos are terrific, I do declare. Dr. Melton is truly gifted, and we are blessed to have him in our parish family! Well done, Buck and well done, Father Mac.
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