
Thursday, December 22, 2011


My parish is fairly good about going to confession. We need two priests for our Saturday Confessions that run around an hour and a half. We have confessions Monday through Thursday at 7:30 AM prior to our 8:00 AM Mass. We had a fairly well attended Advent Penance Service last Thursday and we'll hear confessions Christmas Eve morning at 11:00 AM.

Father Dawid from Poland tells me that at this time of year Polish priests in Poland can hear confessions up to 8 hours a day. I told him that makes sense since the Polish people are notoriously sinful.

How about you. With all the times available to go to confession, have you been?


Gene said...

A lapsed Catholic decided after ten years to go to Confession and return to the Church. He arrived early and walked into the Confessional at the rear of the Church. He was surprised to see one wall stocked with fine scotches and bourbons, and a humidor on the other wall with fine Cuban cigars. As the Priest walked in, the man said, "Gee, Father, things have sure changed for the better since my last confession." The Priest replied, "Get out, you're on my side."

Templar said...

Isn't that a coincidence, the Polish avail themselves of Confession much more than Americans....and Poland is also one of the few countries where Communion in the hand is not a common practice.

Yup, amazing coincidence.

Yes I've been, but I won't say it proudly. Eight months between visits to the box is too long, thank you Father Kwiatkowski for admonishing me, I shall do better in 2012.

Anonymous said...

Father, aren't you going to get in trouble for calling the Sacrament "Confession"? The US Church party line is "Reconciliation". And while we're at it, stop calling your services "Mass". You know it's supposed to exclusively "Liturgy". Of course, they'll also excuse you if you call it "coming to Eucharist".

You'd better get your jargon down!

Anonymous said...

In Italy, the line for confessions is long and the line for communion is short. Here in America people have lost the sence of sin. It is sad. I also believe that if American priests were to spend more time in the confessional then more people would go to confession. I am glad you at St Joes hear confessions during the week. More parishes should do that, SPECIALLY this time of year and during Lent. Doesn't heaven rejoice every time a sinner repents? As a priest, wouldn't it bring great joy to know that you are helping Heaven rejoice every time you absolve someone of their sins? St John Vianney, please pray for us and our priests!!

Gene said...

When I first heard Confession called "Reconciliation," I laughed out loud. "How PC," I thought. No one should be reminded of any shame or guilt, oh no! Let's see, "Lord's Supper" so no one has to be reminded of the Blood of Calvary and Sacrifice; "Reconciliation," so no one has to feel guilt or shame. Now, let's move the Tabernacle to the side so no one has to be reminded by that annoying Flame...that might make them feel the need for Confession; fill the hymnal with smarmy, feel-good, trite songs so no one focuses upon the Sovreignty of God or the suffering Christ; don't kneel, for God's sake, because that might just indicate humility and awe...yep, we are almost to First Baptist Church...

John Calvin said...

Reconciliation happened at Calvary. It is what makes us want to go to Confession. The reconciliation of man to God and of men to each other in Christ is not predicated upon my confessing my sins, nor does the Sacrifice at Calvary need to be repeated in the confessional. Confession is a part of Sanctification, not Reconciliation.

Anonymous said...

Like Rip Van Winkle I awoke form a 25 yr slumber, (returned to the Church) to find all kinds of strange things going on:
holding hands or limply liftly hand/arms during the Our Father at Mass, parishioners using the 2-finger 'peace sign' at the sign of peace, hardly anyone staying in the pew at Communion time, getting a blessing in the Communion line, and the term 'Reconciliation'.
I still have a hard time saying Reconcilation...but I must admit...the more I ponder it, the more I understand it.
Firt of all, each Catechism version that I read uses multiple terms to describe the sacrament:
the Sacrament of Penance and the Sacrament of Reconcilitation.
Sometimes I see it written as the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.
Well, if the term is good enough for the Catechism, then I figure who am I to poo-poo it so quickly?

The more I ponder it, the more I like the term.
It most certainly IS the reconciliation of a sinner (me)to God.
It's my own da** fault if I am separated from God, and therefore it' my job to reconcile.
Reconciliation is a beautiful thing, and it's what Jesus died for...

In my opinion, and it's just my opinion, the term the "Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation" suits best, as both aspects are fundamental to the sacrament and I just don't see how one can remove either from the name of the sacrament.

Having said's kind of odd to me how the Church itself seems unsure of what to name the sacrament...kinda makes me chuckle.
And having said all that...I have to confess that when I speak, I just say "I'm going to Confession".

Templar---7 months! I am shocked!
It's OK to go to Reconciliation at you-know-where, ya'know.


Anonymous said...

True story - a good friend who had been away from the church went, with much trepidation, to Confession. He entered & the priest said to him "lets make this quick, I have a golf date"...

Give me a holy priest to confess to & I will go a lot more often. Give me priests who care about the souls of their flocks & who preach the truth of the gospel, including our need to go to confession,& the lines will grow in response to hearing truth.

Everyone can chime in all they want with the 'fact' that who the confessor is does not matter, but I will remember the look on my friend's face as he told me that story for the rest of my life.

Golf dates aside, I do wish that there were more priests who would admonish us as did Father Dawid with Templar & that in my neck of the woods the words confession, reconciliation & sin were heard a whole lot more often from the ambo. -pgal

Anonymous said...

pin - you are my HERO! I need to know your TRUE identity - I thought I knew who you were, but now I think I am wrong... at any rate, blessings on you as you fight on! -pgal

Gene said...

pgal, My name is Gene Williams and I am a member of St. Joseph's, where I help with RCIA. I am a former Presbyterian minister and have been a theology and Bible student all my adult life. Thanks.

Templar said...

Squeeker: Just so you think I am not a complete reprobate, for a while I did try to go to confession at "you know where", but after being turned away a few times (sorry, have to vest for Mass, can you just make an appointment?); having to ask for Penance once; having to ask for absolution to be correctly stated once; having to be confessed by a Priest in a resort shirt and stole; I just couldn't stand it any longer.

I now work in Macon quite often and plan to avail myself of the Mon-Fri Confessional opportunities at St Joseph, which is why I think I'll do better in 2012.

But thanks for keeping me honest Squeek.

Anonymous said...

Thanks pin for revealing your ID! I am a convert living in TN, but was birthed into the Catholic Church (along with my family)by the pretty incredible priest you have have as your current head Pastor. You have quite the treasure in both St Joe's & FAJM - gold, frankincense & myrrh all wrapped into one awesome package! Enjoy every second you have with them both! Blessed ChristMass! -pgal